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Hudhayla b. Badr, 61

Hudhayta b. al-Yaman, 142

Hudhayl (tribe), xix, 64, 98, 99, 100

Hughes, G., 80

Hujr (Kindite), 42

Hujr, father of Imru’u ’l-Qays, 104

Hulagu, xxix, 182, 444-446

Hulayl b. Hubshiyya, 64

-Hullat al-Siyara, 418

Hulton, 8

hulul(incarnation), 396, 402

Hulwan, 292

Humani, 457

-Humayma, 249

Hunayn b. Ishaq, 359

hur(houris), 167

Hurmuz (Sasanian), 47

Hurufis, the, 460

-Husayn, son of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, 196, 197, 198, 216, 218, 243, 466

-Husayn b. Damdam, 117

-Husayn b. Mansur -Hallaj, 363, 375, 399

Husnu ’l-Muhadara, 455

-Hutay’a (poet), 127, 131, 261

Huzwa, 398

Hypocrites, the. See -Munafiqun


Iamblichus, 389

‘Ibad, the, of -Hira, 38, 39, 138

Ibadites (a Kharijite sect), the, 211

-‘Ibar, by -Dhahabi, 339

Ibnu ’l-Abbar, 418, 424

Ibn ‘Abdi Rabbihi, 102, 347, 420

Ibn Abi Du’ad, 376

Ibn Abi Usaybi‘a, 266, 355

Ibn Abi Ya‘qub al-Nadim, 362

Ibn Abi Zar‘, 429

Ibnu ’l-Ahmar (Nasrid), 435

Ibn ‘A’isha, 236

Ibnu ’l-‘Alqami, 445

Ibnu ’l-‘Amid, 267

Ibn ‘Ammar (poet), 422, 424

Ibnu ’l-‘Arabi. See Muhyi ’l-Din Ibnu ’l-‘Arabi

Ibnu ’l-‘Arabi, the Cadi, of Seville, 399

Ibnu ’l-A‘rabi (philologist), 128

Ibn ‘Arabshah, 454

Ibnu ’l-Athir, 203, 205, 253, 355-356, 376, 379, 420, 429

Ibn Bajja, 361, 434

Ibn Bashkuwal, 426, 434

Ibn Bassam, 422, 434

Ibnu ’l-Baytar, 434

Ibn Durayd, 253, 280, 343

Ibnu ’l-Farid. See ‘Umar Ibnu ’l-Farid

Ibn Hajar, 456

Ibnu ’l-Hanafiyya. See Muhammad Ibnu ’l-Hanafiyya

Ibn Hani (poet), 419, 420

Ibn Hawqal, 356

Ibn Hayyan, 428

Ibn Hazm, 222, 341, 402, 423-428

Ibn Hisham, 17, 22, 23, 63, 64, 69, 144, 147, 150, 151, 152, 154, 156, 158, 166, 170, 173, 175, 349

Ibn Humam, 105

Ibnu ’l-‘Idhari, 407, 428, 429

Ibn Ishaq, 69, 144, 146, 149, 156, 247, 349

Ibn Jahwar, 424

Ibnu ’l-Jawzi, 355

Ibn Jubayr, 357, 434

Ibn Kabsha, nickname of Muhammad, 166

Ibn Khalawayh, 271

Ibn Khaldun, 32, 228, 229, 277, 278, 288, 289, 350, 353, 429, 435, 437-440, 443, 452

Ibn Khallikan, 129, 132, 190, 213, 224, 234, 245, 261, 266, 267, 276, 288, 295, 308, 312, 326, 343, 344, 346, 348, 355, 357, 359, 360, 377, 378, 387, 408, 422, 425, 427, 451-452

Ibn Khaqan, 425, 434

Ibnu ’l-Khatib, the Vizier, 413, 435, 436, 437

Ibn Khidham, 105

Ibn Khurdadbih, 356

Ibn Maja, 337

Ibn Malik of Jaen, 456

Ibn Mukarram (Jamalu ’l-Din), 456

Ibn Muljam, 193

Ibnu ’l-Muqaffa‘, 330, 346, 348, 358

Ibnu ’l-Mu‘tazz (poet), 325

Ibn Nubata (man of letters), 61

Ibn Nubata, the preacher, 271, 328

Ibnu ’l-Qifti, 355, 370, 387

Ibn Qutayba, xviii, 35, 49, 50, 51, 75, 77, 105, 117, 145, 202, 223, 257, 277, 280, 286, 287, 288, 289, 293, 294, 345, 346

