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I knock softly on the door, careful not to startle Sophie if her head’s hurting. Cara lets me in. The lights are off and there’s music playing from her laptop. She stands on her tip toes to whisper in my ear, “I’ll be in Drew’s room. Come over if you need anything.”

“I will.” I’m solely focused on Sophie lying in her bed. She’s facing the wall and can’t see me yet, but when she inches up the blankets, I know she senses my presence. Afraid to say the wrong thing, I don’t say anything until my knee cracks loudly when I crouch down next to her. She flinches but doesn’t turn to look at me. “Sophie, can we talk?”

Without moving, she responds, “About what?”

Needing to touch her in some way, I run my fingers up and down the arm that’s clenching her blanket tightly to her chest. I’m thankful when she doesn’t object. “About us.” I probably sound like a fucking woman asking to discuss my feelings and shit. This is all new to me and although it’s been a struggle so far, I don’t want to give up.

“What about us, Kipton?” Her voice is laced with emotion and I get the impression she’s trying not to cry right now. I knew she felt something earlier and now she confirmed it whether she realizes it or not.

“For starters I need to know what happened to the girl I was kissing this afternoon. The one that’s always on my mind.” She sighs and all I want is for her to roll over and look me in the eye.

“Kipton, I told you there’s no time for a relationship in my life—I don’t do them. What we did was fun and I enjoyed it. But it doesn’t change anything. In a few days, I’ll be back in the gym full-time. That’s my real life. Not this.

“What if I need whatever this is?”

“I don’t know, Kipton.”

“You’re really choosing gymnastics?” It’s meant as more of a statement than a question. She has a passion that I’m not about to come between, but she could make time for both if she wanted to.

“I have to,” she responds quickly.

“But you don’t want to?”

Finally rolling over, the tears in her eyes can’t be mistaken. Gone is her hard demeanor, instead replaced with the sweet Sophie I’ve been unable to get out of my mind. “I’m no good for you, Kipton.”

That’s where she’s wrong. “You’re perfect, Sophie. I’ve never craved anyone the way I crave you.” She has the same look in her eye my sister did out in the hallway. But I don’t know why.

“I don’t want to be anyone’s toy. I’ve lived that life and I can’t go back.”

“Tell me what that means, beautiful.”

“It doesn’t matter what it means.”

“Sophie, it does because nothing you tell me will scare me away. I want you in whatever way you need me to. I’m too far gone to stop.”

She turns her head and stares blankly at the wall, shutting me out. “You should go, Kipton.”

“I thought we had a date?” I’ll do anything to spend a few more minutes with her. Even if I have to beg because I get the impression if I walk out now, she and I will be nothing more than a distant memory.

She shakes her head no. “I want to rest.”

“Do you want to watch a movie here instead? We don’t have to go to the one on the field.” Please say yes.

She pauses for a few seconds, her eyes scanning my entire face. “Why me?” Her sparkling blue eyes look like they’re a moment away from releasing whatever pain she’s holding hostage inside of her.

“Why not you?” I question.

“Pfft. I can give you a million reasons.”

I decide to challenge her. “Name one.”

Rolling her eyes, she huffs and shifts in the bed. “We wouldn’t work. I don’t have any spare time when I’m in the gym and you’re too big of a distraction, Kipton. If you haven’t noticed I make shitty decisions when I’m around you.”

I shake my head back and forth. “I don’t buy it for a second, beautiful. That’s a lame ass excuse and you know it.”

“Fine, then you come up with a reason why we would work since you have all the answers.”

My response is automatic. “Because it would kill me to see you with someone else, Sophie.”

Seeming shocked by my answer, it takes her a minute to even blink. When she finally does, a stray tear falls down her cheek as soon as her eyelashes meet. Watching its descent, I lean over and catch the droplet with my tongue. My taste buds soak up the salty mixture of sadness. Her hands rise to rest on my shoulders for a brief second before she digs her nails into my skin as she fights for control of her emotions. There’s no pain because her tiny fingertips send a shock wave though the fabric of my T-shirt, resuscitating my hopeful heart. I know she wants this too.

Without another word spoken, her lips tangle with mine in the most innocent way before our tongues eventually meet. She’s challenging my body to either stay in control or break free. When her hands move from my shoulders and glide down my back, I make a split second decision and gently move over top of her, wedging my leg between hers. She keeps her lips locked with mine while exploring with her hands. “Off,” she mumbles against my mouth while tugging on my shirt. Reaching behind my neck, I pull it over my head eager to see what she plans to do next. She claws at the blankets between us, trying to get rid of the barrier.

Helping her, I pull the comforter down so I can touch her body. Sliding my hands under her shirt and over her stomach, she sucks in her toned abs when I move to kiss the soft skin around her belly button. Moaning softly, she gives me the confidence I need to continue.

“Kipton,” she whispers.

I raise my head to look at her, but her eyes are closed. “Is this okay, Sophie?” She nods her head but I need her words. “I need to hear you, beautiful.”

“Yes, don’t stop.”

“Put your arms above your head.” She follows my direction and I easily pull her shirt off. Left in her pink lace bra, I pull the straps off her shoulders. Without removing it entirely, I inch the lace away from her chest. Her back arches as she anticipates my next move. Flicking her pebbled nipples with my tongue, she responds instantly.

“Please, don’t’ make me wait. I need you, Kipton. Make me feel something else—something good.”

“I’m right here, Sophie. You have me.” I don’t understand her request entirely, but I give her what she wants anyway. We can discuss her second request later. I reach my hand inside her yoga pants and slip under the lace of her panties, touching her wetness. “Sophie, shit.”

“Yes, Kipton. More.” She grinds against my hand and while I’m content getting her off like this, she sits up. I try to remove my hand from her pants but she stops me, instead reaching for the button on my shorts. Fumbling to release it, she pulls down the zipper before I have to break contact to finish removing my shorts along with my boxer briefs. Her eyes are fixated on my dick and it twitches from the desire in her eyes. Before I take my place on the bed, she removes the remainder of her own clothing and waits for me.

We kiss slowly at first, my hands discovering every inch of her skin I haven’t yet touched. She reaches her arms around my waist to pull my body on top of hers. The skin to skin connection is intense, but she’s so tiny I’m afraid I’m hurting her, so I use my knees to take some of the pressure off her body. I want nothing more than to be inside her, but I have to be sure this is what she wants. “You’re sure, Sophie? We can stop whenever you want.”

“I need this. Don’t make me wait.”

“Beautiful, I don’t have a condom with me.” My damn wallet is in my fucking car. Figures the one time I’m not prepared, I‘m given the perfect opportunity to claim my girl. I expect her to end this once I tell her the truth, but instead, she grabs my face in both of her hands. Sucking on my bottom lip, I groan from the sexiness. In between kisses, she surprises me again. “It’s okay, just pull out.”