diwan(collection of poems), 127, 128
Diwan (Register) of ‘Umar, the, 187, 188
Diwans of the Six Poets, the, 128
diya(blood-wit), 93
-Diyárbakri (historian), 445
Dog, the, regarded by Moslems as unclean, 445
Doughty, E. M., 3
Dozy, 214, 399, 407, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 420, 422, 424, 428, 429, 431, 465, 467
Drama, the, not cultivated by the Semites, 328
Drinking parties described in Pre-islamic poetry, 124, 125, 167
Droit du seigneur, le, 4
dubayt(a species of verse), 450
Dubeux, 352
Duka, T., 390
Dumas, 272
Dumyatu ’l-Qasr, 348
Duns Scotus, 367
Durayd b. -Simma, 83
Durayd b. Zayd b. Nahd, 75
Durratu ’l-Ghawwas, 336
Duwalu ’l-Islam, 446
Dvorak, R., 304
Dyke of Ma’rib, the, 2, 5, 14-17, 50, 63
Dynasties of the ‘Abbasid period, 264-276
Eber, xviii
Ecbatana, 129, 328. See Hamadhan
Ecstasy, 387, 393, 394
Edessa, 331, 358
Egypt, xxiv, xxix, xxx, 4, 5, 132, 184, 186, 193, 215, 268, 274, 275, 307, 323, 326, 327, 350, 354, 355, 358, 387-390, 399, 419, 432, 434, 442, 443, 447, 448, 450, 451, 454, 460, 461, 464, 466, 468
Egypt, conquest of, by the Moslems, 184
Egypt, History of, by Ibn Taghribirdi, 454
Eichhorn, xv
Elegiac poetry, 126, 127
Elephant, the Sura of the, 68
Elephant, the year of the, 28, 66, 146
Eloquence, Arabian, 346, 347
Emanation, Plotinus's theory of, 393
Emessa, 304
Emigrants, the. See -Muhajirun
Encomium of the Umayyad dynasty, by -Akhtal, 242
Epic poetry not cultivated by the Arabs, 325
Equality of Arabs and non-Arabs maintained by the Shu‘ubites, 279, 280
Equites Thamudeni, 3
Erotic prelude, the. See nasib
Erpenius, 355
Essenes, the, 224
Euphrates, the, xv, 33, 36, 37, 38, 41, 53, 110, 113, 186, 189, 192, 196, 256, 418, 443, 449
Euting, Julius, 9
Fables of beasts, considered useful and instructive, 330
-Fadl, the Barmecide, 260
-Fadl b. al-Rabi‘, 293
-Fahl (surname), 125
Fahm (tribe), 81
Fairs, the old Arabian, 135
-Fakhri, 187, 188, 194, 203, 260, 331, 445, 454
Fakhru ’l-Dawla (Buwayhid), 267
Fakhru ’l-Mulk, 340
Falcon of Quraysh, the, 407, 417
-falsafa(Philosophy), 283
fana(dying to self), 233, 390, 391
fanak, 53
faqih, 464
faqir(fakir), 230, 464
faqr(poverty), 230
Farab, 360
-Farábi (Abu Nasr), 270, 360, 393
-Farazdaq (poet), 196, 238, 239, 240, 242-244, 245, 246
-Farghani, 361
Faridu’ddin ‘Attar, 226, 228, 386
-Farqadan (name of two stars), 35
-Farra, 343
Farrukh-mahan, 45
Fars (province), 266
Fathers, the Christian, 341
-Fatiha, 143
Fatima, daughter of -Khurshub, 88
Fatima, daughter of the Prophet, 183, 218, 250, 251, 258, 267, 274
Fatima (mother of Qusayy), 64
Fatima, a woman loved by Imru’u ’l-Qays, 106
Fatimid dynasty, the, 217, 265, 268, 269, 271-275, 322, 371, 412
-Fatra, 152
Fawatu ’l-Wafayat, 449, 452
Fayiasufu ’l-‘Arab (title), 360. See -Kindi
Faymiyun (Phemion), 26
Ferdinand I of Castile, 422
Ferdinand III of Castile, 434
Ferdinand V of Castile, 441
Fez, 436
Fihr (tribe), xix
-Fihrist, 13, 142, 345, 359, 361-364, 387, 457
