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“When did you set that up?” Beth wanted to know.

“He called this afternoon. He was pissed off because I left the beach without saying anything to him.”

“I’m sure you’re not worried about your baby sister stealing your boyfriend,” Beth said.

“I just don’t want you around,” Cathy responded. “So stay up in your room, huh? Play some records or something. Better yet-go to bed early.”

“You can’t tell me where to go or what to do,” Beth said firmly.

Cathy glared at her. “You know something? You’re just getting too big for your pants all of a sudden!”

“You’re mad because I can act as grown-up as you do,” Beth retorted.

“But I’ll go to my room…for awhile.”

Cathy gazed after her apprehensively as she trotted up the stairs.

In a few minutes the doorbell rang, and Cathy hurried to answer it.

Boyd stood outside, dressed in slacks and a t-shirt. Cathy let him in quickly.

She no sooner had closed the door before he pulled her into his arms.

They kissed warmly, their tongues stroking. Cathy could feel Boyd’s cock stir against her.

He broke the kiss before his rod fully rose.

“So, what happened with your kid sister at the beach today that made you two leave so quickly?” he asked. “And who was that guy you were talking to?”

“He was just a friend of our parents,” Cathy lied. “Then I remembered something I had to do at home.”

The tall, bronzed lifeguard grinned. “Well, you won’t be able to get away from me tonight. I’ve got no ocean to keep my eyes on. I can just look at you.”

Cathy took his hand and led him to the sofa. “Want a Coke or something?”

“I just want you,” Boyd said.

They sank to the couch, and he took her into his arms. He drew Cathy toward him so that she was sitting on the side of one hip. As they kissed, he placed his hand on her bare leg just above the knee. It was a simple matter for him to push her skirt up as he caressed her smooth thigh, then to gain access to her panty-clad bottom. He stroked the plump cheeks of her ass, wobbling them in her silky briefs.

Cathy heated up fast. She was never slow to respond, but after the sensuous time she’d spent in Gary’s apartment, she was more receptive than usual. She had learned a few things that she was anxious to try out with Boyd.

But it was going to be up to him to make the first move. He had been neglecting a very important part of lovemaking, she had learned today.

Cathy’s tongue tickled Boyd’s darting into his mouth, then withdrawing.

He shoved his tongue between her lips, and she sucked on it. He squirmed and glided his hand up across the front of her dress. He clutched a bulging breast, thrilled to discover that Cathy was braless.

He pinched a stiffening nipple through her dress.

She was licking along Boyd’s lips, using her tongue more than usual.

What had happened earlier in the day had caused her to think more about lips and tongues.

Boyd lay back on the couch and pulled her forward on top of him. She could feel his hard cock sticking up in his clothes. He drew down the zipper on the back of her dress and brushed the garment off her shoulders. She propped herself on her arms, smiling down at him, and let her dress fall away. Her titties hung bare and beautiful, their pink nipples rigid with excitement.

Boyd cupped her tits in his hands. Grinning pleasurably, he bounced and wiggled the responsive globes, which were elongated by her posture. He milked at her nipples.

Cathy crawled higher on him, dropping a titty to his lips. Boyd caught the stiff nipple and sucked on it. Cathy rubbed her belly against him while wiggling her tit in his mouth.

Boyd’s hands glided down her back and discovered that her crawling had caused her skirt to creep back over her bottom. He flipped the skirt up once again and filled both hands with the sumptuous curves that stretched her light panties. His fingertips tickled her ass-crack through her briefs. He stroked and patted her bottom, enjoying the way it jiggled in her silk panties.

All the while, his cock throbbed. It was painfully constricted between their bodies, imprisoned by his clothes.

Cathy wanted to let his cock out. She wanted to play a lot with that stiff, exciting thing this evening. But first, Boyd was going to have to do something very nice for her.

She crawled farther forward until the front of her pink panties was right above his face.

“Hey, what’s this?” he asked playfully, and clutched her ass, pulling her against his mouth.

As he kissed her through the front of her briefs, Cathy thrilled. But he was kissing just below her belly button, not where it would do her the most good. She tried to wiggle higher yet.

“Just what are you up to?” he asked, grasping her silken sheathed hips and holding her above him.

“Kiss me there!” Cathy blurted. “Kiss me all over!”

“You’re getting some pretty wild ideas,” Boyd said, still holding her away from his face. He seemed embarrassed.

Cathy swung off him and stood next to the sofa, right by his face. She held her skirt wantonly up around her waist. “Take off my panties,” she said.

“With pleasure,” Boyd replied, and swung around to sit straddling her legs. He ran his hands up the back of her bare thighs and onto her panties. He hefted her lusciously curved buttocks and rubbed them against each other. His fingers crept up to hook around the elastic at the top of her pants.

Cathy’s excitement mounted as he slowly pulled her pink panties down.

The clump of golden fluff on her mons appeared. Boyd pulled her panties lower, and he got a teasing view of her slit through the curly hairs.

Her panties clung between her thighs causing them to turn inside out as Boyd hauled the top of them farther down. Cathy moved her legs a little way apart, and the pants skidded down past her knees. She lifted one leg, then the other, and let Boyd take her panties off.

He had been ogling her wiggly slit through this process, glimpsing more of it when she raised each thigh. He tossed her panties away.

Cathy moved very close to him. She took hold of his blond, bushy head and pushed it down, smacking his mouth against her bare belly.

Boyd licked around, between her belly button and her fluff. He held her asscheeks in his hands. His fingertips crept into her warm, satiny crack, tickling her in an exciting way as he wiggled her buttocks.

Cathy pushed down on his head, causing his mouth to skid into the curls at the top of her pussy.

He quickly sat up.

“What’s the matter?” Cathy asked.

“Nothing.” Boyd was embarrassed again. “I was just kissing kind of low there.”

“Not too low for me,” Cathy said.

Boyd’s embarrassment turned to anger. “What do you expect-that I’m gonna kiss your cunt?”

Color flared in Cathy’s cheeks, and she backed up. While she was forming a caustic reply in her mind, a younger feminine voice spoke from the doorway:

“I’ll bet I can get Boyd to kiss me down there,” Beth said boldly and stepped forward, stark naked.

Cathy was aghast. “Get back to your room this minute!” she exclaimed.

Beth dismissed the order with, “What do you think you’re talking to, some kid?”

Smiling at Boyd, she knelt in front of him. His eyes all but popped from his face as he took in her sleek twelve-year-old body with its mere nubbins for breasts and no hair at all. He gazed down at the cute little bump between her thighs and the top of her very tight slit, barely visible.

As Cathy stared, shocked to the quick by her baby sister’s bold intrusion, Beth leaned forward and unzipped Boyd’s slacks. Her childish hand dipped into his fly and brought out a prick which was long and stiff, and pink-headed. The slit at the tip of his cock was wet.

“Heyyyyy, wow!” Boyd exclaimed.

“BETH!” Cathy shrieked, and stamped her foot, causing her titties to bounce up and down.