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Arabia, in the ‘Abbasid period, 276

Arabia Felix, xvii, 4. See -Yemen

Arabian History, three periods of, xxvi Arabian Nights, the, 238, 256, 261, 292, 421, 456-459

Arabic language, the, xvi, xvii, xxi-xxv, 6, 77, 201, 203, 239, 265, 277-280, 336, 342, 344

Arabic literature, largely the work of non-Arabs, xxx, xxxi, 276-278

Arabic Press, the, 469

Arabic writing, 201; oldest specimens of, xxi, xxii

Arabs, the Ishmaelite, xviii

Arabs of Khurasan, the, thoroughly Persianised, 250

Arabs, the Northern. See Arabs, the Ishmaelite

Arabs, the Northern and Southern, racial enmity between, xx, 199, 200, 252, 405, 406

Arabs, the Southern, xvii, xviii, xx, 4. See Arabs, the Yemenite

Arabs, the Yemenite, xvii, xviii, xx, 38, 55, 199, 252, 405, 406. See Sabæans, the; Himyarites, the

Arabs, the Yoqtanid, xviii. See Arabs, the Yemenite

Aramæans, the, xv, xxv

Aramaic language, the, xvi, xxv, 279, 375

-Araqim, 113, 114

Arbela, 451

Ardashir Babakan, founder of the Sasanian dynasty, 34, 38

Ἀñέèáò ƒÑƒÍῦ ƒ¡ƒ¿ƒÀάƒÉƒ¿, 51

Arhakim, 11

‘arif(gnostic), 386

‘Arifu ’l-Zanadiqa, 373

Aristocracy of Islam, the, 188, 190

Aristotle, 358, 359, 360

-‘Arji (poet), 237

Armenia, xv, 352

Arnaud, Th., 9, 15, 17

Arnold. F. A., 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 114

Arnold, T. W., 184, 223, 224, 360, 448

Arsacids, the, 21, 38

Aryat, 27, 28

-‘Asa (name of a mare), 36

‘asabiyya, 440

Asad (tribe), xix, 104

Asad Kamil, the Tubba‘, 12, 19-23, 25, 26, 137

Asad b. Musa, 247

Asal, 433

asalib, 289, 315

Ascalon, 456

Ascension of the Prophet, the, 169, 403

Asd (tribe), 19

-A‘sha (poet), 16, 101, 121, 123-125, 128, 138, 139

-Ash‘ari (Abu ’l-Hasan), 284, 376-379, 431

Ash‘arites, the, 379, 380, 460

Ash‘aru ’l-Hudhaliyyin, 128

-Ashram (surname of Abraha), 28

Asia, xv, 275, 352, 414

Asia, Central, 255

Asia Minor, 269, 399, 434, 446

Asia, Western, xvi, xxix, 358, 442, 444, 446

Asin Palacios, 404

aslama, 153

-Asma‘i (philologist), 261, 343, 344, 345, 459

Assassins, the, 272, 371, 372, 381, 445

Assyrian language, the, xvi Assyrians, the, xv

Astrologers and Astronomers, 361

Astronomy, 276, 283

Aswad b. -Mundhir, 47

-Athar al-Baqiya, 361

Atharu ’l-Bilad, 416

Athens, 240, 358

‘Athtar, ‘Athtor (Sabæan divinity), 11, 18

Atlal, 286

‘Attar (Persian mystic). See Faridu’ddin ‘Attar

‘Atwada, 28

Aurelian, 34

Aurora, 412

Avempace. See Ibn Bajja

Avenzoar, 434

Averroes. See Ibn Rushd

Avicenna. See Ibn Sina

awa’il(origins), 247

‘Awarifu ’l-Ma‘arif, 230, 338

-‘Awfi, 370

awliya(saints), 393

Awrangzib (Mogul Emperor), xxx

Aws (tribe), 170

Aws b. Hajar (poet), 131

Awwam Dhú ‘Iran Alu, 11

a‘yan thabita, 402

ayat(verse of the Koran, sign, miracle), 166

Ayatu ’l-Kursi (the Throne-verse), 176

Aybak, 447

-Ayham b. -Harith (Ghassanid), 50

‘Ayn Jalut, battle of, 446

‘Ayn Ubagh, battle of, 52

ayyamu ’l-‘Arab, 55, 356

Ayyubid dynasty, the, 275, 447, 453

Azd (tribe), 79, 374

