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Nomad sat back on the soft plush bedroom carpeting to watch her quickly stripping away her swimsuit, knowing from past experience that she would be soft and white-looking to him, the nakedness of her with nothing hidden causing his mouth to open as he began to quietly pant. He watched her full-rounded curves quiver and sway to her undressing movements, her pretty smile for him warm and real. Then he saw that the long golden hair of her head was of a lighter shade than the fringing curls between her smooth white thighs, and the sight of those long tresses tossing with the ripples of her softly curved body pleased him.

Shirley couldn't help but study the remarkable dog while she drew water and prepared her bath. He had followed her into the large tiled bathroom to take up an observing position nearby, lying down on the shag rug. He was such an affectionate and genial animal, to say nothing of his striking beauty and intelligence… and those eyes, almost human, she mused, for the first time sensing a flushing twinge in her cheeks at the way they were avidly staring at her.

Lord, what a ridiculous thought, the naked blonde beauty reasoned, climbing into the tub. Then, the soothing warm water blended with her preference of scented bath toiletry, slowly made her forget everything for a few luxurious minutes. She caressed the fluffy suds over her full, voluptuously rounded breasts, feeling their tiny pink nipples budding firmly to her own touch, her denied young body stirring sensuously as if provoked by the gentle hand of her lover. Memories of her wonderful Major rushed to mind, but she drove them back, yet not before a series of rippling delights tingled through her sensitive loins and quickly aroused belly.

God, this would never do! She would only get herself worked up into a helpless state of excitement, and there was no darling George to satisfy the almost spontaneous heat building in her love-starved young body! She climbed from the tub, refusing to even let herself think until she was certain the tormentful interlude had passed… but it hadn't… nor could she keep erotic reveries from worming into her conscious mind! She could see her dead lover's virile nakedness as clearly as if he were standing before her… remembering how he had made love to her… and she to him… his long thick length of swollen male hardness rushing wildly up into her soft, craving belly… or sucked eagerly into her wanting mouth… his skilled tongue licking feverishly between her legs… oh God, yes, that was it, intoxicating enchantment… his magnificent, licking tongue!

Damn! I've got to stop this! Got to!

Nomad watched closely the movements of his hostess' glistening shapely body as she climbed from the tub and began to quickly towel herself, his sharp sense of smell detecting the sudden heated scent her female nakedness had begun to breathe into the room. It was not one he was unfamiliar with, and even before this he had picked up its exciting aroma when he had gotten near her. He felt the reflexive heavy weight come alive and grow in his own fetal loins as he watched her turn and look at her reflection in the glassed walls of the room.

For a moment, Shirley stood statuesquely, admittedly taking pleasure in the harmonious balance of her alluring young curves, a sensation of narcissism strong in her mind-aroused belly. She was well aware of her own physical charms, and had always secretly been excited by them… the full and pink nipple-capped breasts and slender waist sweeping into the flare of her generously arched hips and smoothly rounded thighs. How her loving Major had revered her long legs… like those of a goddess, he'd said, and the shape of her calves, slender ankles and tiny feet, kissing them all over… just as Frank had done the night of their wedding.

With her fingertip, outlined the secret milky whiteness her bikini had covered, remembering how that intimate flesh had fascinated her new husband. He'd kissed it all, the resilient mounds of her firm, uptilted breasts, the creamy, unsunned ovals of her breasts, kissed and caressed with panting breaths of excitement… and then… what had happened? Oh God, she didn't want to remember that ordeal… and she dropped her eyes to the satiny stretch of untanned skin covering her flaring hips and the soft little bowl of her lower belly where the gossamer triangle of sparse, blondish hair began to curl up over her pussy mound and down along the fleshy vaginal lips, tiny quivers of mounting excitement tippling feverishly through her.

She had no intentions of denying herself any longer! She was anything but super-human, and her own love-making was better than none at all… far better than anything she'd known the past six months! Not that this was the first time she'd had to resort to her own fingers for release since her gallant Major, but she'd truly tried to control her desire as well as the unwanted method after marrying Frank.

Shirley dropped the bath towel and sighed with a visible tremble, stroking her own caressing hands downward over her hips as she passionately eyed the mirror. Her soft, short breaths increased in their intensity with the brushing of her small hands inward toward the smooth base of her trembling belly to the sensitively pulsating mound of flesh beneath its silky covering. She taunted the aching mound, pressuring her extended fingers inward, and the pinkness of her already moistened vaginal slit briefly mesmerized her.

Oh God! I have to… have to! I can't stand it another minute!

Nomad whined, suddenly commanding the naked young wife's desire-filled attention. Almost shamefully, Shirley stopped her lewd, sensual caresses, to look at him through sparkling blue eyes incited with self-lust. "Just never mind! You don't have to watch if you don't want to!" she said, then smiled lovingly at him. "But there are some things, darling… some things that a girl has to do once in awhile… and this is my once-in-awhile!" She moved toward him and he wagged his tail, licking his long pink tongue around his jaws, then at her soft, sweet-smelling hand when she bent down to brush it over his head.

She couldn't help but wonder if, or what, he might be actually thinking as his big brown eyes seemed to sweep all over her nakedness with an incredulous greed she told herself was in his eyes. Then, a sensation of exhibitionism fired the stimulation eating at her as she stood there posing lewdly before those gleaming animal orbs.

"Y-you can even watch, darling… watch me do it to myself if you want!" she whispered raspily, that lurid thought heaping unneeded coals onto the glowing bed of desire licking hungrily inside her incited loins and belly. "Come with me, Nomad baby!" she excitedly whispered, leading him back into the bedroom. "Sit right there where you can see good, young man, and watch Shirley make herself cum like an erupting volcano!"

The massive German shepherd stayed beside her, not following, but crowding his big strong body against the warm naked flesh of her thigh as she walked, the emanating scent of her body-heat saturating his sensitive nostrils. He waited, watching her climb onto the bed, her soft curves dancing for him with every movement… and then she was lying on her back and breathing heavily, no longer looking in his direction. He saw her long white legs spread open in a crab-like position, her small hand moving down between them to the curl-fringed pink opening of her loins. Intently, he locked his eyes on her pussy, seeing her fingers beginning to work in a taunting, circling motion, tiny sighs of delight coming from her parted lips as her lush white buttocks rose and fell on the bed to accompany her rhythmically probing fingers… and that was when he effortlessly hopped up onto the bed!

The unexpected move took Shirley wholly by surprise. It abruptly stopped her lurid cunt-fingering, momentarily shattering her sensuous mood as she stared down between her quite obscenely spread legs to see the powerful animal move forward between them, and she could only stare in astonished wonderment! She drew away her hand almost in embarrassment, and raised up onto her forearms. Certainly, he hadn't frightened her… simply startled her with his unexpected action… but there was also his lewd position between her yawning thighs to consider!