-Majnun, 238
majnun, 165
Malaga, 410, 421, 428, 434
Malik (boon companion of Jadhima), 35
Malik (brother of Qays b. Zuhayr), 61
Malik the Azdite, 34
Malik, the slayer of -Khatim b. ‘Adi, 94, 95
Malik b. Anas, 284, 337, 366, 408
-Malik al-Dillil (title of Imru’u ’l-Qays), 104
-Malik al-Kamil (Ayyubid), 395, 434
-Malik al-Salih Najmu’l-Din (Ayyubid), 447
Malik Shah (Seljuq), 275, 276, 326, 340
-Malik al-Zahir (Ayyubid), 275
-Malik al-Zahir Baybars. See Baybars, Sultan
Malikite books burned by the Almohades, 433
Malikite school of Law, the, 408
Mameluke dynasty, the, xxix, 442, 446, 447, 448, 453, 464
Mamelukes, the, 413
mamluk, 447
-Ma’mun, the Caliph, 92, 129, 255, 257, 262, 283, 284, 302, 343, 358-359, 361, 368, 369, 373, 388
Manat (goddess), 135, 155
Mandeville, Sir John, xxv
Manfred, 441
-Manfuha, 124
Mani (Manes), 364, 375
Manichæans, the, 218, 297, 341, 372-375. See Zindiqs, the
-Mansur, the Caliph, 128, 206, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258-259, 291, 314, 337, 346, 349, 358, 373, 407
Mansur I (Samanid), 265, 352
-Mansur Ibn Abi ‘Amir, 412, 413, 426
Mantle Ode (-Burda), the, 326, 327
maqama, 328
-Maqamat, of Badi‘u ’l-Zaman al- Hamadhani, 328, 329
-Maqamat, of -Hariri, 329-336
Maqamu Ibrahim, 63
-Maqdisi. See -Muqaddasi
-Maqqari, 399, 401, 413, 418, 419, 427, 436, 454
-Maqrizi (Taqiyyu ’l-Din), 453
-Maqsura, 343
Marabout, modern form of murabit, 430
Marasidu ’l-Ittila‘, 357
marathi, 294
Marathon, battle of, 174
Marcion, 364
Margoliouth, Prof. D. S., xxiv, 183, 267, 314, 316, 317, 319, 357, 469
Mariaba, 5
Ma’rib, 2, 5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 50. See Dyke of Ma’rib
Maridin, 449
ma‘rifat(gnosis), 386
Marinid dynasty, the, 442
Mariya, mother of -Mundhir III, 41
Mariya (name of a handmaiden), 46, 47
Mariya of the Ear-rings, 50
Marj Rahit, battle of, 199
Marr al-Zahran, 95
Marriage, a loose form of, prevailing among the Shi‘ites, 262
Ma‘ruf al-Karkhi, 385, 386, 388
Marwan I (Umayyad Caliph), 199
Marwan II (Umayyad Caliph), 181, 251, 253, 347
-Marzuqi (philologist), 128
Masabihu ’l-Sunna, 337
Masaliku ’l-Mamalik, 356
-mashaf, 294
Mashhad -Husayn, 466
Maslama b. Ahmad, 420
Masruq, 28
Mas‘ud, Sultan, 329. See Ghiyathu ’l-Din Mas‘ud
-Mas‘udi, 13, 15, 37, 195, 203, 205, 206, 259, 260, 267, 349, 352-354, 387, 456
Materia Medica, by Ibnu ’l-Baytar, 434
mathalib, 100, 280
Mathnawi, the, by Jalalu ’l-Din Rumi, 404
-Matin, 428
matla‘, 309
matn, 144
Mauritania, 412
-Mawa‘iz wa ’l-I‘tibar fi dhikri ’l-Khitat wa ’l-Athar, 453
-Mawali (the Clients), 198, 207, 219, 222, 248, 250, 278, 279, 373
-Mawali (the Clients), coalesce with the Shi‘ites, 198, 219, 220, 250; treated with contempt by the Arabs, 219, 248, 278, 279; their culture, 248; their influence, 278, 279
mawaliyya, a species of verse, 450
-Mawardi, 337, 338
