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Slowly the small box opens and inside is a simple silver band with the infinity symbol etched into it. When I look closer, there’s an S and a K on each side. “Look inside the band,” he whispers.

“My beautiful.” I smile when I make the connection. “My Dad calls me beauty in all his letters.”

“Smart man.” He slides it on my right ring finger. “You’re mine, Sophie.”

“This feels like an engagement. Even though it’s not.”

“This ring doesn’t have any diamonds. And you deserve diamonds.”

I hold out my hand, admiring my new jewelry. It looks delicate and fits perfectly. “It doesn’t need diamonds. It’s the meaning that’s important to me, not the bling.”

“That’s part of the reason I love you. It’s never about things with you. But after we finish school, have a place of our own and jobs, we can have all the things that matter.”

I smile and look into his eyes. “Thank you for this. For loving me when I had trouble loving myself.”

“Our worlds collided for a reason, Sophie.”

“So you could save me,” I whisper. A lone tear sliding down my face. “I feel a million times lighter, Kipton. Every tear, every ounce of sadness—it gave me you.”

He kisses my lips, taking his time before pulling away. “Happy Birthday.”

“But my birthday’s–”

“Today.” He finishes.

I look at the bedside clock and at a minute after midnight, it is my birthday. “I’ve been so busy catching up with school assignments, I totally forgot.”

“Are you ready for me to give you the rest of your present?”

“There’s more?”

“This is only the beginning, beautiful.”

FIRST AND FOREMOST, I WANT to thank my husband for his support. Writing is a crazy journey from start to finish and without his encouragement, I’m not sure my stories would ever be complete. So, thank you for putting up with my neurotic need to type away until I get every single one of my words just right. Life has thrown us a lot of curveballs—thank you for catching each and every one.

To my parents—thank you for getting me hooked on books before I even knew how to ride a bike. And when I wanted to go to the book store to grab a new R.L. Stine book, you always took me and encouraged me to pick out whatever I wanted. I spent so many hours tucked under Nana’s blanket getting lost in a world of words. Some things never change—and I’m thankful for that.

To my beta readers, Jena from I Bookin Love to Read, Kylie from Kylie’s Fiction Addiction, M.C. Decker, and Stephanie Rose—thank you for taking the time to read Lighter. I’ve enjoyed your arguments over who gets to keep Kipton. Your suggestions, advice, and encouragement were more than I could have asked for. Because of you, Lighter is STRONG.

Stephanie, you supported this story when it was simply an idea in my head—encouraging me not to give up my dream. Kylie, you’re a tough sell and for you to be so excited made my entire year. Megan, you claimed Kipton first—just sayin. Jena, I was the most nervous about you reading Lighter. While you were my toughest critic, you gave solid advice that made my manuscript stronger. Thank you for your attention to detail and passion for plots!

To my proofing queen, Megan Decker—thank you for picking your way through my manuscript. You live in a world of words, and do it well. You’re the real life Brooke, and I’m honored to call you my friend. Thank you for keeping me sane in a world of craziness. Love ya, chick.

To the creative forces behind Lighter—Sommer Stein of Perfect Pear Creative Covers, thank you for creating the cover of my dreams. It’s everything I envisioned. Christine Borgford of Perfectly Publishable, thank you for turning my words into such a beautifully designed book. It’s now a work of art. Giselle from Xpresso Tours, thank you for spreading the word about Lighter. Your organization and prompt responses kept my schedule on track for a seamless reveal and release. Thank you so much!

To my readers—thank you for taking a chance on a girl from the country with a dream to write. Your continued support and love of my characters gives me the biggest rush of excitement I could ever imagine. Many of you have joined Gia Riley’s Books on Facebook, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. I hope I’ve made you proud with this story.

To every blogger who has supported me—thank you for taking the time to post my work. Whether you’ve promoted or reviewed, each post is noticed and appreciated. With you spreading the word, it allows my dreams to come true. I know you get a lot of requests each day. When you answer my inquiries, it makes my day.

To my friends–ever since I released my first novel, I’ve met some amazing ladies who keep me in stitches. Whether we chat, toss ideas back and forth, or just gripe about our day, you’re there for me.

Nelly from Romance Bytes, thank you for understanding what it means to be a warrior mom. This crazy world we found ourselves in is a little less scary with you by my side. “Different, not less.”

Tina Bell, whether I need advice or an ear to listen, you’re always there. You get “it” and I’m appreciative of your friendship. Books brought us together, but our friendship is so much more than that.

Kylie Frankel, I’m convinced you’re my sister from another lifetime. It doesn’t matter if we’re discussing your love of Brandon Walsh or the latest from the world of reality television, you keep me in stitches. My world was very bland without you. Mother Goose says, “Friends Forever.”

Stephanie Rose, you have been on this ride with me from the start. Now it’s your turn to make your dreams come true. I couldn’t be more proud of you. #AlwaysYou

To my Sweet & Spicy Writer Chicks—Caleigh Hernandez, Mandi Beck, M.C. Decker, Ryleigh Andrews, and S.E. Dean, thank you for giving me my daily dose of laughter. Most importantly, thank you for teaching me about all the proper tools of life. You know what I mean. Whether it’s QK, or simply having each other’s backs, the book world is so much more fun with all of you. You’re all crazy talented, and I love you to pieces. Cali, Creeper, KittyHo, Rexy, Sauce, and Woody for life!

To the ladies of #FYW—your support has been wonderful. Whether you’re sharing advice or simply chatting, I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. There’s a ton of talent in this group, and I get excited each time I get lost in your books. #Indiechicksrock

GIA RILEY LIVES IN DELAWARE with her husband and son. When she isn’t busy writing her next novel, you can find her roaming the isles of Kirkland’s or up to her elbows in Play-doh.

A firm believer that everyone deserves their happily ever after, she loves creating emotional stories about life and love. Although her nose if often stuck in a book, she loves hearing from readers and connecting with others.

Here’s where you can find her:





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