Just like innd 's receiving end, the processing of outgoing news is handled by a single interface, too. Instead of doing all the transport-specific handling itself, innd relies on various backends to manage the transmission of articles to other news servers. Outgoing facilities are collectively dubbed channels. Depending on its purpose, a channel can have different attributes that determine exactly what information innd passes on to it.
For an outgoing NNTP feed, for instance, innd might fork the innxmit program at startup, and, for each article that should be sent across that feed, pass its message ID, size, and filename to innxmit 's standard input. For an outgoing UUCP feed, on the other hand, it might write the article's size and file name to a special logfile, which is head by a different process at regular intervals in order to create batches and queue them to the UUCP subsystem.
Besides these two examples, there are other types of channels that are not strictly outgoing feeds. These are used, for instance, when archiving certain newsgroups, or when generating overview information. Overview information is intended to help newsreaders thread articles more efficiently. Old-style newsreaders had to scan all articles separately in order to obtain the header information required for threading. This would put an immense strain on the server machine, especially when using NNTP; furthermore, it was very slow.[137] The overview mechanism alleviates this problem by prerecording all relevant headers in a separate file (called .overview) for each newsgroup. This information can then be picked up by newsreaders either by reading it directly from the spool directory, or by using the XOVER command when connected via NNTP. INN has the innd daemon feed all articles to the overchan command, which is attached to the daemon through a channel. We'll see how this is done when we discuss configuring news feeds later.
Newsreaders and INN
Newsreaders running on the same machine as the server (or having mounted the server's news spool via NFS) can read articles from the spool directly. To post an article composed by the user, they invoke the inews program, which adds any header fields that are missing and forwards them to the daemon via NNTP.
Alternatively, newsreaders can access the server remotely via NNTP. This type of connection is handled differently from NNTP-based news feeds, to avoid tying up the daemon. Whenever a newsreader connects to the NNTP server, innd forks a separate program called nnrpd, which handles the session while innd returns to the more important things (receiving incoming news, for example).[138] You may be wondering how the innd process can distinguish between an incoming news feed and a connecting newsreader. The answer is quite simple: the NNTP protocol requires that an NNTP-based newsreader issue a mode reader command after connecting to the server; when this command is received, the server starts the nnrpd process, hands the connection to it, and returns to listening for connections from another news server. There used to be at least one DOS-based newsreader which was not configured to do this, and hence failed miserably when talking to INN, because innd itself does not recognize any of the commands used to read news if it doesn't know the connection is from a news reader.
We'll talk a little more about newsreader access to INN under "Controlling Newsreader Access," later in the chapter.
Installing INN
Before diving into INN's configuration, let's talk about its installation. Read this section, even if you've installed INN from one of the various Linux distributions; it contains some hints about security and compatibility.
Linux distributions included Verson INN-1.4sec for quite some time. Unfortunately, this version had two subtle security problems. Modern versions don't have these problems and most distributions include a precompiled Linux binary of INN Version 2 or later.
If you choose, you can build INN yourself. You can obtain the source from ftp.isc.org in the /isc/inn/ directory. Building INN requires that you edit a configuration file that tells INN some detail about your operating system, and some features may require minor modifications to the source itself.
Compiling the package itself is pretty simple; there's a script called BUILD that will guide you through the process. The source also contains extensive documentation on how to install and configure INN.
After installing all binaries, some manual fixups may be required to reconcile INN with any other applications that may want to access its rnews or inews programs. UUCP, for instance, expects to find the rnews program in /usr/bin or /bin, while INN installs it in /usr/lib/bin by default. Make sure /usr/lib/bin/ is in the default search path, or that there are symbolic links pointing to the actual location of the rnews and inews commands.
Configuring INN: the Basic Setup
One of the greatest obstacles beginners may face is that INN requires a working network setup to function properly, even when running on a standalone host. Therefore, it is essential that your kernel supports TCP/IP networking when running INN, and that you have set up the loopback interface as explained in Chapter 5, Configuring TCP/IP Networking.
Next, you have to make sure that innd is started at boot time. The default INN installation provides a script file called boot in the /etc/news/ directory. If your distribution uses the SystemV-style init package, all you have to do is create a symbolic link from your /etc/init.d/inn file pointing to /etc/news/boot. For other flavors of init, you have to make sure /etc/news/boot is executed from one of your rc scripts. Since INN requires networking support, the startup script should be run after the network interfaces are configured.
INN Configuration Files
Having completed these general tasks, you can now turn to the really interesting part of INN: its configuration files. All these files reside in /etc/news. Some changes to configurations files were introduced in Version 2, and it is Version 2 that we describe here. If you're running an older version, you should find this chapter useful to guide you in upgrading your configuration. During the next few sections, we will discuss them one by one, building the Virtual Brewery's configuration as an example.
If you want to find out more about the features of individual configuration files, you can also consult the manual pages; the INN distribution contains individual manual pages for each of them.
Global Parameters
There are a number of INN parameters that are global in nature; they are relevant to all newsgroups carried.
The inn.conf file
INN's main configuration file is inn.conf. Among other things, it determines the name by which your machine is known on Usenet. Version 2 of INN allows a baffling number of parameters to be configured in this file. Fortunately, most parameters have default values that are reasonable for most sites. The inn.conf(5) file details all of the parameters, and you should read it carefully if you experience any problems.
Threading 1,000 articles when talking to a loaded server could easily take around five minutes, which only the most dedicated Usenet addict would find acceptable.