Mawiyya, mother of -Mundhir III, 41
Mawiyya, wife of Hatim of Tayyi’, 87
-Maydani, 31. See Proverbs, Arabic
Maymun b. Qays. See -A‘shaMaysun, 195
Mazdak, 42, 258, 364
Mazyar, 375
Mecca, xviii, xxiii, xxvi, xxvii, 2, 3, 5, 6, 22, 28, 53, 62, 63, 64, 65-68, 101, 102, 114, 117, 146, 150, 154-156, 158, 169, 171, 174, 175, 196, 198, 202, 236, 249, 274, 319, 339, 340, 395, 396, 429, 431, 434, 439, 466, 468
Mecca, Pre-islamic history of, 62; attacked by the Abyssinians, 66-69; submits to the Prophet, 64, 175
Mecca, the dialect of, xxiii
Meccan Revelations, the, 464. See Futuhat al-Makkiyya
Meccan Surasof the Koran, the, 160-168
Media, 356
Medina (-Madina), xxvi, xxvii, 3, 21, 22, 49, 50, 52, 62, 71, 84, 150, 157, 158, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176, 177, 181, 185, 186, 188, 198, 208, 209, 236, 241, 243, 337, 339, 365, 466, 468
Medina, Surasof the Koran revealed at, 175, 176
Mediterranean Sea, the, 5, 255, 275, 404, 412, 444
Merv, 252, 346
Merx, A., 384, 389
Mesopotamia, 35, 186, 238, 240, 269, 355, 358, 385, 388, 411, 446
Messiah, Moslem beliefs regarding the, 215-217, 248, 249. See Mahdi, the
Metempsychosis, the doctrine of, 267
Metres, the Arabian, 74, 75
Mevlevi dervish order, the, 393
mihna, 368
-Mihras, 124
Mihrgan, Persian festival, 250
Milton, 212
Mina, 119
Minæan language, the, xxi
Minæans, the, 7
minbar(pulpit), 199
Minqar, 57
Miqlab (castle), 24
Miracles demanded by the Quraysh from Muhammad, 165; falsely attributed to Muhammad, 166
-Mi‘raj(the Ascension of the Prophet), 169, 403
Mir’atu ’l-Zaman, 355
Mishkatu ’l-Masabih, 337
Misr(Old Cairo), 394
misra‘(hemistich), 74
-Mishar, 455. See -Muzhir
Moguls, the Great, xxix, 444
Moliere, 469
Monasticism, alien to Islam, 225
Mongol Invasion, the, xxiv, xxix, xxx, 272, 277, 326, 443, 444-446
Mongols, the, 254, 264, 275, 442, 443, 462. See Mongol Invasion, the
Monte Cristo, 469
Montrose, 191
Mordtmann, 9
Morocco, 264, 341, 423, 424, 430, 431, 442
Moses, 165, 172, 185, 215, 273, 397
Moslem, meaning of, 153
Moslems, the first, 153
Moslems, the non-Arabian. See -Mawali
Mosul (-Mawsil), 261, 269, 281, 326, 355, 362, 399, 445, 454
-Mu‘allaqat, 77, 82, 101-121, 128, 131, 416, 459
Mu‘awiya b. Abi Sufyan (Caliph), xxviii, 13, 119, 181, 191, 192, 193, 194-195, 196, 206, 207, 208, 213, 214, 222, 256, 377, 407, 426
Mu‘awiya b. Bakr (Amalekite prince), 2
Mu‘awiya, brother of -Khansa, 126
Mu’ayyidu ’l-Dawla (Buwayhid), 267
-Mubarrad (philologist), 92, 131, 202, 226, 237, 244, 343, 344
Mudar b. Nizar, xix, 252
Mudar, the tribes descended from, xix
-Mudhhabat, -Mudhahhabat, 101
-Mutaddal al-Dabbi (philologist), 128, 133, 343
Mufaddal b. Salama, 31
-Mufaddaliyyat, 90, 128, 343
-Mughammas, 69
muhajat(scolding-match), 238
-Muhajirun (the Emigrants), 171, 209
Muhalhil b. Rabi‘a, 58, 76, 109, 110
-Muhallab b. Abi Sufra, 239