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“Yeah. Why? ”

“Just making sure. You seem nervous.”

“I’m fine.”

“Do you regret our kiss?”


She’s not giving me an inch with any of these answers. “Did you at least enjoy it?”

Finally she smiles. “Yeah.”

“Come ‘ere.” Sophie walks into my open arms and I cuddle her. She doesn’t move right away, so I soak up the feeling of her against me. Rubbing my hands up and down her back, I never thought I’d be so down with cuddling. But there’s so much more I want to do with her. “That was only the beginning, Sophie.” She shivers despite the warm temperatures. “I’ll pick you up at eight tonight.”

“I’ll be ready.” She releases me and when she does I realize how much I don’t want her to leave. She turns to walk away, but I reach out my arm, pulling her back to me before she’s out of reach. Not saying a word, I kiss her one more time knowing it’s going to have to hold me over until tonight. I take my time exploring her mouth all over again. She’s as eager as she was the first time. But when she sucks on my tongue, I almost blow.

I’M NOT ONE FOR PUBLIC displays of affection in the middle of the quad, but Kipton’s kisses are my favorite addiction. It’s been awhile since I’ve made out with anyone, so I’m probably rusty, but I have no problem practicing on his lips. My body was on fire inside the planetarium the second he touched me and I’m still coming down from lust overload. If he’s capable of those skills outside of the bedroom, I’m scared of what he’s capable of doing to my body beneath the sheets.

I’ve spent the entire fifteen minute walk to Johnson Hall replaying our first and second kisses in my mind, not even paying attention to anyone I’ve passed or bothering to look both ways before I crossed the street. Magically, I’ve floated back to my dorm still in one piece of romantic mush. I touch my fingers to my lips and smile. Part of me wants to continue to get lost in the moment, but I’ve felt this way before about a guy and lived to regret it.

“Earth to Sophie,” Cara says from the comfort of her bed. Must be nice to have the entire afternoon off even if she did have to suffer through an eight o’clock class.

“Hey Cara.” I open the fridge and grab a bottle of water.

“So how was it?”

“We went to the planetarium.” I can’t even say the word without smirking. It’s my new favorite place on campus. Even though it feels slightly forbidden now.

We?” Cara asks with knowing smirk.

“Your brother’s in my astronomy class. Can you believe that?”

“Yeah. He told me when he called.”

“He called? What for?”

Cara sits up and crosses her legs Indian style, hugging her pillow to her chest. “To see if you were home safely.”

It’s oddly comforting having him call to check on me. Maybe he’s as affected by the kiss as I am. “Does he want me to text him or something?” I have to play it cool or Cara will be all over me for details.

She smiles. “I’m sure he’d love that. But it can wait until you fill me in.”

Shit. “Okay, what do you want to know?”

“About the kiss for starters.” Shocked by her request, I spit some of my water out of my mouth wetting the floor in front of me.

“He told you!” I ask in shock. I didn’t realize he swapped stories with his sister so freely. Especially with how pissed he was catching her doing the deed.

“No, but you just did. I knew something was up when he called to check on you. Then you waltz in here like a fairy princess practically petting your freshly kissed lips.”

“Cara, I was not.” I totally was petting them.

“You were. So, as much as it pains me to ask about my brother’s skills, how was it?”

I smile at the memory of him pulling my body on top of his, unexpectedly removing me from my chair. “It was good.” It was fucking fantastic!

“That’s it? Good?” She looks at me knowingly, waiting for more.

“Are you sure this isn’t too weird for you.”

“Oh, it’s creepy as all get out but I love you both and need to know regardless.”

I dive onto my mattress and giggle. “It was freaking amazing, Cara. I’ve never been kissed so passionately in my life. Your brother has amazing lips.”

Cara flops back on her bed and quickly covers hear ears with the sides of her pillow, creating thick earmuffs surrounding her entire head. Groaning, she rolls around like she’s in pain. I, of course, can’t stop laughing at her reaction. I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Drew strolls in our room and looks back and forth between Cara and I wondering what’s going on. Cara’s oblivious to him even being in the room. “What’s her deal,” he asks.

“Ask her, I’m sure she’d love to tell you all about it.”

He sits down on the edge of Cara’s bed and sneaks his hand under the blanket. I’m pretty sure I know where he’s headed so I look the other way even though I can’t see anything. When I hear Cara’s high pitched squeal, I assumed correctly.

“Shit, Drew. I thought you were Sophie!” Drew’s dying of a laughter fit which earns him a love tap to the gut.

“Sorry, babe. When’s dinner? I’m starving.”

“You’re always hungry.” She rolls her eyes and sits back up, rearranging her shorts in the process.

“Mostly for you.” He leans in and kisses her on the mouth. They’re entirely too cute and it makes me wish Kipton lived in the dorm too. “Since I can’t have you right now, let’s get pizza for dinner.”

“You can have me later. Little Italy works for me. They even have the crushed ice in the soda fountain.” Cara moans and licks her lips. The girl has an ice addiction.

“You’re an easy woman to please, you know that Cara?” Drew declares.

She smiles adoringly at him and holds his hand, interlocking their fingers as she fiddles with the ring on her thumb. “You always please me.” She looks up at him through thick lashes and I can tell she’s about to jump him from the looks of it.

“Guys, cut it out! I don’t need to hear about your sexual shenanigans.”

Cara’s quick with her comeback. “Says the girl who was sucking face with my brother all afternoon.”

Drew raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Bout time. Oh, and speaking of Kipton. I forgot to tell you he’s stopping by to talk to me tonight before his date with Sophie.”

Cara’s freak out coming in 3, 2, 1. . . .“What! Why would he do that? I’ll kick his ass.” Drew and I both crack up at her exuberant reaction.

“Calm down, killer. It was my idea. I called him and asked,” Drew assures her.

Cara huffs and crosses her arms defensively as she looks back and forth between Drew and I. “You two are making me nuts. First I hear about Kipton’s lips, now my, well whatever you are is calling him to chat.” She waves her hands back and forth between her and Drew in exasperation.

“What do you mean whatever I am?” Drew questions.

“Well, I don’t know. We never discussed anything.” Her cheeks heat and for the first time, I get a glimpse of shy Cara. I wasn’t sure she existed.

“Then let’s make it official.”

Cara’s eyes widen in surprise. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. We’re having sex aren’t we?” Drew leans in to Cara and claims her lips in a sweet, chaste kiss. It’s very PG for the two of them.

“We are, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

Drew looks like she just slapped him. “It means something to me. You’re mine.”

“I didn’t mean it the way it came out, Drew. Just that it doesn’t have to mean something if you don’t want it to.”