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“Stop using your sexy skills to convince me.”

“Are they working?” His lips tilted on a grin. I rolled my eyes. They were so totally working. “Look, this isn’t coming out right. But,” he paused as his eyes searched mine for a moment, “the last time you left, it took you three months to come back.” His beautiful green eyes penetrated mine the entire time.

His words swept the breath from my lungs.

“Tristan.” I watched the pain register in his eyes, the memory of our time apart. “I’m coming back.” I pulled his head down to mine and rested our foreheads together. He didn’t respond. “Hey, do you believe that?” I pulled away and searched his eyes for his answer.


Of course, I didn’t believe it. She’d made me believe she’d be back last time too. There was no way in fuck I was letting her go without me. And then some sick realization hit—I couldn’t go just to hold her hand. If she left me again, it was because she didn’t want me, but fuck that, because she was mine and I was hers. It wasn’t even an option anymore. Thanksgiving proved that. We belonged to each other.

The silence stretched between us in a silent standoff. I was searching for a sign that she would come back, that I could trust her. Even with Kyle.

“You said you always go back to him.”

 Her mouth opened and closed like a fish desperate for air. I’d shocked her.

“How can I trust you when you said you always go back to him?” I could hear the hurt radiating in my own voice.

“Tristan.” She caressed my jaw with her palm. She was trying to ease the ache and it was working; her touch was intoxicating. “I can’t let you go just to babysit me.”

“Why not?”

She sighed in exasperation. She was crumbling; she was going to give in. Which was good, because she really didn’t have a choice in the matter.

“What would I tell him?”

“What do you mean?”

“About us? He’s going to want to know.”

“Fuck him. Tell him I’m your friend, your boyfriend, your lover, your neighbor; I don’t give a fuck. It’s not his business.”

“Are you those things?” she asked.

“Well, I hope I’m your friend, and based on the proximity of our respective houses, I think I’m your neighbor—” I grinned at her, watching her shift her body and avert her eyes.

“What about the others?” she finally whispered.

“You’re adorable when you’re uncomfortable.” My grin widened. Her eyes narrowed and she shot me a glare. “And you're irresistible when you’re angry.” I squeezed her ass cheek and caught her by surprise.

“You’re impossible.”

“And you love it.” I slid my hand down the curve of her ass and snaked my fingers between her legs.

“Irritating too,” she said just before her eyes fluttered back on a moan.

“I hope I’m all of those things, Georgia,” I said seriously, as I searched her beautiful face. Her neck arched as I caressed the damp flesh between her legs.

“What?” she whimpered.

“Your friend, your boyfriend, your lover, your neighbor. I hope I’m all of those things.”

“Oh.” Her breath whooshed out. “My boyfriend?”

“If you’ll have me.” I grinned and caught her lips in a kiss. I was using my charm to convince her. I knew it and I did it without shame. I was playing the cards I’d been dealt, and I played them well. She fisted her hands in my hair and arched her body into mine. I caught her with an arm behind her back as she bowed and I took her lips, ravishing her. I kissed her like my life depended on it, because it did. My life depended on her being in it. On her answer. I couldn’t give her the option of saying no.

“I’m afraid,” she murmured as she pulled back to take a breath.

“Of?” I bent over her and captured her lips with mine again, snaking my hand down her thigh and hitching it over my hips.


“Why?” She was being candid, and I needed to take advantage. She held things inside so much. I needed her to talk. I needed to know what I was working with.

“Your history. Our history,” she breathed.

“What do you mean?” I pulled my lips away from hers and searched out her beautiful browns. Her eyes were hooded with lust and her eyelashes were so long they shaded her high cheekbones. She was completely fucking breathtaking.

“I’m afraid . . . your history and what Kyle did to me . . . I’m just afraid.”

“Stop speaking in code, babe. What did Kyle do to you?”

Her chest continued to heave beneath me. She was still so turned on, it took every ounce of my energy not to forgo the conversation and take her right there on my floor. But I needed the answer. I needed to know what the obstacles were, if any.

“He cheated on me,” she murmured. Lust overrode any pain that she might have felt at saying those words.


“For years, off and on. And with your history, I don’t know if I can trust—”

“Don’t do that. I’m not him. My history means shit. I would never, ever fucking cheat on you. You’re all I need. Do you hear me?” I tipped her chin up to meet my eyes. Her browns widened as she took me in. “I have never cheated on anyone and I’m not starting now. I told you—you’re it for me, end of story. Don’t put Kyle’s shit on me. He’s an idiot who didn’t know what he had. I can tell you, Georgia, I will never make that mistake with you. I know exactly what I have and she's loving, and empathetic, and beautiful and sexy and irresistible. And mine.” She stared at me as I finished. I waited breathlessly for her reaction. Finally, she took my head in her hands and pulled me to her in a ravenous kiss. I held her fiercely to my body as she crawled up me and locked her legs around my waist.

“I take it that’s a yes?” I murmured between kisses.

“Smart ass.” She nipped me playfully.

“You’ve got a dirty mouth too, beautiful.” I grinned at her. “Makes me hot as fuck.”

“Oh my God.” She laughed and pulled away from me.

“So no more taking it slow?”

She peered up at me through her eyelashes and shook her head, a soft smile spreading across her face. It took my fucking breath away.

“And your boyfriend is going with you to collect your things, including your pussy?” I arched a playful eyebrow at her. She narrowed her eyes at me as she tried to hide the smile tugging at her lips.

“That’s what I thought. Now make me breakfast, woman.”

“I don’t think so, dear.” She planted her hands on her hips after I'd released her from my iron grip. It was so fucking hot.

“I’ve got a conference call, and your man is starving.” I lifted my shirt and rubbed my stomach with a frown. Her eyes flickered down to land on my abs and I watched them darken with lust. So the girl had a thing for my abs? I'd have to remember to use that to my advantage next time around.

“What do you want?” she asked without tearing her eyes from my stomach. I laughed a full-bellied laugh and pulled her into my arms, kissing her forehead.

“Toast and orange juice is fine.” I couldn’t tear the grin from my face.

Owned me.

This girl completely fucking owned me and I loved every minute.


“You ready for this?” I squeezed her knee as she directed me to Kyle’s apartment building in DC.

“As I’ll ever be,” she huffed and then opened the door of the Jeep.

“Hey.” I slipped a palm around her neck and brought her against me. I rested my forehead against hers as we huddled over the console. “Everything's going to be okay,” I murmured before brushing my lips against hers.