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When I stand up, Cara is watching me intently from the doorway. “I never thought I’d see the day, but you actually have a thing for her.”

“Cara, stop. She’s your roommate. Don’t make this into more than it is.” I quickly change my shirt in case anything got on it while Sophie was getting sick. Cara’s still keeping an eye on me, waiting for me to confess, but I won’t.

“I call bullshit Kippy, but whatever.” Thankfully she drops the subject quickly and lets me off the hook without one of her rounds of twenty questions.

“Stay here with her in case she gets sick; I have to talk to Caleb.” He will learn to respect the girls that come into this house. Granted some girls do come here specifically looking for a hook-up, but there are girls similar to Sophie who haven’t been here before. There’s no way I’m risking anyone’s safety as long as I live under this roof.

Cara eyes me suspiciously. We’re both relieved Sophie’s calmed down and resting peacefully, but she has something to say. She always does. “You know it’s okay to be into her, Kip. You don’t have to pretend with her. She’s the real deal.”

“I don’t know anything about her, Cara, but I get the impression she might be. I’m sorry she got mixed up with the wrong guy tonight.” Cara nods her head and sits down on the worn recliner in the corner of my room. She starts messing with her phone, probably texting the library douche who is responsible for making her lose Sophie in the first place.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time. I’m good and she’s okay. I think she got it all out of her system.”

Bounding down the stairs, I find Caleb’s pathetic ass next to the keg trying to sweet talk two chicks, as usual. The only reason he stands next to it is to get first dibs on all the girls that walk into the house. It’s a jackass move and I’m pissed he pulled it with Sophie and my sister.

He finishes filling up the blonde’s cup and notices me. “Dude, how was she? I should be pissed at you for getting some before me. Sexy little thing and probably fun to toss around in bed too, am I right?”

It takes two seconds for my fist to connect with his jaw. He recoils from my punch, instantly grabbing his face in pain. “What the hell was that for, you asshole? You should be thanking me for doing your dirty work!”

“Don’t you ever fucking treat her like a whore or pull that shit with anyone in this house again. You got me? She’s been upstairs barely conscious from all the shit you gave her.”

He rubs his jaw and pierces me with his eyes. Go ahead and try me, Caleb. I’ll bring it ten times harder than you can handle.

“Dude, I didn’t force her to drink anything. She willingly drank the shit. I can’t help this was her first party. So back the fuck off. How do you even know her anyway?”

Her first party? Ever? This is news to me. “She’s my sister’s roommate. Not that I owe you any explanations.”

“Oh, now it makes sense. You’ve already made a move. She’s all yours then dude. There’s plenty of pussy to go around. Sloppy seconds ain’t my style anyway.”

I reach out and grab the collar of his preppy polo, pulling him within inches of my face. There’s no way he’s going to forget what I have to say again. “Caleb, you’ll learn to watch your damn mouth or I’ll throw your ass out of this house. Being on the team doesn’t mean you run the show. This is your last warning.” I let go of his shirt and forcefully push him against the wall. I’m done with his shit. He flips me off, but I let it go. His ego has been bruised enough for now.

After a look around, the party appears to be winding down. I tell the two couples making out in the stairwell to take it elsewhere so I can get back upstairs. The house looks trashed, but the freshman will clean it in the morning. Those are days I do not miss.

Inside my room, Sophie’s still passed out cold in my bed while Cara’s busy fixing her make-up in front of my mirror. “Going somewhere?” I ask quietly so I don’t wake Sophie.

“Drew asked me to come back to the dorm to hang out. He’s on night shift and has to stay up so I offered to keep him company. That’s if you’re okay watching Sophie. I’ll stay if you want me too.”

“No, it’s fine. Who is Drew? Your RA?”


I walk over and lean against my dresser while she finishes messing with her face. “You know he’s not allowed to date his residents.”

“We aren’t dating, we’re hanging out. Don’t go getting all big brother on me again.”

I hang my head in defeat knowing I have to add this guy to my radar along with the rest of her flock. It’s only the first week of school and already she has at least two guys on her tail. “Cara, why can’t you ever make life easy for me?”

She pops her lips together after putting some sparkly shit on them. “You know you don’t have to keep an eye on me. I’m a big girl, now.”

“You’re my little sister, so I do. I swear between you and Sophie this year might kill me.” I glance over at Sophie and notice how innocent she looks tucked into my bed. The thought of Caleb’s lips touching her skin has me contemplating punching him again.

Cara clears her throat to get my attention. “You know my roommate isn’t allowed to date my brother.”

Her rule catches me off guard and surprises me. Her roommates have never been off limits to me in the past. “Cara. I–” sputtering over my response, I can’t get my brain to form a complete sentence, so I give up before I say anything she can use against me later.

“That’s what I thought. Have a good night big bro. Please return her in the morning.” She reaches up and kisses my cheek.

“Cara,” I groan. I wipe the sparkles off with the back of my hand. “Do you have a ride? You’re not walking back to the dorm alone this late at night.”

“Yeah, Drew said the same thing so he’s sending his friend to come get me. Don’t worry; his friend’s an RA too and completely responsible.” She punches my arm playfully, “See, you two would get along.” I roll my eyes knowing I’d have no time for a life if I befriended every guy she took an interest in. She changes her next conquest about as often as she changes her clothes.

“Behave, Cara,” I warn. I’ve had all the action I can handle for one night.

“I always do, Kippy. See ya tomorrow.”

After she leaves, I change into some sweats and take my shirt off, tossing it on top of the dresser. I try to get comfortable in the recliner, but I can’t sleep. The chair is too damn uncomfortable and knowing Sophie is in my bed doesn’t help either. For the first time, there’s actually a chick in my bed for the sole purpose of sleeping. And she’s fucking beautiful. Why can’t my sister have an ugly roommate again this year? The first chick who watched Star Wars on a continuous loop definitely kept me away. I’d only heard her speak a handful of times the entire time they shared a room and it was in Darth Vader’s voice. Creepy chicks are not for me.

Another thirty minutes pass as I sit and watch Sophie sleep. Her eyelashes flutter a few times and she moans, but never fully wakes up.

Still shocked it was her first party, I can’t even comprehend the idea of being a junior and never living it up like we do here every single weekend. I thought parties were part of the college experience. But from the small glimpse I’ve seen of her sober, she isn’t like most girls. I may not know why yet, but I will. Especially now that I know she wants me to kiss her.

The thought doesn’t help my current situation any because when I close my eyes my mind wanders to the memory of Sophie dancing to top of the table. My dick twitches to life immediately. I won’t be worth a damn tomorrow if I don’t remove the image of her toned stomach from my brain.

Risking potential bodily harm, I give up on the recliner, instead lying on top of the covers next to Sophie. She starts to stir and I worry she’s about to be sick again or kick my ass out of bed. Instead, she nuzzles into my side catching me completely off guard. I’ve never cuddled with a chick before. If I’m in bed with someone, it’s usually to fuck, none of which has anything to do with sweet caresses or affectionate embraces.