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arhiduka(kwo) archduke

arigatoo(exklami) thanks, thank you

Syn.: danke, shukran


aritmetika(kwo) arithmetic

aritmetike(kwel) arithmetic, arithmetical

arivi(zwo) arrive (at destination, at a certain place)

ariva(kwo) arrival

Ant.: departi

arka(kwo) arc; arch (cf. “raduga”)

arkaike(kwel) archaic

arkitekter(kwo) architect

arkitektura(kwo) architecture

arkiva(kwo) archive, archives

arkivi(zwo) archive

Arktika(kwo) the Arctic

arktike(kwel) arctic

Arktike Osean(kwo) Arctic Ocean

arku(kwo) bow (weapon)

Arkuman(kwo) Sagittarius

arma(kwo) weapon

stal-arma — cold steel

agni-arma — fire-arms

armas(kwo) arms, armament

armisi(zwo) arm

armisa(kwo) arming

arma-dun(kwo) loophole, embrasure

armee(kwo) army

armeeyuan(kwo) military man, serviceman

aroma(kwo) aroma

aroma-herba — aromatic herbs

aromaful(kwel) full of aroma, aromatic, fragrant or sweet-smelling

aromike(kwel) aromatic (chem.)

arosi(zwo) moisten, wet, water (with any liquid)

aroser(kwo) watering-pot

arpa(kwo) harp

arsenal(kwo) arsenal


arsenik(kwo) arsenic (chem.)

arta(kwo) art

artista(kwo) artist

arteria(kwo) artery

artifisiale(kwel) artificial (man-made; false; unnatural — cf. “jengun-ney”)

artikla(kwo) article (a part of speech in some languages)

(cf. “makala”)

artileria(kwo) artillery

artishok(kwo) artichoke

arya (kwo) Aryan

arya-ney (kwel) Aryan

as(kwo) ace (playing card; expert)


asada(kwo) siege

asadi(zwo) siege, besiege


asembli(zwo) assemble: collect, bring together (people, materials, etc.)

asembla(kwo) assemblage, assembly; meeting, gathering

generale asembla — general meeting/assembly

desasembli(zwo) disassemble, take to pieces

Syn.: jami

asendi(zwo) go up, ascend, mount

asendi sulam — mount a ladder/stairway

asendi kaval — mount a horse

avion oltaim asendi-te — the plane kept ascending

prais asendi — prices come up

asenda(kwo) ascension

Syn.: go uupar

Ant.: desendi

aserti(zwo) assert, aver, claim, state

aserta(kwo) assertion, claim, statement

asfalta(kwo) asphalt

Asia(kwo) Asia

asilum(kwo) asylum, sanctuary

Syn.: refuja

asimili(zwo) assimilate (physiol. and fig. — cf. "similisi")

asimila(kwo) assimilation

asimut(kwo) azimuth


asla(kwo) donkey, ass


aspa(kwo) quotation mark


asparaga(kwo) asparagus

aspekti(zwo) look, appear

aspekti fatigi-ney — look tired

aspekta(kwo) aspect, view, sight, look, appearance

fai aspekta — pretend, affect, feign

aspiri(zwo) aspire, desire eagerly, long for, aim at, seek after

aspira(kwo) aspiration, striving

astat(kwo) astatine (chem.)

asteroida (kwo) asteroid (astron.)

astoni(zwo) astonish, amaze

fa-astoni(zwo) be amazed, be astonished, marvel, wonder

astoni-she, astonival(kwel) astonishing, marvelous

astoni-shem (astonem) — (komo) astonishingly

astoni-shem jamile gela — astonishingly beautiful girl

astona(kwo) amazement, astonishment

astrologia (kwo) astrology

astrologier (kwo) astrologer

astronomia (kwo) astronomy

astronomier (kwo) astronomer

astronomike (kwel) astronomical

ataki(zwo) attack, assail, assault