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“Over here.” Kipton nods his head in the direction of the headache meds and I follow like a lost little puppy. It only takes a second to scan the shelves before finding my usual. Grabbing the biggest bottle they have, I already revel in the relief that’s about to come my way. At least I hope so anyway considering I’ve never had a headache this intense before. “Need anything else?”

“No, I’m good.” We take our place in the checkout line behind several other customers. Why they only have one person working is beyond me. This is the only store close enough to campus for students to walk to. I worry about holding Kipton up, but he waits patiently beside me before wandering off to check out a sale display.

“Look what they have!” He holds up Honeybuns and beams with excitement.

“You can’t possibly still be hungry?”

He shakes his head like I’m in trouble for questioning him. “Have you ever tried one of these? All the sugary goodness mixed with the honey—it’s a taste bud explosion. I can already taste it on my tongue.”

“No, I haven’t.” I’m almost embarrassed at how his description is turning me on. Unable to wait a second longer, he rips open the packaging with his teeth. “Kipton, you didn’t pay for it yet!”

“So what?” He mumbles around a mouthful.

“You can’t eat the merchandise and then leave.”

“Does this make you nervous, Sophie. What if I opened another one and took a bite?” He reaches over and pulls another package off the display. Challenging me with his eyes.

“Kipton! Put it back.” Instead, he opens the cellophane, moaning while indulging in another sugary pastry right in the middle of the store. “You’re acting like a child, you know.” I glance over my shoulder expecting to see several annoyed customers. They’re all staring at him as I suspected, only they don’t look annoyed. Instead their eyes are dancing with amusement waiting to see what he’ll do next.

“I like making you squirm,” he admits while he continues to chow down his dessert. My eyes widen and he laughs at my response, not even realizing the sexual innuendo until after he said it. “Sophie, if it’s this easy with food, imagine what I’d do with my mouth.”

I gasp, shocked he said that out loud, let alone in front of other people. None of them seem to care, yet I find myself inching closer to the register, praying the line starts moving. When I reach to take my wallet out of my purse, I realize I left it in the car. Without money to pay, I have to step out of line and do this all over again.

Kipton quickly swallows and coughs, “Hey, where ya going? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, it was fine. I mean it was out there, but amusing. I guess. If you’re into that and all.” Flubbing my words, I talk in circles. Why don’t I go ahead and announce he can have his wicked way with me while I’m at it? “Can I have your keys, I forgot my purse.”

“I’ve got it covered. No worries.”

I sigh, “Kipton.”

He taps the top of my nose with his finger. “Sophie.”

“Thank you.” I lower my gaze to the carpet feeling foolish and in entirely too much pain—constantly.

“Hey.” Kipton nudges me with his elbow to get my attention. I don’t look up so he nudges me again. “Sophie, look at me.”

I respond to his request, but suddenly I’m overcome with emotion. “Kipton.” I pause, unsure of how to put my thoughts into words. Right now forming a sentence seems too intense for my battered brain to handle. I pinch the bridge of my nose concentrating on releasing some tension. I’m smart enough to know I made my headache ten times worse when I threw up at the diner.

“Your head?” he questions.

“Yeah. It’s killing me.” I keep my response vague on purpose. Although I trust him after everything he’s done for me, I’m not sure I’ll ever trust him with my deepest, darkest secrets. Some things are better left unsaid.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder. “It takes time. You’ll be your normal self again soon. I promise.” Nodding my head, the only thing I can do is take his word for it. Because I sure as hell don’t feel normal right now.

“Here, open up. Honeybuns cure everything.” I move to the side, trying to get away from him, but he assumes I’m being playful. “Come on, take a bite, I can’t eat both.”

“You should have thought about that before you opened them!”

He reaches for my side, tickling me. I appreciate his attempt to make me feel better. Just as I laugh, he tries to stuff the bun in my mouth. I dodge his arm at just the right moment, successfully avoiding him. “Kipton, that wasn’t nice. Some icing went up my nose.”

He picks up a travel size pack of tissues, also on display at the check-out area, and hands one to me. “Will you stop opening everything!”

Laughing, he tosses our purchases on the counter. He has the clerk scan both of his pastries along with my medicine and now some tissues. I grab the receipt off the counter to see how much I owe him, but he snatches it out of my hand before I get a good look.

My purse is lying on the passenger seat when we get back to his car. I tuck the drug store bag inside and settle into my seat. Thankfully, Kipton doesn’t bother turning on the radio this time, instead choosing to drive peacefully back to the dorm. While the silence is welcome, it also plays tricks on my tired mind. Only intending to close my eyes for a brief second, the motion of the car lulls me to sleep.

“Sophie.” A warm finger trails back and forth down my cheek, trying to bring me back to the land of the living. Instead I fall into unpleasant memories.

“You want to make me happy right, Sophie?”

I inch closer to his warm embrace. “Of course I do, you’re my whole world.”

“Then what’s stopping you, baby?” He lazily runs his fingertips up and down my arms. While it feels good, I’m scared. Scared that once I say yes, I’ll never be able to take it back. I don’t have much in this world that’s completely mine other than my body. But I won’t lose him either—I can’t. He’s all I have.

“I’m nervous.”

Blaine pulls me even closer; his warm breath tickles my ear. “Let me show you how good it feels.”

The words are on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t quite get them out. He needs me and although I need him too, it doesn’t feel right. But I can’t expect him to wait around forever, especially if he can get it somewhere else. My dad is proof of that theory. If I don’t give Blaine what he wants, I’ll lose him. “Blaine.”

“Yeah, Baby. Tell me you want me too.” His kisses inch down my neck and move across my collarbone. The sensation sets me on fire, yet I can’t let go of my nervousness enough to really enjoy it.

“Blaine, I do want you. You know that.”

“But?” he questions.

“Will you teach me? I don’t know how to make you feel good.”

He smiles and suddenly my decision might not be the wrong one. Finally looking pleased with me, he brushes his knuckles down the side of my face. “Baby, you don’t have to do anything. I’ll handle it.”

“Okay,” I whisper.
