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In spite of.


Amid, in the middle; among:

miden shamba — in the middle of the room

miden amigas — among friends

Miden li ye diverse jen. — There are various people among them.


(preposition and adverb) down(wards):

go nich — to go down

nich kolina — down the hill


(preposition and adverb) down (at what place?), at the lower part of:

Lu es nichen. — He is down.

nichen bey — at the lower part of back

nichen kolina — at the bottom of the hill

nicha — bottom, lower part


Though, although:

Obwol me jan urba aika hao, sey plasa, me totem bu jan it. — Although I know the city quite well, this place is completely unknown to me.

Oda (the short form is 'o')


yu o lu — you or he

"oda... oda..." — "either... or..."


Indicates that a mechanism or connection is off:

Radio es of. — The radio is off.

mah-of radio — to switch the radio off


About, concerning, on (refers to the subject of activity):

Me dumi-te om yu. — I thought about you.

Nau om otre kosas. — Now about other things.

Li oli ridi-te om sey insidenta. — They all laughed about this incident.

Nu zai gun om sey problema. — We are working on/at this problem.



1) indicates that something is on a surface:

on tabla — on the table

2) indicates that a mechanism or connection is on:

Radio es on. — The radio is on.

mah-on radio — to switch the radio on


Preposition of wide meaning, often can be used instead of other prepositions:

1) indicates place, time (at, on, in):

pa dom — at home

pa mur — on the wall

pa gata — in the street

sidi pa tabla — sit at the table

London lagi pa Tems. — London lies on the Thames.

Ob mani es pa yu? — Is the money with you?

pa vesna — in spring

2) introduces an adverbial phrase:

shwo pa inglish — speak (in) English

pa un-ney kansa — at first sight

Ta jivi pa shi kilometra fon mar. — He lives 10 km from the sea.

pa exponenta — exponentially

pa ol mogsa — with all one's might

pa char — four (together)

pa fortuna — fortunately


Per, for each (every):

6% per yar — 6% per year.

pinchanem dwashi dolar per jen — usually 20 dollars per head

100 gram per kilo — 100 gram per kilo


Refers to distribution in portions:

Olo es po dwa dolar. — Everything costs 2 dollars apiece.

po tri — in threes

po shao, shao-po-shao — little by little


Due to, because of:

Ela bu lai-te por bade meteo. — She did not come because of bad weather.

Lu zwo se por gamanditaa. — He does this out of vanity.

Danke por atenta! — Thank you for your attention!


Pro, in favor of:

Li es pro guverna. — They support government.


1) For, in exchange for:

kupi pur mani — to buy for money

rekompensa pur gunsa — recompense for the work

Lu gun pur shi dolar per wik. — He works for 10 dollars per week.

2) for, in place of:

Lu chifan pur tri jen. — He eats for two men.


In relation to:

Lu es neutrale relatem sey kwesta. — He is neutral in relation to this question.


According to, in accordance with:

segun laste investiga — according to last investigations

pikter segun vokasion — painter by vocation

Segun ke — as, in proportion as:

Segun ke presa fa-syao, volum fa-gran. — As pressure diminishes, the volume grows.


At -'s house/place, with. Corresponds to the French chez, indicating:

1) abode:

Lu resti-te she nu. — He remained with us/at our house.

Me ve bi she me. — I shall be at my house.

Me jivi bu dalem fon she yu. — I live not far from you.

Me zai lai fon she ela. — I am coming from her house.

Sta ba kom she yu! — Make yourself at home!

2) land, country:

she ruski jenta — among Russians, in Russia

she dushman — in enemy territory, among the enemy

3) author:

she Homer — in Homer

4) found in/among (person or animal):

es abyas she lu — it is a habit with him

instinkta she animal — instinct in animals



sin me — without me


Approximately, about, around:

Dar ye-te sirke dwashi jen. — There were about 20 people there.

sirke mil dolar — around 1000 dollars


(preposition and adverb) around:

sirkum dom — around the house

kan sirkum — to look around

lo sirkum — surroundings


Above, over:

sobre may kapa — above my head

sobre urba — over the city



sub tabla — under the table

sub nuy kontrola — under our control


Till, unticlass="underline"

til nau — until now

fon kapa til peda — from head to foot

Til aksham! — Till the evening!

Til manya! — Till tomorrow!


Through; over, across, to (on) the other side of:

Lu zai go-te tra urba. — He was going through the town.

Tra winda oni vidi gao baum. — Through the window one can see a high tree.

Lu gun-te om to tra mucho yar. — He worked on this through many years.

Kaval salti-te tra bariera. — The horse leaped over the barrier.

Lu jivi tra osean. — He lives over/across the ocean.


(preposition and adverb) up(wards):

kan uupar — to look up

uupar kolina — up the hill


(preposition and adverb) up (at what place?); at the upper part of:

Lu es uuparen. — He is up there.

uuparen kolina — at the top of the hill

fon uuparen — from above

uupara — top, the upper part/side



versu westa — to the west

Me turni-te versu dom. — I turned towards home.

elay senta versu lu — her feelings towards him



via radio — via radio

a London via Paris — to London via Paris

Me en-jan-te sey habar via may visin. — I learned this news through my neighbour. Interjections, particles Greetings

Greetings like Good day! have a similar structure in LdP:

Good morning! — Hao sabah!