-Find, 58, 60, 84
-fiqh(Jurisprudence), 283; denoting law and theology, 339, 420, 465
Firdawsi, Persian poet, 265, 269
Firuz (Firuzan), father of Ma‘ruf al-Karkhi, 385
Firuz, a Persian slave, 189
-Fúrúzábádí (Majdu ’l-Din), 403, 456
Fleischer, 400, 404
Flint, Robert, 441
Fluegel, G., 142, 297, 362, 364, 459
Folk-songs, Arabic, 238, 416-417, 449-450
Fons Vitæ, 428
Foreigners, Sciences of the, 282, 283
Forgery of Apostolic Traditions, 145, 146, 279
Forgery of Pre-islamic poems, 133, 134
France, 9, 412, 469
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, 434, 441
Free schools, founded by Hakam II, 419
Free-thought in Islam, 283, 284, 298, 345, 460. See Mu‘tazilitesand Zindiqs
Free-will, the doctrine of, 223, 224
Freytag, G. W., 16, 31, 48, 50, 55, 73, 89, 91, 109, 129, 292, 373
Friedlaender, I., 428
Frothingham, 389
-Fudayl b. ‘Iyad, 232, 233, 385
-fuhul, 138
Fukayha, 89
-funún al-sab‘a(the seven kinds of poetry), 450
Fuqaym (tribe), 28
-Fusul wa-’l-Ghayat, 318
Fususu ’l-Hikam, 400, 401, 402
-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, 400, 464
Future life, Pre-islamic notions of the, 166
Gabriel, 63, 141, 150, 267
Galen, 358
Galland, 458
Gallienus, 33
Gaulonitis, the, 53
Gaza, 5
Geber, 361
Geiger, 162
Genealogy, Muhammadan, xx
Genealogy, treatise on, by Ibn Durayd, 343
Genesis, Book of, xv
Geographers, the Moslem, 356, 357
George -Makin, 355
Georgians, the, 445
Germany, 8, 412
Gesenius, 8
-Ghabrá (name of a mare), 61
-Gharid, 236
-Ghariyyan, 43
Ghassán, xxii, 33, 37, 38, 42, 43, 121, 122, 138, 139, 158, 332
Ghassanid court, the, described by Hassan b. Thabit, 53
Ghassanids, the, 33, 49-54, 122
Ghatafan (tribe), xix, 61
-Ghawl, 119
ghayba(occultation), 216
Ghayman (castle), 24
Ghayz b. Murra, 117
Ghazala, 339
-Ghazali, 230, 234, 277, 338-341, 380-383, 393, 431, 463
Ghazan, 446
Ghaziyya (tribe), 83
Ghazna, 268-269, 355
Ghaznevid dynasty, the, 265, 268-269, 271, 275
ghiyar, 461
Ghiyathu ’l-Din Mas‘ud (Seljuq), 326, 329
-Ghulat(the extreme Shi‘ites), 216
Ghumdán (castle), 24
Gibb, E. J. W., 443, 460
Gibb, H. A. R., 470
Gibbon, 439
Gibraltar (Jabal Tariq), 204, 414
Glaser, E., 9, 15
Gnosis, the Sufi doctrine of, 386, 387
Gnosticism, 389, 390
Gobineau, Comte de, 320
Goeje, M. J. de, 179, 180, 253, 256, 257, 287, 322, 349, 350, 351, 353, 354, 356, 366, 371, 409
Goethe, 97
Gog and Magog, 18
Golden Meadows, the.See Muruju ’l-Dhahaband -Mas‘udi
Goldziher, Ignaz, xx, xxii, 10, 18, 30, 73, 90, 119, 145, 177, 178, 199, 200, 221, 225, 246, 278, 279, 280, 285, 287, 289, 297, 298, 315, 344, 345, 366, 368, 370, 372, 374, 379, 390, 409, 431, 433, 466
Gospel, the, 165, 171
Grammar, Arabic, the origin of, 202, 278, 282, 341-343, 363
Grammars, Arabic, 343, 456
Granada, 421, 424, 428, 431, 434, 435-437, 441, 442, 447
Gray, T., 77
Greece, 131, 296, 361, 434
Greece, the influence of, on Muhammadan thought, 220, 221, 229, 266, 358-361, 363, 369, 370, 386, 388