Ibnu ’l-Qutiyya, 420

Ibn Quzman, 417

Ibn Rashiq, 71, 288

Ibnu ’l-Rawandi, 375

Ibn Rushd, 341, 361, 432, 434

Ibn Sab‘in, 434

Ibn Sa‘d, 144, 256, 349

Ibnu ’l-Sammak, 261

Ibnu ’l-Sikkit, 343

Ibn Sina (Avicenna), 265, 266, 341, 360, 361, 393

Ibn Sirin, 244

Ibn Surayj, 236

Ibn Taymiyya, 371, 462, 463, 465, 466

Ibnu ’l-Tiqtaqa, 454

Ibn Tufayt, 361, 432, 433, 434

Ibn Tumart, 431-432

Ibnu ’l-Wahshiyya, xxv

Ibnu ’l-Wardi, 455

Ibn Zaydun (poet), 419, 424-426

Ibn Zuhr, 434

Ibrahim (Abraham), xviii, 63. See Abraham

Ibrahim (‘Alid), 258

Ibrahim b. Adham, 232

Ibrahim b. Hilal al-Sabi, 328

Ibrahim of Mosul, 261

Idol-worship at Mecca, 62-64

Idris, 264

-Idrisi (geographer), 357, 434

Idrisid dynasty, the, 264

Ihya’u Ulum al-Din, 230, 234, 338, 340

-Iji (Adudu ’l-Din), 456

ijma‘, 460

ikhlas, 164

Ikhmim, 387

-Ikhtiyarat, 128

Ikhwánu ’l-Safa, 370-372, 388

-Iklil, 6, 12, 13, 24

-ilahiyyun, 382

Iliad, the, xxii, 325, 469

Il-Khans, the, xxix, 446

Il-Makah, 11

‘ilmu ’l-hadith(Science of Apostolic Tradition), 283

‘ilmu ’l-kalam(Scholastic Theology), 283

‘ilmu ’l-nujum(Astronomy), 283

‘ilmu ’l-qira’at(Koranic Criticism), 283

‘ilmu ’l-tafsir(Koranic Exegesis), 283

‘ilq, 101

‘Imadu ’l-Dawla (Buwayhid), 266

‘Imadu ’l-Din al-Katib al-Isfahani, 348, 355

Imam (head of the religious community), 210

Imam, the Hidden, 216-217, 371; the Infallible, 220, 432

Imam-Husayn, a town near Baghdad, 466. See Karbala

-imam al-ma‘sum, 432

Imamites, the, 251

Imams, the Seven, 217, 273

Imams, the Shi‘ite, 214-220

Imams, the Twelve, 217

Imamu ’l-Haramayn, 339, 379

iman(faith), 222

Imru’u ’l-Qays (poet), 42, 84, 85, 101, 102, 103-107, 128, 136, 246, 289

India, 4, 17, 268, 341, 352, 361, 389

India, History of, by -Biruni, 361

India, the influence of, on Moslem civilisation, 361, 389, 390

India, Moslem conquests in, 203, 268

Indian religion, described by -Shahrastani, 341

Indus, the, xxiv, 203, 264

Infanticide, practised by the pagan Arabs, 149, 243

Initiation, the Isma‘ilite degrees of, 273

Inquisition ( mihna) established by -Ma’mun, 368, 369

-Insan al-Kamil, the Perfect Man, 402

Inscriptions, the Babylonian and Assyrian, xxv, 4

Inscriptions, Himyarite. See Inscriptions, South Arabic

Inscriptions, Nabatæan, xxv, 3

Inscriptions, South Arabic, xvi, xxi, xxvi, 6-11

Inspiration, views of the heathen Arabs regarding, 72, 73, 152, 165

Intellectual and Philosophical Sciences, the, 282

Ionia, the dialect of, xxiii

-‘Iqd al-Farúd, 102, 131, 347, 420

Iram, 1

-‘Iraq, 34, 38, 42, 123, 132, 142, 201, 202, 207, 208, 243, 244, 255, 262, 266, 273, 303, 350, 419, 445. See Babylonia

-Isaba fi tamyiz al-Sahaba, 456

Isabella of Castile, 441

Isaiah, 151

Isfahan, 14, 131, 268, 280, 326, 347, 355, 419

Isfandiyar, 330, 363

Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Mawsili, 261, 362, 418

Ishaq b. Khalaf, 92

Ishmael. See Isma‘il

Isidore of Hispalis, 198

Islam, meaning of, 153; cardinal doctrines of, 163-168; formal and ascetic character of, 168, 224; derived from Christianity and Judaism, 176, 177; pagan elements in, 177; opposed to the ideals of heathendom, 177, 178; identified with the religion of Abraham, 62, 177; a world-religion, 184