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I’VE BEEN DOING A DECENT job of avoiding Kipton. Astronomy is the hardest because he spends most of the class staring at me. I don’t even have to look at him to know he’s doing it. He wasn’t happy when I made up another lie to convince my professor to switch lab partners as well as my seat. Blaming it on a conflict of interest, I was able to build a case of how it was causing strain in my relationship with my roommate. As it turns out, getting caught making out in the planetarium actually worked in my favor. While it won’t be nearly as fun to map the sky with Oliver, the brainiac from England, at least I won’t be tempted to make out with him.

Along with angering Kipton, I also let down Coach Evans. My body finally passed inspection with the team doctor, but it only took one routine on the uneven bars to send my equilibrium into shock all over again, sidelining me for another week. Frustrated with my uncooperative balance, running has been my saving grace and the only thing my body seems to tolerate without an all out war. I still get headaches off and on, but nothing intense like the first week after my concussion.

Tyler, the captain of the men’s gymnastics team, has been sidelined with a nagging ankle injury. We’ve been training together in the weight room while everyone else is in the gym working on their routines. Understanding how important it is to get back to training, he’s been helping me come up with an awesome conditioning program that will impress Coach once I’m at full strength. I’ve already toned up more than I thought possible and have built a friendship in the process. Finally my body is beginning to work with me instead of against.

Tyler’s girlfriend goes to school about an hour from here, so they don’t get to see each other as often as they’d like. From the second I heard he was attached, I knew he was safe. Under normal circumstances, I’d be hesitant to open up to another guy, especially after the way things escalated with Kipton. But Tyler is more like the brother I’ve always wanted. In fact, he walked back to the dorm with me tonight after our workout to borrow my psychology notes. He’s lucky I’m the queen of note taking and have almost every word the professor spoke written down in my notebook. He’s busy scanning through each page, picking out the most important topics, while I shower.

With it being Thirsty Thursday on campus, Cara’s been trying to get me to go to a party with her all week. I told her I’d consider it. The last thing I want to do is risk running into Kipton, but I can’t keep pushing her away. Eventually, I’ll have to see him again in a social setting. While a month of not speaking has been helpful to keep my training on track and my anxiety low, it’s been pure torture at the same time. A part of me is excited to catch a glimpse of Kipton.

Since we had sex, I’ve fallen asleep to memories of our connection almost every night. By replaying him kissing me over and over, I’m able to fall asleep in a blissful state of hyperawareness. On nights I get lucky enough, we meet up in my dreams and get even more comfortable with one another. I never push him away when I’m asleep. If only I could be the same girl during the daytime.

Finishing up my shower, I change in the bathroom so I’m not naked in front of Tyler when I return to my room. It would be disrespectful to his girlfriend, not to mention he and I don’t operate that way around each other. It’s refreshing.

I open my door quietly, so I don’t interrupt his studying. “How’s it going?”

“I’m finishing up. I don’t know how you manage to write everything down, but I’m thankful you do. This will make catching up so much easier. Although next time, I’m using a copy machine.” He shakes out his writing hand and I laugh.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad they’re useful to someone because I like taking notes way more than studying them.”

“I don’t like it either. Oh, before I forget. Kipton called.”

Freezing in place, my face heats. Tyler doesn’t know everything about our history, yet I’m embarrassed at the mention of his name. So much that my hands are shaking causing me to drop my towel twice while trying to hang it up on the hook in the closet. I take a deep breath before responding, making sure my voice is even and nonchalant. “Was he looking for Cara?”

“Yeah. He asked for her, but he asked for you too after I told him she left with Drew.”

I spin around on my heel in surprise. “He did?”

Smiling, Tyler packs up his notebook and places mine on my desk. “I assume you two are well acquainted.”

“Somewhat. He’s Cara’s brother.” I start applying my makeup so I have to look into the mirror and away from Tyler’s knowing eyes. Even though he suspects something, I’m grateful he answered the call. I have no idea what I would have done if I’d been the one to hear Kipton on the other end of the line. Knowing my typical response to his voice, I probably would have panicked and hung up on him.

“And?” he questions.

“What do you mean?” I play dumb hoping he drops the subject.

“Nothing. Nevermind.” Thank the lord.

I finish my makeup and quickly dry my hair before tossing it up in a ponytail. I’ll add some curls to give it some life before I go out tonight. “You ready for dinner?”

“I’m starving. What do you say we have a cheat meal and get some Tex-Mex? There’s a great place right off Main Street.”

Shit. That’s close to Kipton’s house. “Sure. Sounds delicious. I could go for a taco.” In reality I’m not sure how my stomach will hold up. Since ending contact with Kipton, my nightmares have come back in full force. Almost every night I’ve been rushing to the bathroom in the middle of the night, replacing horrible memories with the calmness of a purge. The after effects have been making eating difficult with my stomach often protesting what I put inside it.

The walk is quiet at first before Tyler breaks the silence. “You okay, Soph?”

“I think so.”

“It was the phone call wasn’t it?”

I nod my head. “He’s a hard guy to forget.”

“Why do you have to forget him?”

“I have my reasons. It’s complicated, I guess.”

“It usually is when it’s right.”

“Seriously? I thought it was supposed to be easy when you’re with the right person.”

“Nope. I’m with the right girl and never get to see her. If that’s not complicated I don’t know what is.”

Here I am worrying about avoiding Kipton and Tyler would do anything for a chance to see his girlfriend on a daily basis. “I’m sorry. That would really suck. You must miss her a lot.”

“I do.” For a brief moment his own protective shield falls, but he doesn’t let it stay that way for long. “But enough of the serious shit. Let’s eat ourselves into a food coma.”

“I’m game.”

It turns out I couldn’t stop at one taco—or two. Inhaling my entire main dish along with corn bread, beans, and rice, I’m stuffed by the time we leave the restaurant. The flavors were outrageous although harsh on my scratchy throat. It’s nice to taste something other than the bland dining hall food though.

“You want to stop for frozen yogurt while we’re at it?” Tyler asks.

“I can’t eat another bite, but if you want some, we can.” Silently I pray he doesn’t want to stop. My stomach can’t handle it.

“I guess you’re right. We did enough damage with the tacos.” He rubs his distended stomach and I laugh.

“I’ll race you back.” Taking off, I turn this into a game when in reality, I’m only running because I’m close to throwing up.

“Sophie!” He yells after me. Not one to pass up a challenge, he takes the dare and sprints alongside me with ease. “Can we stop now? I’m going to throw up if I keep this pace.”

“You wimp. Are you going to let a girl beat you?”

“Hell no!” He kicks it up a notch and zips past me. His body inches further and further away from me. Spotting the dorm in the distance, I keep it in my sights knowing that’s the end goal. No match for his longer legs or speed, we meet up again by the fountain. “So what do I get for winning?” he questions triumphantly.