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amigina — girl/female friend

doga — dog

dogina — bitch

Synonymous with the prefix gin-.

inka — denotes one small part of something:

ramla — sand

ramlinka — grain of sand

snega — snow

sneginka — snowflake

pluva — rain

pluvinka — drop of rain

If added to a noun ending in -a or -ia, these endings are dropped.

ish — means "to some extent":

blan — white

blanish — whitish

interes-ney — interesting

interes-nish — more or less interesting

hao — good

haoish — passable

When adding this suffix, the final -e of adjectives or -a of nouns are dropped; -ney => -nish

isi — "to make, to bring into a condition":

detal — detail

detalisi — detail

iri — be angry

irisi — anger, enrage

klare — clear

klarisi — clarify

If added to a noun ending in -ia, "ia" is dropped:

mifologia — mythology

mifologisi — mythologise

ista — denotes a person in relation to a certain doctrine ("ism") or profession:

komunista — communist

dentista — dentist

artista — artist

(i)taa — makes abstract nouns from adjectives:

probable — probable

probablitaa — probability

jen — "man, person":

samlandajen — fellow countryman

lubijen — loved one

sendijen — envoy

lik — "characteristic of, similar in appearance or character":

matalik — maternal, motherly

amigalik — friendly

manlik — manly

ginalik — womanly

domlik — homely, cozy

suryalik — sun-like

lok — "place":

habitilok — dwelling (-place), habitation

twolilok — threshing-floor

koylok — somewhere

enilok — anywhere

menga — denotes a certain multitude, gathering of uniform objects:

moskamenga — swarm of flies

jenmenga — crowd

nesa — makes abstract nouns from adjectives:

dule — tender

dulenesa — tenderness

nik — denotes person as bearer of some characteristic feature or adherent of something:

batalnik — scrapper

fobnik — coward

shwonik — chatterer

pyannik — drunkard

safarnik — confirmed traveller

When it is added the word's last vowel may be dropped.

o — masculine suffix:

doga — dog

dogo — male dog

amiga — friend

amigo — boy/male friend

Synonymous with the prefix man-.

ple — numerals suffix:

dwaple — double, twofold

triple — triple, threefold

sa — noun suffix of general meaning, a part of pronouns koysa something, enisa anything. Forms nouns from the verbs of type 2:

flai — to fly

flaisa — flight;

gun — to work

gunsa — work

jan — to know

jansa — knowledge

shil — "having inclination or tendency to":

gun — to work

gunshil — industrious

kusi — to bite

kusishil — tending to bite

fobi — to fear

fobishil — timid, timorous

-te (hyphenated) — past tense marker:

ta shwo-te — he said

val — "worthy":

admirival — admirable

sey filma es goval — this film is worth going to see

sey geim es pleival — this game is worth playing

vati — used for deriving verbs in cases where the use of –i is undesirable:

chay — tea

chayvati koywan — to take smb to tea

surya — sun

suryavati koysa— to sun smth

yuan — "employee, worker, organization member":

kafeeyuan — cafe worker

partiayuan — party member

polisyuan — policeman

koalisionyuan — coalition member

The prefixes anti-, arki-, auto-, bi-, ex-, mono-, multi-, poli-, pseudo-, retro-, which occur in technical and scientific words, need not be explained. They are not hyphenated. Prepositions, conjunctions


1) preposition of aim, direction, "to":

Treba go a shop. — One should go to the shop.

Lu he returni a Moskva. — He returned to Moscow.

2) dative case preposition, "to":

Me dai kitaba a ela. — I give the book to her.

Me rakonti a yu. — I tell you.

Ela shwo a lu. — She says to him.


After (in temporal as well as spatial meaning); in (in temporal meaning):

un afte otre — one after another

afte se — after this

afte tri dey — in three days

aftemanya — the day after tomorrow


1) with verbs denotes simultaneity of actions (= "verb+yen"):

Al pasi bus-stopika me he vidi ke lu stan dar. — Passing the bus-stop I saw him standing there.

al shwo om se — when speaking about it;

al kupi auto — when buying a car

2) introduces current circumstances, situation, denotes simultaneity:

al to — at that, in the process

al bakdao — on the way back

al klosi-ney dwar — behind closed doors, with doors closed

al sey halat — under these conditions

al un-ney kansa — at first sight

Me joi al vidi yu. — I am glad to see you.



along riva — along the river

along gata — along the street


indicates object of action:

fai gola an koysa – take aim at smth

darba an tabla – a strike on the table

wuli an luna — howl at the moon

kansa an dwar — a glance at the door

lopi kun sikin an koywan — to run at someone with a knife


(preposition and adverb) out (of):

1) expresses movement outwards:

Lai aus! — Come out!

Lu go-te aus shamba. — He went out of the room.

2) denotes materiaclass="underline"

botela aus glas — bottle made of glass, glass bottle


(preposition and adverb) outside (at what place?), beyond the limits of:

ausen dom — outside the house

Me jivi ausen urba. — I live out of town.

Dwar bu ofni fon ausen. — The door does not open from outside.

Ausen ye frosta. — It freezes outdoors.

ausen-temperatura — the outside temperature

lo ausen — the outside


(preposition and adverb) ahead (of):

avanen kolona — ahead of the column

Lu es dalem avanen. — He is far ahead.

May kloka es pet minuta avanen. — My watch is 5 minutes fast.


(preposition and adverb) behind (at what place?):