Nizamu ’l-Mulk, 276, 340, 379
Nizar, xix
Noah, xv, xviii, 165
Nöldeke, Th., xv, xx, xxiii, xxv, 5, 27, 29, 38, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57-60, 66, 70, 78, 80, 83, 101, 102, 103, 109, 113, 122, 123, 126, 127, 130, 134, 145, 151, 160, 167, 172, 184, 195, 228, 237, 238, 249, 252, 258, 288
Nomadic life, characteristics of, 439, 440
Nominalists, 367
Normans, the, 441
Nubia, 387
Nuh I (Samanid), 265
Nuh II (Samanid), 265
-Nujum al-Záhira, 257, 262, 268, 369, 454
-Nu‘man I (Lakhmite), 40, 41, 139
-Nu‘man III (Lakhmite), 45-49, 50, 53, 54, 69, 86, 121, 122
-Nu‘man al-Akbar. See Nu‘man I
-Nu‘man al-A‘war (Lakhmite). See -Nu‘man I
-Nu‘man b. -Mundhir Abu Qabus. See -Nu‘man III
Numayr (tribe), 245, 246
-Nuri (Abu ’l-Husayn), 392
Nushirwan (Sasanian king), 29, 42, 45, 358
-Nuwayri, 15, 455
Nyberg, H. S., 404
Occam, 367
Ockley, Simon, 433
Ode, the Arabian, 76-78. See qasida
Odenathus, 33, 35
Odyssey, the, xxii
O'Leary, De Lacy, 360
Ordeal of fire, the, 23
Orthodox Caliphs, the, xxiii, xxvii, 181-193
Orthodox Reaction, the, 284, 376. See -Ash‘ari
Osiander, 9
Ottoman Turks, the, xxix, 442, 447, 464-467
Oxus, the, xxviii, 341, 444
Pahlavi (Pehlevi) language, the, 214, 330, 346, 348, 358
Palermo, 441
Palestine, 52, 104, 137, 229
Palmer, E. H., 172, 176, 260
Palms, the Feast of, 54
Palm-tree, verses on the, by ‘Abd al-Rahman I, 418
Palm-trees of Hulwan, the two, 292
Palmyra, 33, 53
Panegyric, two-sided (rhetorical figure), 311
Panjab (Punjaub), the, 203, 268
Pantheism, 231, 233, 234, 275, 372, 390, 391, 394, 402, 403, 460
Paracelsus, 388
Paradise, the Muhammadan, burlesqued by Abu’l -‘Ala al-Ma‘arri, 318, 319
Parthian kings, the, 457
Parwez, son of Hurmuz (Sasanian), 48, 69
Passion Play, the, 218
Paul and Virginia, 469
Pavet de Courteille, 349
Pearl-fishing in the Persian Gulf, 354
Pedro of Castile, 437
Penitents, the (a name given to certain Shi‘ite insurgents), 218
Pentateuch, the, 165, 171, 323
Perfect Man, doctrine of the, 402
Persecution of the early Moslems, 154, 155, 157; of heretics, 224, 368, 369, 372-375, 376, 436, 460, 461
Persepolis, 356
Persia, xxiv, xxvii, xxix, 21, 29, 33, 34, 38, 41, 42, 48, 113, 169, 182, 184, 185, 188, 208, 214, 247, 255, 258, 265, 266, 274, 279, 328, 348, 349, 390, 394, 404, 444, 446, 454, 457
Persia, the Moslem conquest of, 184
Persia, the national legend of, 349
Persian divines, influence of the, 278
Persian Gulf, the, 4, 107, 354, 357
Persian influence on Arabic civilisation and literature, xxviii, xxix, 182, 250, 256, 265, 267, 276-281, 287, 288, 290, 295, 418
Persian influence on the Shi‘a, 214, 219
Persian Kings, History of the, translated by Ibnu ’l-Muqaffa‘, 348
Persian literature, fostered by the Samanids and Buwayhids, 265, 303
Persian Moslems who wrote in Arabic, xxx, xxxi, 276-278
Persians, the, rapidly became Arabicised, 280, 281
Persians, the, in -Yemen, 29
Petra, xxv, 5
Petrarch, 425
Pharaoh, 162, 403
Pharaohs, the, 4, 5
Philip III, 441
Philistines, the, 3
Philologists, the Arab, xxiv, 32, 127, 128, 133, 246, 341-348Philosophers, the Greeks 341, 363
