ataka — (kwo) attack, assault
chu-ataka — (kwo) sally, sortie
atarafi — (kwo) move aside, draw aside; step aside
(Origin: a+taraf+i)
ateisma — (kwo) atheism
ateista — (kwo) atheist
ateni — (zwo) attain, reach, achieve
ateni e sobrepasi — catch up and overtake
lopi-ateni — catch up by running
raki-ateni — catch up by car (or other vehicle)
atena — (kwo) achievement, attainment, accomplishment
atenta — (kwo) attention
fai nul atenta om koysa — pay no attention to smth
atenti — (zwo) be attentive to, heed, mind, pay attention to
atenta-ney (atente) — (kwel) attentive, alert
atenta-nem (atentem) — (komo) attentively, closely, carefully.
(cf. “chauke”)
Atlantike Osean, Atlantika — (kwo) Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic
atlas — (kwo) (anat., geog.) atlas
atletika — (kwo) athletics
atletike — (kwel) athletic
atma — (kwo) soul
atma-ney — (kwel) of soul
dusatma-ney — (kwel) bad souled, base
atmosfera — (kwo) atmosphere
atom — (kwo) atom
atom-ney — (kwel) atomic
atrakti — (zwo) attract
atrakta — (kwo) attraction
atraktive — (kwel) attractive
audi — (zwo) hear; listen
Me bu audi nixa. — I don’t hear anything.
Audi ba! — Listen!
hao-audi-ke musika — a music that is good to hear
bu-gwo-audi-ke — unheard-of
auda — (kwo) hearing (auditory faculty)
auding — (kwo) listening; audition
audibile — (kwel) audible
audike — (kwel) auditory, acoustic
audibilitaa — (kwo) audibility
audisens — (kwo) sense of hearing
audimogsa — (kwo) hearing ability
fa-audi — (zwo) be heard, be audible
finaudi — (zwo) listen to the end
auder — (kwo) (telephone) receiver
See also: slu
audio — (kwo, kwel) audio
rekordi audio — record audio
augusto — (kwo) August (also mes-ot)
in augusto — in August
aur — (kwo) ear
aurganda — (kwo) cerumen
aus — (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward movement)
pren kalam aus posh — take a pencil out of the pocket
Lai aus! — Come out!
2) (made) of (material), out of
botela aus glas — bottle made of glass, glass bottle
Me he zwo palas aus shamba. — I made a palace out of the room.
ausen — (konekti-komo) outside of, on the outside, beyond the limits of
ausen dom — outside the house
Me jivi ausen urba. — I live out of town.
Sedey ye frosta ausen. — It freezes outdoors.
Sey dwar bu ofni fon ausen, sol fon inen. — This door does not open from outside, only from within.
ausen-ney — (kwel) outer, external
ausenklaida — (kwo) overclothes
ausen-taraf — (kwo) the outside
ausen-munda — (kwo) the outer world
ausdumi — (zwo) think up, think out, concoct
ausflai — (zwo) fly out
ausjivi — (zwo) survive, remain alive
ausjiving — (kwo) survival, surviving
auskati — (zwo) cut out, carve out
auskavi — (zwo) dig out, dig up
auskupi — (zwo) redeem; ransom
auskupa — (kwo) redemption, redeeming; ransom
auskwesti — (zwo) question, elicit, try to find out from smb
auslanda — (kwo) foreign countries
in auslanda — abroad
auslanda-ney — (kwel) foreign, of foreign countries
auslandajen, auslander — (kwo) foreigner, a person from a foreign country (cf. "gariba")
auslasi — (kwo) let out, release; emit (of sound)
Origin: aus+lasi
auslyu — (kwo) omit, leave out
Origin: aus+lyu
ausmorti — (zwo) die out, become extinct
auspren — (zwo) take out, pull out, extract
ausspiri — (zwo) exhale, breathe out
ausspira — (kwo) exhalation, outward breath
Ant.: inuspiri
ausyusi — (zwo) wear out
ausyusa — (kwo) wear and tear
(Origin: aus+yusi)
autentike — (kwel) authentic (genuine, real)
autentikitaa — (kwo) authenticity
auto — (kwo) automobile, car, motor-car
automat — (kwo) automatic machine, automaton, automat