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Releasing her messy pony tail, she blows a few strands of hair out of her eyes. “You didn’t look too worried about me while you were chatting it up with that girl. Got her number and everything.”

She’s jealous and I happen to enjoy every second of it. It reaffirms everything I already knew. “You saw that?”

“I did.”

“It wasn’t what you think, Sophie.”

She uses her pants to wipe some leftover chalk off her hands. “You sure about that? Did you make plans?”


“No you aren’t sure, or no you didn’t make plans?”

I love that she needs to ask me for specifics. “No, Sophie. We didn’t make plans. In case you forgot in the half hour since I was inside of you, I want you.

She sucks in a deep breath, but keeps the questions flowing. “You hugged her.”

She’s so stubborn. “I told you it wasn’t what it looked like.”

She cocks her head to the side trying to play tough. “I’m supposed to believe that?”

I know it’s wrong before I even say it, but I say it anyway. “Like I’m supposed to believe you don’t want me? Or do you only fuck and run?”

She turns her head away, refusing to acknowledge me standing right in front of her. Tossing my words back at me, she says, “it wasn’t what it looked like.”

I reach up and make her look at me so she comprehends every word I’m saying. “Then don’t judge me and I won’t judge you.” I inch closer to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She has no place to look, but into my eyes until I hug her and rest my head against her stomach. Brushing her fingers through my hair, I’m hopeful she’s ready to acknowledge what’s going on between the two of us. But much like a moment is, it’s over before it has a chance to multiply.

“Kipton, I have to get going.”

Damn it. “Why do you keep running, beautiful?”

She shrugs. “For exercise.”

“You know what I mean. Why do you keep running from me.

I search her face for any clue about what to do next. Her resolve slowly crumbles right before my eyes, but as fast as it disappears, she’s fighting to regain control again. Before she can come up with any other ideas, I kiss her. It’s not slow, innocent or forgiving. It’s a claiming kiss as my lips tangle with hers so roughly our teeth clash a few times. Sophie has to be mine. Placing my hands under her ass, I’m ready to hoist her off the beam and around my waist until she freezes and pushes me back.

“I can’t do this, Kipton. I’m sorry.”

“Sophie. Don’t run. Stay with me. Be mine.

She softly whispers, “It’s the only thing I know how to do right now.”

I need to know why. “Let me teach you how to stay.”

She looks pained when she says, “Please, Kipton. Forget about us. It’s easier that way.”

“And if I don’t want to?”

“Then I’ll make you.” I recoil like she punched me again, this time in the stomach. She spins around to the other side of the beam and hops down. Grabbing her shoes, she runs out of the gym as fast as her legs will carry her. But I don’t try to follow her this time.

I may not have taken her seriously when she kicked me out of her room, but I know now it’s a done deal. Anything I have left to say will fall on deaf ears.

She wins. And I hate to fucking lose.

THE NEXT COUPLE WEEKS PASS by without having spoken to Sophie. Cara’s asked me to come by her room a couple times, but we always settle for meeting at the coffee shop instead. I can’t risk running into Sophie outside of class after the way things ended. I’ve been trying to erase her from my memory, even going as far as to make out with a few random chicks at last week’s party. It didn’t work. None of their mouths felt as incredible as hers. It’s effortless with Sophie when she decides to let go.

For the first two weeks after our sexual explosion, I was checking in with Cara on a daily basis about Sophie’s progress. Unfortunately, she was benched another week after admitting her dizziness hadn’t entirely subsided. Knowing how upset she must have been, I desperately wanted to contact her on my own. I tossed that thought aside the day she switched partners in astronomy. She wasn’t kidding when she said she would make me forget her. Little does she know her actions have the exact opposite effect on me, the distance only making me want her more.

Cara assures me Sophie’s been throwing all of her extra time into running and going to the gym, much like I have. She sees her in passing, but they haven’t spent much time together the past three weeks. Of course that earned me an I told you so of epic proportions and a reminder of why Cara had wanted me to keep my distance in the first place. Briefly I regret messing up their relationship, but not enough to take back the desire I still have for her. Because let’s face it, if Sophie came to her senses, I’d still want her.

There’s a party at the house tonight that I’m not sure I’m up for, but know I need to attend. If there’s one way to forget Sophie, it’s to get drunk and make a new memory with someone else. Although it’s the same damn thing every week, drink, get drunk, and wake up with a raging hangover, it beats staying up all night thinking of her. Not wanting to drink on an empty stomach, I decide to see if my sister wants to go to dinner beforehand. I’m also man enough to admit I’d like to find out what Sophie’s doing tonight.

The number committed to memory, I dial without scrolling through my contact list. “Hello?” It’s a dude.

“Drew?” I question

“No, man. This is Tyler. Who you looking for?”

“My sister, Cara. Is she there?”

“No, she’s at dinner with Drew. They left about twenty minutes ago. Want me to tell her you called?”

“No. I’ll call her tomorrow.” I should end it and hang up here, but I’m a glutton for punishment apparently. “Is Sophie there?”

“She is, but she can’t come to the phone right now.”

“Why not?”

“She’s in the shower. Can you call back a little later?”

I know what she looks like in that pink towel, and it pisses me the fuck off to know he will too. I don’t know who Tyler is, but I don’t like it. At all. “No thanks. I’ll pass.” Without another word, I hang up. Tonight’s party is looking better and better by the second. In fact, I know the perfect solution to my problems. Not bothering to waste another second, I dial Emily’s number. I need to have some fun because this whole not giving a shit thing isn’t working out.


“Hey Emily. It’s Kipton.”

“Well it took you long enough. I assumed you weren’t interested.” I hear the teasing tone in her voice and can sense her smiling on the other end of the line.

“Exactly the opposite. In fact, I’m very interested in seeing you tonight.”

“You are? Well, I’m very interested in seeing you too,” she confesses.

Unfortunately, she knows she’s a hot piece and can get what she wants with little effort. I’ll play her game for now. “I’m glad to hear that. There’s a party at my place in a couple hours.”

“Okay. Do I need to bring someone with me or am I yours for the night?” She’s still direct and easy. Exactly as I planned.

“That’s up to you, but you may be occupied for a little while. Your friend’s free to join us if she’s into it.”

“I like the sound of that, Kipton.”

Holy shit. I was joking but hey, the more the merrier, right? I play it cool even though the only chick I really want in my bed is Sophie. But I’m a guy regardless and my dick is in full agreement that a threesome would be hot as hell. I’m human, not a saint.

You only live once, right?