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ataka(kwo) attack, assault

chu-ataka(kwo) sally, sortie

atarafi(kwo) move aside, draw aside; step aside

(Origin: a+taraf+i)

ateisma(kwo) atheism

ateista(kwo) atheist

ateni(zwo) attain, reach, achieve

ateni e sobrepasi — catch up and overtake

lopi-ateni — catch up by running

raki-ateni — catch up by car (or other vehicle)

atena(kwo) achievement, attainment, accomplishment

atenta(kwo) attention

fai nul atenta om koysa — pay no attention to smth

atenti(zwo) be attentive to, heed, mind, pay attention to

atenta-ney (atente) (kwel) attentive, alert

atenta-nem (atentem) — (komo) attentively, closely, carefully.

(cf. “chauke”)

Atlantike Osean, Atlantika(kwo) Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic

atlas(kwo) (anat., geog.) atlas


atletika(kwo) athletics

atletike(kwel) athletic


atma(kwo) soul

atma-ney(kwel) of soul

dusatma-ney(kwel) bad souled, base


atmosfera(kwo) atmosphere

atom(kwo) atom

atom-ney(kwel) atomic

atrakti(zwo) attract

atrakta(kwo) attraction

atraktive(kwel) attractive

audi(zwo) hear; listen

Me bu audi nixa. — I don’t hear anything.

Audi ba! — Listen!

hao-audi-ke musika — a music that is good to hear

bu-gwo-audi-ke — unheard-of

auda(kwo) hearing (auditory faculty)

auding(kwo) listening; audition

audibile(kwel) audible

audike(kwel) auditory, acoustic

audibilitaa(kwo) audibility

audisens(kwo) sense of hearing

audimogsa(kwo) hearing ability

fa-audi(zwo) be heard, be audible

finaudi(zwo) listen to the end

auder(kwo) (telephone) receiver

See also: slu

audio(kwo, kwel) audio

rekordi audio — record audio

augusto(kwo) August (also mes-ot)

in augusto — in August

aur(kwo) ear

aurganda(kwo) cerumen

aus (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward movement)

pren kalam aus posh — take a pencil out of the pocket

Lai aus! — Come out!

2) (made) of (material), out of

botela aus glas — bottle made of glass, glass bottle

Me he zwo palas aus shamba. — I made a palace out of the room.

ausen(konekti-komo) outside of, on the outside, beyond the limits of

ausen dom — outside the house

Me jivi ausen urba. — I live out of town.

Sedey ye frosta ausen. — It freezes outdoors.

Sey dwar bu ofni fon ausen, sol fon inen. — This door does not open from outside, only from within.

ausen-ney(kwel) outer, external

ausenklaida(kwo) overclothes

ausen-taraf(kwo) the outside

ausen-munda(kwo) the outer world

ausdumi(zwo) think up, think out, concoct

ausflai(zwo) fly out

ausjivi(zwo) survive, remain alive

ausjiving(kwo) survival, surviving

auskati(zwo) cut out, carve out

auskavi(zwo) dig out, dig up

auskupi(zwo) redeem; ransom

auskupa(kwo) redemption, redeeming; ransom

auskwesti (zwo) question, elicit, try to find out from smb

auslanda(kwo) foreign countries

in auslanda — abroad

auslanda-ney(kwel) foreign, of foreign countries

auslandajen, auslander(kwo) foreigner, a person from a foreign country (cf. "gariba")

auslasi(kwo) let out, release; emit (of sound)

Origin: aus+lasi

auslyu(kwo) omit, leave out

Origin: aus+lyu

ausmorti (zwo) die out, become extinct

auspren(zwo) take out, pull out, extract

ausspiri(zwo) exhale, breathe out

ausspira(kwo) exhalation, outward breath

Ant.: inuspiri

ausyusi(zwo) wear out

ausyusa(kwo) wear and tear

(Origin: aus+yusi)

autentike(kwel) authentic (genuine, real)

autentikitaa(kwo) authenticity


auto(kwo) automobile, car, motor-car

automat(kwo) automatic machine, automaton, automat