Philosophers, the Moslem, 360, 361, 381, 382, 432-434
Philosophers and scientists, Lives of the, by Ibnu ’l-Qifti, 355
Philosophus Autodidactus, 433
Phœnician language, the, xvi
Phœnicians, the, xv
Physicians, History of the, by Ibn Abi Usaybi‘a, 266, 355
Piers the Plowman, 450
Pietists, the, 207, 208
Pilgrimage to Mecca, the, 63, 65, 135, 136, 319
Pilgrimage, of the Shi‘ites, to the tomb of -Husayn at Karbala, 218, 466
pir(Persian word), 392
Plato, 204
Plutarch, 363
Pocock, E., 433
Poems of the Hudhaylites, the, 128
Poems, the Pre-islamic, xxii, xxiii, 30, 31, 71-140, 282, 285-289, 290; chief collections of, 127-131; the tradition of, 131-134; first put into writing, 132
Poems, the Suspended.See -Mu‘allaqat
Poetics, work on, by Ibnu ’l-Mu‘tazz, 325
Poetry, Arabian, the origins of, 72-75; the decline of, not due to Muhammad, 235; in the Umayyad period, 235-246; in the ‘Abbasid period, 285-336; in Spain, 415-417, 425, 426; after the Mongol Invasion, 448-450
Poetry, conventions of the Ancient, criticised, 286, 288, 315
Poetry, Muhammadan views regarding the merits of, 308-312; intimately connected with public life, 436; seven kinds of, 450
Poetry, the oldest written Arabic, 138
Poetry and Poets, Book of, by Ibn Qutayba. See Kitabu ’l-Shi‘r wa-’l-Shu‘ara
Poets, the Modern, 289-336; judged on their merits by Ibn Qutayba, 287; pronounced superior to the Ancients, 288, 289
Poets, the Pre-islamic, character and position of, 71-73; regarded as classical, xxiii, 72, 285, 286
Politics, treatise on, by -Mawardi, 337, 338
Portugal, 416
Postal service, organised by ‘Abdu ’l-Malik, 201
Postmaster, the office of, 45
Prætorius, F., 10
Prayers, the five daily, 149, 168
Predestination, 157, 223, 224, 378, 379
Preston, Theodore, 330
Prideaux, W. F., 11, 13
Primitive races in Arabia, 1-4
Proclus, 389
Procreation, considered sinful, 317
Prophecy, a, made by the Carmathians, 322
Prose, Arabic, the beginnings of, 31
Proverbs, Arabic, 3, 16, 31, 50, 84, 91, 109, 244, 292, 373
Ptolemies, the, 276
Ptolemy (geographer), 3, 358
Public recitation of literary works, 314
Pyramids, the, 354
Pyrenees, the, xxviii, 204
Pythagoras, 102
Qabus (Lakhmite), 44, 45, 52
qadar(power), 224
-Qadariyya (the upholders of free-will), 224
qaddah(oculist), 271
qadú ’l-qudat(Chief Justice), 395
Qadiri dervish order, the, 393
-Qahira, 275, 394. See Cairo qahramana, 457
Qahtan, xviii, 12, 14, 18, 200
Qala’idu ’l-‘Iqyan, 425
-Qamus, 403, 456
-Qanun, 361
qara’a, 159
-Qarafa cemetery, 396
-Qaramita, 274. See Carmathians, the
qarawi, 138
qarn, meaning 'ray', 18
qasida(ode), 76-78, 105, 288
qasida(ode), form of the, 76, 77; contents and divisions of the, 77, 78; loose structure of the, 134; unsuitable to the conditions of urban life, 288
Qasidatu ’l-Burda. See -Burda Qasidatu ’l-Himyariyya,12
Qasir, 36, 37
Qasirin, 111
Qasiyun, Mt., 399
-Qastallani, 455
Qatada, 294
Qatari b. -Fuia’a, 213
-Qayrawan, 264, 429
Qays ‘Aylan (tribe), xix, 199, 293, 405
Qays b. -Khatim, 94-97, 137
Qays b. Zuhayr, 61, 62
Qaysar (title), 45
Qazwin, 445