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Sophie rushes in the room. She’s caught off guard by the commotion in Cara’s bed and bumps into my side. She takes one look at the nakedness and scurries back into the hallway. I can’t say I blame her. I shield my own eyes and turn around to face the closet. On the floor in front of me, the pole lamp is laying on its side and the light bulb’s shattered into pieces from the impact of the fall. A bunch of clothes are piled up on the floor haphazardly and the memo board that usually hangs inside the door is also on the floor with a few thumb tacks strewn around the carpet.

“Kipton! Get the hell out of here. Don’t you know how to knock?” Cara shouts.

“Don’t you even start with me. I was bringing Sophie back from her appointment, not stopping by to chit chat. This room is destroyed and I swear to God, Drew, if you don’t get your ass away from my sister I will throw you out of here butt ass naked. Hurry it up!”

“Kippy, you can’t tell us what to do. You’re the one who needs to get out of here. NOW!”

“Hell no. Your roommate has a concussion and wants to go to bed. She slept in the damn car for an hour. She needs her bed and some peace and quiet as much as you need to put your damn clothes back on.”

“Fine! Then we’ll go to his room.”

“Thank you. Wait! No you won’t. He will go back to his room and you’ll keep your own ass here.”

“Kipton,” Sophie whispers from the doorway.

I’m so worked up having walked in on my sister having sex that I forget who’s calling my name. Turning my head to the doorway, I yell, “What!” She flinches and immediately I regret my harsh tone. I close the distance between us, but she takes a step back, unsure of my actions. I don’t like it because never in a million years would I ever hurt her. “Come here.” I pull her into a hug and she wraps her arms around my waist cautiously. After a few seconds, the tension melts away from her touch. “I’m sorry, beautiful.”

“It’s okay. I know you’re upset.”

“Oh, so you’re allowed to touch Sophie, but I can’t come within a mile of Drew. How typical man whore of you.”

I turn my head to a fully clothed Cara and Drew watching us. “You better watch what you say,” I warn.

“Why? It’s the same thing!”

“I gave Sophie a hug, I didn’t have her naked in my damn bed.”

“But you want to!”

Sophie unwraps herself from my body and leans against the wall. She looks embarrassed and I’d do just about anything for my sister to shut her trap. “Cara, please don’t do this right now.” I don’t want her to fuck up any progress I’ve made with Sophie tonight. We were having a good time despite the circumstances.

“Well at least you finally admit you want her. Maybe there is hope for you yet, brother.”

I look at her like she has three heads. “But you told me not to–“

“I know what I said, but when have you ever listened to me? Now will you please get out of here so I can say goodbye to Drew? You’ve clearly ruined my chances of experiencing an orgasm tonight.”

“Christ, Cara.” Groaning, I shut the door and focus on my date. I’m not done with her yet even though our moment was also ruined by their sexcapades.

“Are you okay?” Sophie asks. Her voice is timid and I realize she’s never seen me lose my shit before.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“You didn’t.”

“I raised my voice like an asshole. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, it’s over. It’s not every day you walk in on your sister having sex. I don’t imagine that’s too much fun.” She’s trying not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

“It’s not and it better never happen again, but thank you.” I need to touch her, so I wrap my arms around her snugly this time. She locks her arms around my back, accepting my apology completely. I savor our connection for as long as possible before I have to leave. I hate having to say goodbye while she’s not feeling well. “Do you want to come back to my place? You don’t have to stay here in this brothel by yourself.”

Laughing, she smiles the first genuine smile I’ve seen since dinner and I melt like ice cream on the fourth of July. Take my man card, universe, it’s all yours.

“I’ll be okay. Thanks for everything today. I appreciate you rearranging your schedule for me.”

“Promise me one thing.” I reach for her hand and interlock our pinkies.

“Pinkie swear?” She giggles. “I haven’t done that since elementary school.”

“Yup. It’s that important.”

She tilts her head to the side, contemplating what I’m asking of her before I even get the words out. “You have to tell me what it is first?”

“Next time, come to me when you need something.” Before I finish my sentence, she’s already looking away from me. I lift her chin back up so she’s absorbing every word I’m saying. “Anything, Sophie. Okay? Please call me, text me, email, whatever form of technology you prefer. Just don’t shut me out, okay?” She hears me, but doesn’t respond. “Okay,” I question again. I need some kind of confirmation.

Smiling she nods her head and says, “Pinkie swear.” God she’s adorable.

I hug her one more time before placing a kiss on the top of her head. I’d much rather have her lips, but this will have to do for now. I don’t want our first kiss to be tainted by the memory of Drew’s naked ass every time we look back on it. “Sweet dreams, beautiful.” I take a few backwards steps away from her. She stands rooted in the same spot with her hand covering her heart.

“Bye, Kipton.”

Turning around, I’m pleased with the progress we made tonight. While I understand her independence is important to her, she needs to realize she can have everything she wants and still be mine. That I’m sure of.

I’m not even halfway to the elevator when I hear Drew yelp like a teenage girl. Laughing to myself, I know the fucker stepped on a tack. Justice served!

IN A DAZE FROM OUR goodbye hug, I smooth out the hair on top of my head where Kipton’s lips came in contact with the strands. Tonight was the first time his actions gave off the impression of more. He’s been flirtatious, but he’s never given me physical proof that he wants me. Tonight was more than a friendly gesture yet not enough to cross any lines—unlike Cara and Drew.

Peeking inside our room, I give Cara another minute to say her own goodbyes considering Drew’s tongue appears to be shoved down her throat. When I hear her moan Drew’s name and fall onto the bed, pulling him along with her, I quietly close the door to give them some privacy. Thanks to my car nap and medicine, I’m no longer entirely exhausted and my vision isn’t screwed up anymore. It was scary enough to have me praying it doesn’t happen again though.

I’m about to sit on top of the heater and wait, but another moan and slap come from the other side of the door. Not wanting to hear the play by play, I take a walk while they finish getting each other out of their system. Something tells me Cara isn’t giving up tonight until she’s been thoroughly satisfied.

Passing by several dorm rooms, some girls are watching movies, a handful of guys are playing video games and a few others study quietly amongst the chaos. I could stop and chat, but I settle for some fresh air. It’s a nice night with a gentle breeze to dull the humid air. I take full advantage and sit on the ledge of the marble fountain that separates our dorm from the next. I dip my finger into the cool water, hoping there’s nothing grotesque or alive below.

I’ve always been a daydreamer, creating visions of the life I always wished I lived. Now is no exception because all on its own, my mind travels back to a half-naked Kipton carrying me in his strong arms. He took care of me without even being asked. A guy’s never done that for me before unless they knew some form of repayment would be headed their way. My ex always expected sexual gratification as his form of payment. But I wouldn’t consider anything he ever did even comparable to what Kipton did for me tonight. With Blaine, our interactions always felt forced, like if I messed something up I’d pay for it. So, while I struggle to believe Kipton wants me for me and not simply for the pleasure I can give him, I still need a little convincing as far as that goes.