Выбрать главу

Umayyads of Spain, the, 253, 264, 347, 405-414

-‘Umda, by Ibn Rashiq, 288

Umm ‘Asim, 204

Umm Jamil, 89

Unays, 67

-‘Urayd, 398

Urtuqid dynasty, the, 449

Usdu ’l-Ghaba, 356

‘Usfan, 22

ustadh, 392

Ustadhsis, 258

Usyut, 454

‘Utba, a slave-girl, 296

-‘Utbi (historian), 269, 354

‘Uthman b. ‘Affan, Caliph, xxvii, 142, 185, 190, 191, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 221, 236, 297

‘Uyunu ’l-Akhbar, 346

‘Uyunu ’l-Anba fi Tabaqat al-Atibba, 355. See Tabaqatu ’l-Atibba

-‘Uzza (goddess), 43, 135, 155


Valencia, 421

Valerian, 33

Van Vloten, 221, 222, 250

Vedanta, the, 384

Venus, 18

Vico, 439

Victor Hugo, 312

Villon, 243

Vizier, the office of, 256, 257. See wazir

Viziers of the Buwayhid dynasty, the, 267

Vogué, C. J. M. de, xxii

Vollers, 450

Vowel-marks in Arabic script, 201


Wadd, name of a god, 123

Wadi ’l-Mustad‘afin, 394

Wafayatu ’l-A‘yan, 451, 452. See Ibn Khallikan

-Wafi bi ’l-Wafayat, 456

-wafir(metre), 75

Wahb b. Munabbih, 247, 459

wahdatu ’l-wujud, monism, 402

Wahhabis, the, 463, 465-468

Wahhabite Reformation, the, 465-468

-Wahidi (commentator), 305, 307

-wa‘id, 297

Wa’il, xix, 56, 57

wajd, mystical term, 387, 394

Wajra, 398

-Walid b. ‘Abd al-Malik (Umayyad Caliph), 200, 203, 405

-Walid b. Yazid (Umayyad Caliph), 132, 206, 291, 375

Wallada, 424, 425

-Waqidi (historian), 144, 261, 349

Waraqa b. Nawfal, 149, 150

wasi(executor), 215

Wasil b. ‘Ata, 223, 224, 374

Wasit, 385, 386

Water-diviners, honoured by the pagan Arabs, 73

-Wathiq, the Caliph, 257, 369

wazir, an Arabic word, 256. See Vizier

Wellhausen, J., 56, 128, 135, 139, 140, 149, 173, 198, 205, 207, 209, 210, 215, 218, 219, 222, 250, 365

Well-songs, 73

Wellsted, J. R., 8

West Gothic dynasty in Spain, the, 204

Weyers, 425

Wine-songs, 124, 125, 138, 206, 325, 417

Witches, Ballad of the Three, 19

Women famed as poets, 89, 126, 127; as Sufis, 233

Women, position of, in Pre-islamic times, 87-92

Woollen garments, a sign of asceticism, 228, 296

Wright, W., 202, 226, 343

Writing, Arabic, the oldest specimens of, xxi

Writing, the art of, in Pre-islamic times, xxii, 31, 102, 131, 138

Wuuml;stenfeld, F., xviii, 17, 129, 132, 190, 213, 245, 253, 275, 295, 357, 378, 408, 416, 452, 459


Xerxes, 256

Ximenez, Archbishop, 435


-Yahud (the Jews), 171

Yahya b. Abi Mansur, 359

Yahya b. Khalid, 259, 260, 451

Yahya b. Yahya, the Berber, 408, 409

Yaksum, 28

-Yamama, 25, 111, 124

-Yamama, battle of, xxii, 142

Ya‘qub b. -Layth, 265

Ya‘qub al-Mansur (Almohade), 432

-Ya‘qubi (Ibn Wadih), historian, 193, 194, 349

Yaqut, 17, 357

Ya‘rub, 14

Yatha‘amar (Sabæan king), 4

Yatha‘amar Bayyin, 10, 17

Yathrib, 62. See Medina

Yathrippa, 62

-Yatima.See Yatimatu ’l-Dahr

Yatimatu ’l-Dahr, 267, 271, 304, 308, 348

-Yawaqit, by -Sha‘rani, 403, 460

Yazdigird I (Sasanian), 40, 41

Yazid b. ‘Abd al-Malik (Umayyad Caliph), 200

Yazid b. Abi Sufyan, 426

Yazid b. Mu‘awiya (Umayyad Caliph), 195-199, 208, 241

Yazid b. Rabi‘a b. Mufarrigh, 19

-Yemen (-Yaman), xvii, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 42, 49, 65, 68, 87, 99, 103, 137, 215, 247, 252, 274, 405

