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Cara stands up and shakes her head no. “I highly doubt that’s the case.” She paces back and forth just like he does when he’s stewing over something important. I smile at their noticeable similarities. “He would never cheat on you, Sophie. Sure, he’s had his fair share of chicks, but he wouldn’t do that to you.”

“Well I hadn’t even considered that, but now you’re freaking me out.”

“No. He’s not. He would never do that to you. I’m just thinking out loud. It doesn’t make sense, but maybe he’s just taking things slow. Do you want me to talk to him? I’ll ask him what’s up.”

“Oh. God, no! This stays between the two of us. I’m begging you, Cara.”

“Okay, calm down. But if you don’t get some tonight and break out of this funk, I may have to say something. It’s just not right. A girl has needs too.”

Yes, I need my boyfriend to want me. “I’m fine, I promise.”

“If you’re sure.” I shake my head that I’m good. “Let’s get going. I need a few shots after that.”

I reach over and snatch my cell off the bed. The screen lights up and the call from earlier is still connected. Stabbing at the red x on the screen, I die a thousand deaths.

Cara turns around when she realizes I didn’t follow her into the hallway. “Now what?” She huffs.

I stand staring at my cell in shock. “Cara, the call. Your brother’s call. It never disconnected.”


“So! I think he heard our entire conversation just now.”

She rolls her eyes and stomps back into the room. “You don’t know that for sure. Kipton has ADD most of the day. He probably hung up a long time ago.

“But the timer was still running. If he hung up, it would’ve stopped.”

Cara takes the phone out of my hand and inspects it. She checks the call log and notices the extended time on the previous call. “I doubt he could hear even if he was trying to eavesdrop.”

“I think I’ll stay home.”

Cara grabs my arm and hauls my ass into the hallway, kicking the door closed in the process. “No. We’re going and we will have fun. Stop dwelling on things you can’t change. It’s one of our goals on the board remember?”

After I started therapy, Cara and I hashed out our differences. We even went as far as making a roommate agreement. I thought it was silly, but she insisted it would bring us that much closer. Although she just mentioned one of my goals, we both try to work on all of them together. That way it’s easier to keep each other on the right path.

Regardless of my embarrassment, I suck it up and drive the two of us to the party. It’s time to face the music. When I pull into the gravel lot next to the house, I cut the engine and stare blankly ahead. The warmth of the heater is quickly being replaced by the chill in the night air. “Are you coming inside, Sophie?”

Before I can answer, Kipton’s opening her door. “Cara, a few of your friends are inside playing beer pong. Can you give us a minute please? I need to talk to Sophie alone.”

“Sure, Kippy. Go easy on her though.” She pats his shoulder and hurries inside the house.

Kipton takes Cara’s place in the passenger seat of my car. The way he’s looking at me can only be described as feral. I swallow the lump of apprehension in my throat just as my chest begins to rise and fall rapidly. I’m afraid to speak first, but the tension is too palpable to continue in silence.

“Kipton?” I say his name in the form of a question, hoping he will explain why we’re hanging out in the car and not going inside to the party.


I twist my fingers in my lap, nervously. “Um. Do you need me to drive you somewhere?”


These one word answers are killing me. “What’s wrong?” I need him to ease my fears.

“Do you see the treehouse atop the tree in the backyard?” I turn my head to the right. “No, the other side of the yard.”

I crane my neck to look in the other direction and spot it in the distance. It looks like it’s in the neighbor’s yard though. “Yes.”

“I want you to go wait for me inside.”

Is he serious? “I can’t climb a tree!”

“There’s slats nailed into the tree trunk to climb up. It’s safe.”

My heart is thumping in my chest. “Why aren’t you coming? What’s going on?”

“I need you to climb up and get completely naked for me. Then, lay down on the blankets. Can you do that for me?”

Holy shit. I clench my legs together, his directions adding to the anticipation of what’s to come. “I think so. But why can’t we go to your room? Where it’s warm.”

“Because I’m going to make you scream so loud, we need to be outside for the air to soak up your cries. After I finish, we can go inside and do it all over again if you want.” He leans close to my lips like he’s going to kiss me, but pauses. “But you’ll have to be quiet inside.”

“Quiet. Okay.” Right now I’ll do anything he asks. “Why though?” I’m positive I already know the answer, but I ask him anyway to torture myself.

He cups my chin in the palm of his hand. “Because I love you. And every inch of this gorgeous body. It’s mine and I don’t want you to ever doubt how much I want you, again.”

I try to duck my head, but he doesn’t let me. Instead, he forces me to look into his eyes. “You heard, didn’t you?”

“I heard every word and I’m glad I did, Sophie.”


“And I’m so mad at myself for not giving you what you need—for making you doubt yourself.”

“Kipton, it’s okay. It’s nothing. I was making it a bigger deal than it is.”

“It’s everything. I need you, beautiful. There isn’t a moment of my day that I don’t spend wanting you. I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve made love to you. I was worried you weren’t ready after everything that’s happened. But now I know I was the one overthinking everything. I’m relieved I heard your conversation even if I should have hung up.”

“I always need you, Kipton. Please don’t ever think you’re too much for me to handle. You ground me. I feel my best when we’re together.”

He squeezes my hand in his. “I’ll always be your rock, baby.” He reaches over and unbuckles my seatbelt. After placing a tender kiss to my lips, the heat returns to his eyes. “You have five minutes to get ready for me.”

I don’t know if it’s the thrill of the moment, or the promise of what’s to come, but I can’t get out of the car fast enough. After stumbling over some loose gravel, I trek through the piles of leaves littering the yard. My nerves are already revved up, but the tree seems to grow in size as I inch closer and closer. I slow down and glance back toward my car. Kipton’s still sitting inside, but I’m too far away to make out what he’s doing. Is he really going to make me climb this damn tree?

I reach out and test a few of the wooden boards nailed to the trunk of the tree. When they seem secure enough to hold my weight, I begin to climb. Halfway up, I make the mistake of looking down. For a moment I debate reversing back down to the ground, but when I remember Kipton’s promises, I keep moving higher.

Once inside the treehouse, I flex my hands a few times to restore circulation. After grasping each rung so tightly, I wince when I touch the palm of my right hand. Certain I have a splinter; I try to search for it but can’t find anything. Expecting bare floor boards, cob webs, and a family of ants, I gasp when I take a look around. This was no spur of the moment decision.