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Looking back at Caleb over my shoulder, he nods his head signaling me to come back over. “Yeah?”

“You’re overdressed. Let me know when the show starts.”

Scoffing in disgust, I smack him in the chest and walk away. He laughs at my reaction and keeps pouring beer. Nobody is getting a repeat performance out of me.

Waiting for Cara, I lean against the stairwell and sway back and forth to the music. As I scan the room, waiting for her, I notice commotion over by the Tiki bar. As a few bodies part, leaving a small area to peer through the crowd, I’m reminded of the power of alcohol. Lying on the bar is a gorgeous girl with her shirt pulled up, exposing her flat stomach. Taking a body shot out of her belly button, Kipton looks like he’s having the time of his life. Behind him, there’s another girl running her hands up his back underneath his shirt. I wanted to see him tonight, but I never imagined he would be doing that.

I sink into the corner of the room, wanting to disappear into the ancient wallpaper. If I could wash my eyes out with soap to remove the racy image I would. Gone is the reminder of his lips touching mine, of him inside me, kissing around my belly button. As crushed as I am, I know it’s my own fault for pushing him away. Did I really expect someone like him to fight for me? No.

“I’m back. The line was forever long. What’d I miss?” Cara asks.

“Eh. Not too much. Caleb told me to get naked and your brother’s doing body shots off some hooker over there while another gropes him from behind.”

Cara stands on her tippy toes and peeks around a few dancing bodies. “What is he doing! Who are those girls?”

When Kipton helps body shot goddess off the top of the bar, I see it’s her. The girl he was talking to outside of my dorm. The one he touched. The one he said he didn’t make plans with. I should have known better than to believe him. I can’t compete with all of that even if I wanted to. She looks straight off a runway with her chic wardrobe and perfect body. Instantly, my mood shifts from jealousy to annoyance. It’s time to get even.

Looking around the room, I don’t see anyone I know besides Caleb. As much as I don’t want to lead him on, he’s my only option. The fact that Kipton isn’t his biggest fan makes me all the more eager to get to him. “I want to dance, Cara.”

“I thought you don’t like to dance?” she questions.

I smile and shake my ass. “Tonight, I love it.”

“Oh hell. What are you up to, Sophie?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.” Sashaying over to the keg, I tap Caleb’s arm. He finishes filling the cup in his hand and bends down to hear me speak. “Do you have to pour beer all night?”

Looking confused, yet hopeful, he shakes his head. “No. Why?”

“Will you dance with me?”

Smiling from ear to ear, he drops the tap and turns to face me. Towering over my small body, he beams, “I thought you’d never ask.” I take his hand and he leads us into the throng of sweaty bodies grinding on the dance floor. I search for Kipton and see him kissing both girls at the same time—a triple kiss. Gasping, I cover my mouth in shock. Tongues and lips are all over each other. It’s filthy and everything a guy would dream of—it’s everything I’m not.

The more I tell myself not to care, to forget him, the more I find myself drawn to him. I thought giving my body to Kipton would help me move on. But now that I know what it feels like to have him inside me, I realize one time with him will never be enough. He made me feel—he made me come alive.

Caleb pulls me close, our bodies touching at every possible connecting point. There aren’t any sparks and definitely no fireworks booming in the sky. The only way I can make dancing with him believable is to pretend he’s Kipton. And the second I replace his blond hair with Kipton’s dark brown color, I close my eyes and get lost in the memory of his touch. Working myself up to the point of needing release, Caleb’s own arousal is stiff against my back. His hands roam to my chest and down to the waistband of my skirt where he slides the tips of his fingers beneath my belt to graze my lower belly. Everything about his touch is wrong, but since I’m envisioning Kipton in my mind, it’s incredible. Moaning, I lean my head onto Caleb’s shoulder. He spins me around so I’m facing him. “Jump up and wrap your legs around me, Sophie.”

I do as he says and once we’re at eye level, he kisses me hard on the mouth. But as hard as I try, I’m reminded it’s not Kipton’s tongue asking for permission to enter. When I open my eyes to stop him, it’s like a cold bucket of water was poured directly over my head. Caleb’s eyes are lust filled, ready to take our connection to the next level. All I can focus on is Kipton watching me from the stool at the Tiki bar—his date suddenly absent.

“Caleb, put me down. I need a breather.” I’m mortified I let things get so out of control with a guy I can’t even stand most of the time. He sets me on my feet, not releasing me from his grasp entirely.

“Let’s go up to my room, baby.” He pulls up the hem of my tank top to touch more of my stomach. I look into his eyes and blink slowly as I comprehend his invitation. We get pushed farther into the crowd right as one of Kipton’s girls return to his side. He pulls her in between his legs and kisses her on the lips with enough force to almost knock her over. She reaches out and braces herself against his shoulders. His fingers are splayed across her lower back and the sight of the two of them makes my stomach churn.

Remembering Caleb’s offer, I answer easily. “Yeah. Okay. Let’s go.” Without a word, Caleb leads me through the mass of bodies to the staircase. Each step takes me further and further away from the guy I truly want. The one who sets my body on fire from one simple look. I’m not paying attention and bump into Cara halfway up the stairs. She pulls me aside, letting Caleb continue to the top.

“What are you doing, Sophie?”

“Hanging out with Caleb.”

“Don’t do this. You’ll regret it,” she warns.

“It’s not like I have any other options tonight.” I’m letting my anger win.

Cara huffs and rolls her eyes. “That’s bullshit and you know it, Sophie. I don’t get this cat and mouse game you and Kipton are playing, but it needs to stop. Now!”

“Come on, babe.” Caleb reaches for my hand and pulls me up the last few steps before leading me down the hallway.

“Don’t you even fucking try it, Sophie.”

Frozen in place, I drop Caleb’s hand. When I turn around, I’m met with a smiling Cara and a fuming Kipton. “Come on, Caleb. Let’s go have a drink.” Cara pushes Caleb back downstairs before he can cause a scene. He’s obviously had a few drinks already because he goes willingly, looking at Cara like she’s his new conquest. Cara won’t put up with any of his bullshit and will have him safely parked next to the keg in no time.

Wearily, I chance a peek at Kipton. “Where are your dates? One girl not enough for you these days?”

Showing little emotion he replies, “Emily’s downstairs with her friend.”

I nod my head. Emily. I hate that name. “That’s nice. Shouldn’t you be using her as your personal shot glass?”

“Jealous?” he questions.

Damn right I’m jealous. You’re mine! “Nope.” I pop the p for added effect.

“You sure about that, beautiful?”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Why not? It’s the truth.”

His admission makes me want him even more. “Because you had your mouth all over Emily’s.”

He takes a step closer, pinning me against the wall. “You know damn well whose mouth I want, Sophie.” I look away, suddenly needing more air than he’s allowing me to breathe.

“Whatever.” I try to squeeze out from his intense hold, but he moves right along with me. Each time I try to escape, he matches my every move. Walking backwards, I realize I’m out of room to run. The only place left for me to go is in his bedroom. Sliding around the door jam, I find myself in a familiar situation. Only this time, I’m sober. We stand rooted in the middle of his room in a standoff of sorts. The sexual energy is charged and ready to detonate at any moment.