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“It’s such fun talking about other people’s problems.”

“No, I am really interested in these things.”

“It’s not worth the candle. Life is so fickle. Nothing holds up, or at least very little. If you’re unfortunate enough to harbor expectations …”

“I want to put on a bold front, at the very least.”

Suddenly: “Look, the moon is coming out …”

I opened the window and we both put our heads outside. She pointed to the glow on the horizon. With her arm still reaching into the darkness she asked, “Is it the moon?”

“I don’t know … If it is, it’s a very strange moon.”

“Perhaps it’s the glow from Limoges.”

“No, that’s another hour.”


“Are you in a hurry?”

“If only you knew!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing! It’s not worth …”

I looked insistently at her. I did find that woman interesting. Conversely, I needed to kill time. I didn’t know how. We started to talk about other things. What didn’t we talk about? Our journey went on like that, for ages.

Where were we when the dramatic moves took place? We can’t have been far from Limoges. All of a sudden she looked at me, and laughed so sadly as she asked: “Where are you going?”

“To Barcelona.”

“Why don’t you keep me company in Limoges? I’d really like that.”

I was dumbfounded and thought I must be hallucinating. Then I replied, “Will you be there long?”

“Why? Won’t you keep me company if I stay very long?”

“If one wants to be your friend, one shouldn’t have other commitments, right?”

“Oh, I see! You’ve lots to do.”

“I thought I did a few seconds ago.”

“Thank you so much. I’ll stay in Limoges for a day — in fact, not in Limoges really. Tomorrow I have to go to a nearby town, to Le Dorat. If you like, we can go together.”

The train was entering the station.

“Take your luggage. Get off,” she said forcefully. “You’ve time …”

Half a minute later I was on the platform with my things. I put my cases in the left-luggage and we left the station. It was three A.M.

The Hôtel du Commerce carriage started off over cobblestones that were extremely worn. We clattered up and down. We were alone. I was young and admit to feeling very excited. We said nothing for a good while. She still seemed to have that sad smile on her lips. I was quietly trying to assume what one could describe as a victory in language that wasn’t at all boastful. That’s to say, I looked quite detached.

“Can I ask you something?” I queried, given the situation.

“Ask away …”

“Can you tell me why you asked me to get off in this town?”

“Do you really want to know?”


“You’re so childish … Why do you want to know?”

“Maybe I am, but please tell me why you made me get off …”

“You really want me to?”


“I’ll tell you in brief. You guessed that I am married. It’s true. This is my first journey anywhere since I married. And, you know, I’m convinced that my husband will deceive me today. I asked you to accompany me … in case you want to deceive him …”

“That’s odd …” I replied after a short pause, turning bright red and quivering.

“Do you really think so?” she asked with a glint in her eyes. “I feel it’s altogether natural.”

“You may be right. It’s not surprising, however, if I fell bemused. It’s hardly an everyday occurrence.”

“I’ll be even more precise,” she said, getting up and sitting next to me. “I can tell you that I know the person with whom my husband is going to deceive me: she’s a very close friend of mine … And you asked me whether I’d been crying. For God’s sake!”

I felt very uneasy and quite at a loss. On the one hand, I was intrigued by the situation, it seemed a delightful adventure, and I felt thrilled to be involved. On the other, I felt very sorry for that woman. By virtue of a perfectly understandable atavistic instinct we find it particularly repellent when horrible things happen to people who are physically attractive. I could so easily have condemned the arrant frivolity of her unfaithful husband. Conversely, I was rather upset that she’d revealed her hand. I was to blame. I felt as if I’d acted like a complete animal. Familiarity with the elements that lay behind this adventure considerably diminished my victory airs. I no longer looked detached. I looked angry.

With that, the carriage stopped outside the entrance to the hotel.

I asked for two rooms. They didn’t have two next door to each other. They were all a distance away. They gave us two on the same floor.

“Is any food available?” she asked.

“I’ll have a look,” said the concierge, leaving his desk.

He brought us bread and chocolate.

“That’s all there is …” he commented, as if to pre-empt any complaints, as he climbed upstairs. We ate while we followed him. He showed us first my room and then hers.

“Is there a bathroom?” she asked offhandedly.

“Of course, it’s that door there.”

When the concierge left, we were alone again. She took off her gloves, coat, and hat and continued eating her chocolate, seated on the side of the bed. I sat on a chair near the door. We began a rather icy exchange. Then she suddenly exclaimed: “I’m so upset to be here …!”

“What are you thinking?”

“It’s horrible …” she answered, misty-eyed.

“What’s so upsetting?”

“I’m thinking about my husband … It’s so shaming!”

“I must say I don’t really understand your husband,” I said, looking the other way.

“What do you expect? That’s life. I didn’t have any great hopes when I married him, but all the same … So soon! Though I saw it coming … It was inevitable. My husband is a man. It was so easy to have my friend. I’m sure …”

“Please allow me to make an observation …” I said, unable to restrain myself any longer. “I’d simply like to say that you seem to attach a lot of importance to your husband. I’m surprised …”

“I don’t understand …”

“Do you love him?”

“A lot.”

“Have you always loved him?”

“Right now I think I love him more than ever.”

“I wouldn’t like to contradict you, but what you’re saying strikes me as ridiculous.”

She blanched, seemed taken aback, and stared vaguely in my direction. Silence. We both looked at the floor. A long time went by. Finally I stood up.

“Would you excuse me for a second? I’d like to sort my things out.”

I left her bedroom.

I cursed myself as I washed my hands. This completely unexpected conversation had thrown me back into my previous unpleasant state of confusion. I’d been terribly annoyed by what she’d said about her husband. How could you square what she’d just said with what she’d said before? Unfortunately, the tendency to see things in their most favorable light tends to win out, and guile even more so. For a moment I even concluded she might think her words were a kind of aphrodisiac. However, the nagging doubt remained: what if she had spoken the truth? What exactly was my role? I decided that my shyness made me look quite stupid. Why — I wondered — didn’t you throw yourself at her? Her willingness is quite apparent. She is emphatic on that front. She won’t resist. She doesn’t want anything else, probably … We’re all made of the same clay and know how appallingly cynical the human imagination can be. On the other hand, I didn’t like the idea that I was playing a merely instrumental role in all that. My vanity was up in arms. Today, if it were to happen again, I’d probably not be so vain. Experience has since taught me that the best tactic when offered fruit from the tree of life is to dive straight in and not stand on ceremony. Caution often creates unpleasant situations one later regrets. When I think back to the outcome of this episode, I feel sad, even today.