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“Yeah, there,” I practically pant. His fingers move back and forth a few times and I clutch his wrist to hold him tightly against my body. Just as things begin to heat up, he removes his hand and places it back on the steering wheel leaving me needy and impatient.

“We should act out this dream of yours tonight. I want to make sure your fantasies come true.”

Only he would find it acceptable to get me hot and bothered before meeting his parents. “Funny.”

“What’s funny? I’m serious. It’s happening.” He pulls into a long driveway lined with tall trees. It screams southern money. The house is the most elegantly, beautiful place I’ve ever been. It’s easily three times the size of the house I grew up in. “Wow.”

“It’s just a house, Sophie.”

“A huge one.”

“It’s the people inside that matter. Not the size. Remember that okay?”


I barely have two feet planted on the driveway before Cara is running toward me. “Sophie!”

She almost knocks me over with her enthusiastic welcome. “Oof. I missed you too, Cara.”

“Come inside, come.”

“One sec, Cara. Come here a minute, Sophie.”

I walk over to Kipton as he asked. “What’s wrong?”

He pulls me behind the trunk, out of view from the front of the house. “Nothing. Just don’t forget about tonight.” He runs his hand up my thigh and between my legs again. Repeating his early ministrations. He rubs back and forth over my sensitive nerve endings before cupping me in his palm.

“I won’t forget.”

He drops his hand to his side, leaving me in a daze. I glance around, making sure no one can see us. Thankfully, the closest neighbor is on the other side of the trees. Swallowing hard at his reminder, I walk back to the front door to meet Cara. I glance over my shoulder at Kipton. Hoping he’s right behind me, I’m nervous when he winks and takes his time gathering my bags. This game he’s playing is killing me.

“Mom! Sophie’s here.” Instantly, I’m wrapped in to a warm hug from a woman I assume to be Kipton’s mom.

“She’s beautiful. My goodness, you’re just adorable. Come, let’s talk. I’ve been so excited to put a face to the name.”

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you too, Mrs.–”

She interrupts before I can give her a formal greeting. “Call me Lynn.”

“Okay. It’s nice to meet you, Lynn.” We walk down a hallway and into an office. She pats the sofa next to her and I take my place nervously. Cara closes the doors and leaves the two of us alone.

“I needed time with you right away, Sophie. Both of my children are very open and honest with me. It’s the way I’ve always wanted it. I know we’re practically strangers, but I’ll never be anything other than honest with you too.”

Where is she going with all of this?

“Kipton shared a few things with me before he ran out last night. I’d never pretend not to know. It’s not how I operate.”

I hang my head, twisting my fingers in my lap. I want to get up and run. Kipton promised she wouldn’t judge me. Standing, I take one step before Lynn’s hand reaches for mine.

“Please, Sophie. Hear me out. And don’t be angry with Kipton. He has your best interest at heart.”

I can’t sit back down, so I stand on shaky legs next to the window. Being able to see the outside makes the conversation less constrictive.

“Kipton also called me last night after you fell asleep. With the way he ran out of here last night, I was worried you were in trouble.”

“I was.” Admitting you’re in trouble is the first step, right?

“I agree with that, Sophie. That’s why you’re here with me. Both Cara and Kipton already know what I’m going to ask of you.”

“You want me to leave, don’t you? To stop wasting your son’s time. I’m well aware he deserves better.”

“No, Sophie. I want you to stay.”

Confused, I look to her for an explanation. She isn’t making sense.

“I want this to be your home. When you’re on break, over the summer, after you finish, this will be your home.”

Is she nuts? “But we don’t even know each other. You may not even like me.”

She shakes her head repeatedly. “That will never be the case because both of my children love you. I trust their judgment.”

My eyes fill with unshed tears. “What if Kipton and I break up?”

“The status of your relationship doesn’t depend on your place in this home. It’s yours for as long as you want it. You’ll have a room of your own.”

The tears fall. I sink to the floor unable to believe an entire family actually wants to take me in. “I need to let it all sink in, Lynn. I haven’t had many opportunities in my life to love someone, but I know I love your son—more than anything. And Cara’s my best friend. I’ve never known what it’s like to have a family.”

“You will after today. And I apologize for yanking you in here right away, but I couldn’t sit through dinner or wait another minute. You’ve been through enough. ” Lynn closes her eyes and breathes deeply. When she opens them again, a few tears of her own trickle down her cheeks. “You remind me a lot of myself, Sophie. I grew up in a volatile home myself so when I say I understand your pain, I mean it. But it does get better and it will get easier over time.”

“It’s so hard to give up on my Mom. And I tried to make Dean love me, but couldn’t. As far as Coach goes, I haven’t even processed the idea of him yet. I’ve been too busy mourning everything I lost.”

Lynn sits next to me on the carpet. “Doug and I don’t want to overwhelm you. We won’t pretend to be anything other than what you’re willing to accept. But this is a safe place. You’re not alone anymore, Sophie. It’s all here for you if you want it.”

“Thank you.”

“So you’ll stay?” She’s hesitant with her request, but in need of an answer nonetheless.

“It’s a strange concept with dating Kipton and all. I mean I’m an adult. But if you’ll have me.” My shaky voice gives away how overwhelmed I am. I’ve just been given my greatest wish. Acceptance.

“We’ll get all of your info changed as soon as possible. I never want you to live in a hotel or sleep in a damn tree again.” She laughs through a sob of her own and wipes the tears from my face. It’s a motherly gesture.

“Thank you, Lynn. The words hardly seem like enough.”

“They’re plenty.” She stands up from the floor and brushes the wrinkles out of the fabric of her pants. “You take all the time you need. I’ve walloped you with a lot just now. Come out and meet my husband when you’re ready. I’m sure Cara would like to show you your room too.”

I stay seated on the floor, processing our conversation. Despite the ache in my heart, I’ve been given a second chance. Praying that I’m strong enough to live up to their standards, I need to discuss all of this with Kipton before I get too comfortable.

Sophie: Can you come in here.

The text barely finishes sending before the office door opens. “I was in the hallway. Are you okay?”

“Hey.” He’s tiptoeing around the elephant in the room, so I put him out of his misery and address it. “Are you on board with this crazy plan?”

He kneels in front of me, taking my hands. “Of course I am. You’re my home, Sophie. Wherever you are is where I want to be. You said yes, right? I’m sorry you walked into that blind, but I was afraid if I said something, you would panic or get upset.”

I can tell he’s nervous about my decision. “I’m not mad. I’m too grateful to be upset. But I am old enough to do it on my own. I’m over eighteen and a legal adult.”

He sighs. I’m not trying to be difficult. I’m simply stating the obvious.

“But you shouldn’t have to. Yes, we’re both adults, but until we graduate and get on our feet financially, you need a place to call home. Hell, I’m a year older than you and I still need it. So don’t get caught up in a numbers game. I don’t want you to quit school and settle for a dead end job for the rest of your life.”