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I close my eyes again, annoyed with both Kipton and Cara. My mind is still reeling from being caught, but I’m woman enough to admit I needed some relief. Kipton and I haven’t spent much time together, but it’s obvious my body wants him.

I’m only laying down for a few seconds when the phone rings again. “Seriously?” I grumble. So much for getting any rest.

“Aren’t you done harassing me yet?” I jokingly say into the receiver.


Shit. It’s not Kipton. “Yes. This is Sophie. I’m sorry I thought you were someone else.”

Laughing, he continues, “That’s okay. This is Coach Evans. I was just calling to see how your visit with the doctor went.”

“Hi. Um. It went as well as can be expected, I guess. He pulled me from practice and I have to have a scan done later this evening. I’m really sorry I have to miss some time. I’d rather be in the gym.”

“It’s okay. Just do what they tell you to do so you can get back to your training. And let me know about your test results. I’m sure the doctor will send me reports, but I’d like to hear from you too.”

“Sure. I’ll let you know. Thank you for calling.”

“No problem, Sophie. Get some rest.”

“I will. Goodbye.”

Maybe Coach isn’t as bad as I thought.

Now all I have to figure out is why Kipton wants me to leave so early for my appointment. Then, I can relax. Or at least try to.

I WAS COMPLETELY THROWN FOR a loop the moment Sophie picked up the phone. Her surprise when she heard my voice combined with her sexy breathing clued me in. She was definitely up to something—and I hoped it was entirely sexual. Of course it could have been almost anything, but I’m a guy—and my mind defaults to sex with little effort.

At first I was afraid to pry for details in case I was wrong, but I thought it would be fun to mess with her. Considering I was right with my assumption, I’m glad I asked. I only wish I could have watched her fall apart in person.

I have a few hours before I have to pick her up, purposely leaving enough time for the two of us to stop and get some dinner. I’m not thrilled with leaving her all alone until then, but I didn’t want to push her too far out of her comfort zone. I wish she would have reached out to me on her own for a ride, but thankfully Cara called me before Sophie put her ass on a damn bus instead. I told her and Cara to call me if they ever needed anything. Apparently, I need to refresh Sophie’s memory.

I yawn for the millionth time today. My eyes burn and I know I should take a power nap. Having trouble dozing off last night, I finally had better luck once I stopped staring at Sophie. Waking up to her beautiful blue eyes locked on my naked chest had me instantly aroused. I’d wanted nothing more than to grab her tiny waist and show her exactly what she does to me, but I have to be patient. After today, I want her to see me as a person she can trust and depend on—one that cares about her as more than just a friend. Who knows, we could be as compatible as oil and water, but I won’t be satisfied until I taste her lips and find out for myself.

I unlock the screen of my phone to find an incoming text from Sophie. My finger hovers over her name, but I hesitate. If she even tries to cancel, I’ll haul ass over to her dorm and show her how serious I am about taking her to her appointment. Cara warned me she can be stubborn. But so can I.

Sophie: You know my appointment isn’t until six, right? You don’t have to pick me up until 5:30.

Kipton: We’re going to dinner first.

Sophie: Why?

Kipton: Because we need to eat. And I want to discuss a few things.

Sophie: What if I’m not hungry and don’t want to talk?

Kipton: Then you can sit and listen.

Sophie: Am I in trouble?

Kipton: Not yet.

Sophie: You’re being weird.

Kipton: Do you like weird?

Sophie: Not that I know of.

Kipton: Then what do you want me to be?

Sophie: Asleep.

Kipton: Why?

Sophie: Because every time we talk or see each other I do something stupid.

Laughing, I type out a teasing response but delete it before sending. I shouldn’t make fun of her when she’s already feeling vulnerable. She has been caught in some interesting situations though. It’s crystal clear how much I affect her and hell if it doesn’t turn me on. Instantly I’m hard again from the thought of her sweet voice coming undone in her bed, writhing back and forth from the thought of my touch. The next time she loses control, I want to be responsible for it—in person. Deciding to keep things bland and basic so we can get through her appointment tonight, I type out a standard response, making sure she complies.

Kipton: See you at 4.

Sophie: Okay.

That was almost too easy, but I’m glad she didn’t fight me on it.

Although I’d rather catch up on some sleep, I need to shower so I have time to talk to Cara about the interest she seems to have taken in her resident advisor. The last thing I want is for her to get kicked out of the dorm for crossing some stupid rule in the code of conduct. My sister doesn’t always have the best judgment when it comes to guys.

As soon as I step under the warm spray of water, I tilt my head back and let it cascade over my face. With my lack of sleep combined with my pent up sexual energy, there’s no way I can leave this house before I take the edge off. Otherwise, I can’t be held responsible when Sophie ends up in my bed instead of at her appointment.

It’s shitty of me to revert to the mental picture of her wasted and dancing practically topless at the party, but it’s too perfect not to get me off in a matter of minutes. My orgasm rips through me so powerfully; I have to steady myself against the shower wall. If it’s this good just thinking about Sophie, I can’t even imagine what it’ll be like buried inside of her. When I realize I’m game for round two, I turn the dial all the way to the right, allowing the subarctic temperature of the water to wash over me, hopefully sending my insatiable desire down the drain. I can’t walk around with my jeans strangling my dick all night.

WITH METALLICA BLARING FROM THE speakers of my car, I tap my thumbs against the steering wheel and bob my head to each drum beat. I pull up to Sophie’s dorm and instinctively glance at her room window. I don’t know what I’m expecting to see, but the curtains are drawn as they should be.

Once inside, I sign in at the front desk and wait for permission to go upstairs.

“Room 301?” The guy manning the desk questions as he checks my name on the list.

“Yeah. My sister lives there.”

“I’m their RA.”

I eye him tentatively and although he looks nice enough, I need to get to know him before I make any decisions one way or the other. “So you’re Drew.”

He smiles. “I take it Cara mentioned me then?”

“You could say that.”