Yoqtan, xviii

Yoqtanids, the, xviii, 4. See Arabs, the Yemenite

Yusuf b. ‘Abd al-Barr, 428

Yusuf b. ‘Abd al-Mu’min (Almohade), 432

Yusuf b. ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri, 406

Yusuf b. Tashifin (Almoravide), 423, 430, 431


Zab, battle of the, 181, 253

Zabad, the trilingual inscription of, xxii

-Zabba, 35, 36, 37. See Zenobia

Zabdai, 34

zaddiq, 375

Zafar (town in -Yemen), 7, 8, 17, 19, 21

Zafar (tribe), 94

zahid(ascetic), 230

Zahirites, the, 402, 427, 433

-Zahra, suburb of Cordova, 425

zajal, verse-form, 416, 417, 449

Zallaqa, battle of, 423, 431

-Zamakhshari, 145, 280, 336

zandik, 375

-Zanj, 273

Zanzibar, 352

Zapiski, 375

Zarifa, 15

Zarqa’u ’l-Yamama, 25

Zayd, son of ‘Adi b. Zayd, 48

Zayd b. ‘Ali b. -Husayn, 297

Zayd b. ‘Amr b. Nufayl, 149

Zayd b. Hammad, 45

Zayd b. Haritha, 153

Zayd b. Kilab b. Murra, 64. See Qusayy

Zayd b. Rifa‘a, 370

Zayd b. Thabit, 142

Zaydites, the, 297

Zaynab (Zenobia), 35, 36

Zaynab, an Arab woman, 237

Zaynu ’l-‘Abidin, 243

Zenobia, 33, 34, 35

Zinatu ’l-Dahr, 348

Zindiqs, the, 291, 296, 319, 368, 372-375, 387, 460

Ziryab (musician), 418

Ziyad, husband of Fatima, the daughter of -Khurshub, 88

Ziyad ibn Abihi, 195, 256, 342

Ziyad b. Mu‘awiya. See -Nabigha al-Dhubvani

Ziyanid dynasty, the, 442

Zone, the, worn by Zoroastrians, 461

Zoroaster, 184, 258

Zoroastrians, the, 184, 341, 354, 373, 461

Zotenberg, H., 352

Zubayda, wife of Harun al-Rashid, 262

-Zubayr, 190

-Zuhara, 18

Zuhayr b. Abi Sulma (poet), 62, 116-119, 128, 131, 137, 140, 312

zuhd(asceticism), 229, 230. 299

zuhdiyyat, 294

Zuhra b. Kilab b. Murra, 64

-Zuhri (Muhammad b. Muslim b. Shihab), 153, 247, 258

zunnar, 461

Transcriber's note:

Spelling of the Arabic names is different in the body of the text, in the References and in the Index, these have been left as shown in the original text. Page references in the Index are sometimes related to the footnotes in these pages which can be found using the footnote links in these pages, not necessarily in the page itself. Page titles are displayed when the mouse hovers over page numbers.

Litigants before a Judge

From an Arabic manuscript in the British Museum (Or. 1200; No. 1007 in Rieu's Arabic Supplement), dated A.H. 654 = A.D. 1256, which contains the Maqámȧtof Ḥarìrì illustrated by 81 miniatures in colours. This one represents a scene in the 8th Maqáma: Abú Zayd and his son appearing before the Cadi of Ma‘arratu ’l-Nu’mán. The figure on the left is Ḥárith b. Hammám, whom Ḥarìrì puts forward as the relater of Abú Zayd's adventures.