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As a special treat, we’re moved to the planetarium to finish class. As we file into the seating area, Professor Bell describes what will be our world for the next semester. He rambles on saying something about being able to map out the entire sky by the end of the course. It sounds boring as hell, but I’ll do whatever he wants if it gets me sitting in the dark next to Sophie twice a week. Sign me up for extra credit too.

I’m entirely too comfortable in my reclined seat and could doze listening to the monotone voice from the recording going on and on about the Milky Way galaxy. From the corner of my eye, I notice Sophie pulling her knees to her chest while hugging her legs with her arms. She’s so tiny the seat could fit two of her. Folding into a tight ball of blond gorgeousness, I lean over so she can hear me. “Are you cold?” I make the mistake of looking down after asking and can almost see her ass cheek with the way her shorts are riding up. Jesus.

“It’s freezing in here!” She whispers back while running her hands over her arms to generate some warmth. Personally, the temperature is comfortable, but she’s not exactly carrying around any extra pounds to insulate her either.

I hate knowing she’s cold so I do the only thing I can to help her and take off my top T-shirt. I wore a plain white one underneath so I’m not naked in class or anything. Her eyes watch me the entire time, curious as to what I’m up to. When I lean over and drape the shirt across her legs, she gasps in surprise. “You can’t undress in the middle of the planetarium!”

“Are you still cold?”

She starts to speak but pauses before answering. “Well, no. Not anymore.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Thank you, Kipton. I wasn’t being ungrateful. I’m sorry.”

“Sophie, you don’t have an ungrateful bone in your sassy little body. Now make a wish.”

She tucks her hands under my shirt and gets comfortable again. “Why do I have to make a wish?”

“If you were paying attention you would see the shooting stars on the ceiling, beautiful girl.”

Giggling, she leans her head back to rest against her seat. She squeezes her eyes shut tight while making her wish. I can hope it has something to do with me because I only intend to step up my game. I’m drawn to her and I need to find out more. This class combined with our date tonight will hopefully work in my favor.

“Did you make a wish?” I whisper.

She nods her head. “Yep.”

“A good one?”

“I hope so.”

I lean in close to her ear. “I know so.” And I do. Because if it had anything to do with the two of us, it was a perfect wish. She cuddles under my shirt and blushes.

Class ends and we’re dismissed, but neither of us move to get up. Instead, we stay rooted in our seats watching the rest of the class file out of the room. “What are you thinking about over there?” I ask.

“My wish,” she responds quietly. Her body stays facing forward but her head turns so her eyes are staring into my own. We sit in silence, simply looking at each other’s features for a few seconds before the anticipation strangles me, forcing me to make a split second decision. I lean closer to her, praying she wants this too. When she doesn’t move away, I know I’ve been given the okay. “Kiss me, Kipton.” Her words are small, barely above a miniscule whisper, but I hear them loud and clear.

Leaning overtop the armrest, it digs into my stomach but the only sensation I’m aware of is the softness of her lips as we meet each other for the first time. The kiss starts off slow as we’re testing each other out. When I realize the only part of our bodies actually touching are our lips, I place my hand on the nape of her neck pulling her even closer to me. I run my tongue over the seam of her lips, seeking entrance. Never hesitating, she opens for me and the kiss is kicked up another notch. The moment is sexy as hell. She moans softly into my mouth assuring me she’s enjoying this as much as I am.

Not wanting to break our connection but knowing we need a better position, I pull back far enough to wrap my arms around her slim waist, hauling her onto my lap. Instinctively, she straddles my hips as her hair forms a sensual curtain around our faces. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Sophie.” I dive back into her lips, this time more aggressive than the last. She kisses back, matching my intensity.

My hands slide under the hem of her shirt where I come in contact with her baby soft skin beneath the fabric. Desperately wanting to strip her bare, I know we can’t take it that far inside the planetarium. Instead, I remove my hands from underneath her shirt and squeeze the soft globes of her ass, bringing her as close to my body as physically possibly. The frayed denim strands of her shorts tickle my fingers as I caress her thighs. Caught up in the moment, she grinds against me.

“Kipton,” she moans again when I move my mouth to the side of her neck, gently sucking and leaving small kisses. I want my lips to be the ones she remembers touching her, erasing any memory of Caleb’s hickey.

“Sophie, you smell so good.” She slides her chilled fingers underneath my shirt and scratches her nails softly down my abs. The sensation has me hard as steel behind the zipper of my shorts. Each move she makes gets a little bolder. When I’m positive I can’t wait another minute to get her naked, the lights come on, illuminating the front of the room. “Shit.”

I don’t spot him right away, but find Professor Bell near the side entrance preparing for his next class. I stay still, but Sophie gasps and stands up quickly. Her foot gets caught in the seat and she quickly loses her balance. I steady her with my hands and pick up our bags, tossing them both over my shoulder. By the time I exit the row of seats, she’s halfway to the door already. With embarrassment written all over her face, I chuckle. She’s a sexy little thing when she’s all worked up and I fully intend to explore her more tonight.

With her head down, she passes by Professor Bell who finally notices the two of us scrambling out of the room. I’m on cloud nine and not ashamed in the least bit about getting caught considering that was the best first kiss I’ve ever experienced. “See you next week, Professor.” He smiles and shakes his head. Even he has to realize how perfect the planetarium is for an impromptu make out session. I jog to the exit, hoping Sophie didn’t already leave. Remembering I still have her bag, I relax as the sunshine blinds me when I step outside the building. I spot Sophie standing at the bottom of the staircase waiting apprehensively. Her blond hair is sparkling from the light of the sun which only makes her look even more angelic.

“In a hurry, beautiful?” She blushes as usual. It appears shy Sophie has returned. Only now, I know better. The little vixen that came out to play a few minutes ago has the potential to blow my mind. Sexy Sophie is going to be so much fun to get to know. “Hey.”

“I have to drop this class. There’s no way I can go back in there and see Professor Bell. He has to think I’m such a slut.”

Her expression makes me laugh even though I try not to. “You worry too much. He was our age once you know. In fact, he was smiling when I walked by him.”

“He was?”

She’s looking hopeful that this might not be as serious as she expected. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure she doesn’t shut down completely. “Yeah. He didn’t say a word about it. It’s not like he saw anything anyway.”

“God, I hope he didn’t. I’m so embarrassed.”

I hand her bag back to her even though I don’t mind carrying it. “Even if he did, it’s not like college has detention. Don’t sweat it, okay?” She shakes her head in agreement, but I’m not convinced she’s over it.

“I better get back to the dorm before Cara wonders where I am.”

“Come on, I’ll drive you back.” I turn toward the parking lot but she doesn’t follow.

“No, that’s okay. The walk will be good for me.”

“Sophie.” She’s already clamming up on me.

“I appreciate the offer, but I have to stop being so lazy.”

“You’re not lazy and you’re supposed to be taking it easy. We’re still on for tonight right?” I’m not leaving until I’m positive she hasn’t changed her mind.