-Azhar, the mosque, 395

Azraqites (-Azariqa), the, 208, 239


Baalbec, 111

Bab al-Mandab, 5

Babak, 258, 375

Babur (Mogul Emperor), xxix, 444

Babylon, xxv, 38

Babylonia, 34, 38, 138, 253, 255, 307. See -‘Iraq

Babylonian and Assyrian inscriptions, the, xvi, xxv

Babylonians, the, xv

Badajoz, 421, 423

Badis, 428

Badi‘u ’l-Zaman ai-Hamadhánú, 328, 329, 331

Badr, battle of, 158, 174, 175

Badr, freedman of ‘Abdu ’l-Rahman the Umayyad, 405, 406

-Baghawi, 337

Baghdad, xxviii, xxix, 131, 182, 254, 255-256, 290-293, 303, 307, 313, 314, 315, 326, 338, 340, 345, 346, 347, 350, 351, 352, 355, 357, 359, 362, 365, 369, 376, 380, 382, 385, 387, 392, 399, 412, 415, 418, 431, 441, 444-446, 447, 449, 450, 458, 461, 465, 466

Baghdad, history of its eminent men, by -Khatib, 355

Baha’u ’l-Dawia (Buwayhid), 267, 314

Bahdala (tribe), 87

Bahira, the monk, 148

Bahman (Sasanian), 457

Bahram Gor (Sasanian), 40, 41

-Bahrayn (province), 107, 108, 186

Bahri Mamelukes, the, 447

Baju, 445

-Bakharzi, 348

Bakil (tribe), 12

Bakr (tribe), xix, 55-60, 61, 69, 70, 76, 93, 107, 109, 113, 114, 242

-Bakri (geographer), 357, 428

Balaam, 73

-Baladhuri (historian), 280, 349

-balagh al-akbar, 371

Balak, 73

-Bal‘ami, 265, 352

Balaq (mountain), 17

Balkh, 232, 233, 259, 361, 385

-Balqa, 63

Banat Su‘ad, the opening words of an ode, 119, 127, 327

Banu ’l-Ahrar, 29

Banu Hind, 58

Banu Khaldun, 437

Banu Musa, 359

Banu Nahshal, 243

Baptists, name given to the early Moslems, 149

baqa, mystical term, 390

Baqqa, 36

-Baramika, 259. See Barmecides, the

Barbier de Meynard, 13, 15, 37, 195, 259, 350, 352, 353, 380, 457

Bardesanes, 364

Barmak, 259

Barmakites, the. See Barmecides, the

Barmecides, the, 255, 259-261, 262, 293

Barquq, Sultan (Mameluke), 452

Bashama, 119

Bashshar b. Burd, 245, 277, 290, 373-374, 375

-basit(metre), 75

-Basra, xxiv, 127, 133, 134, 186, 189, 195, 202, 209, 210, 215, 222, 223, 225, 226, 233, 242, 243, 246, 273, 281, 293, 294, 329, 331, 336, 341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 369, 370, 374, 377, 378

Basset, R., 327

-Basus, 56

-Basus, the War of, 55-60, 61, 76, 107, 114

-Batiniyya (Batinites), 381, 382, 402. See Isma‘ilis, the

-Battani, 361

-bayan, 283

-Bayan al-Mughrib, 407

Bayard, 191

Bayazid of Bistam, 391, 460. See Abu Yazid al-Bistami

Baybars, Sultan (Mameluke), 447, 448

-Baydawi, 145, 179

bayt(verse), 74, 77

Baytu ’l-Hikma, at Baghdad, 359

-Bazbaz, 60

Bedouin view of life, the, 136

Bedouin warfare, character of, 54, 55

Bedouin women, Mutanabbi's descriptions of, 310

Benu Marthad im, 11

Berber insurrection in Africa, 405

Berbers, the, 204, 274, 405-409, 413, 420, 423, 424, 429-432, 442, 443

Berbers, used as mercenaries, 407

Berlin Royal Library, 8, 12

Bevan, Prof. A. A., 46, 80, 129, 151, 166, 168, 199, 205, 239, 244, 253, 356, 373, 374, 375

Beyrout, 238, 469

Bibliographical Dictionary, by Hajji Khalifa, 456

Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum, 356

Bidpai, the Fables of, 330, 346