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I cried. Dirty little sonofabitch! I thought. Somebody tries to be nice to you and you stick it up their ass!


I was burning up. I was mad at the little shit for fooling me the way he had, but my ass was sore from its reaming and I was about to turn inside out with frustration. I mean, he'd gotten me so hot I'd enjoyed what he did! And then he'd thrown me aside without letting me have my orgasm!

And when dear, faithful Gunner came over and started nosing at me and whining with sympathy it was more than I could take. I grabbed him and threw my arms around his neck and cried into his ruff. Part shepherd and part something with a lot of hair, he had a thick enough coat for a girl to dry a lot of tears on. So I hugged him and sobbed. And he took it patiently, licking at me now and then as if to say how sorry he was.

Once in awhile his tongue was next to one of my boobs, and when the rough, warm surface rasped across a tittie it just made things worse. I mean, it was like wet sandpaper going over one of those sensitized nipples! It sent hot streaks through me and made my cunt-rim pucker and my belly churn! And I knew that wasn't doing me any good! It was just going to keep me hot without offering any chance for relief! The only thing to do was to get into the shower and maybe rub my clit until I could reach a climax.

I got hold of the window sill – it wasn't much more than knee-high – and started to push myself up. But luckily I happened to be facing toward it and saw the guy next door rocking on his porch and looking right at me. So I sort of dropped back, hunched up on my hands and knees wondering what to do. I'd have to crawl out of the sun porch, I decided.

Only Gunner was nosing around again. He poked his nose against my pussy and sniffed. And it felt so good I waited a minute and let him keep sniffing. He stuck his tongue out and licked, as if he were testing the taste, then licked again like he meant business! God! I thought. Oh, God, that's great! And then, Christ, Lee, why not! Licking like that he's going to make you cum before you know it!

I did crawl. I got over to the lounge with Gunner right behind me, his nose to my ass and his tongue jabbing at my pussy. I was thinking fast. I wanted to be comfortable so I could enjoy the orgasm when it came. And I wanted to make it easy for Gunner to get right down into my cunt with that marvelous, flexible tongue of his. So I got hold of two of the straight chairs and put one at either side of the lounge, just beyond the end. And I flopped onto the cushion on my back and pulled the chairs closer so their back legs rested against the sides of the lounge. I raised my legs and hooked the backs of my knees over the chair backs so I was split wide open.

"Okay, Gunner… good boy…! Come on, baby, get a mouthful. Goooood boy!"

He didn't need an invitation. He stuck his nose right down to my pussy and nosed along my pussy-lips with slobber dripping off his tongue and started to lick. My God, what a technique! He didn't just lap it up; he acted like he was getting dessert! He sort of scooped along the rim of each lip first, his tongue broad and covered with barbs that lifted the pussy-hairs and combed them and stripped off the dried stuff on them. I got hold of the pillows and pulled them under my shoulders to prop me up so I could really see what was going on, and those hairs sprang away from his tongue glistening-clean! He did that to both pussy-lips and up around my clit, getting every bit of the stuff off the hair.

I was all swollen already, and the way I had my legs up and out, my pussy-lips were spread way apart. Their inner faces were sort of bulging and red and the thick fluids I'd oozed was in gooey, whitish layers. He started licking at that stuff differently. He just dabbed at it with the front end of his tongue, picking up a little bit at a time and shooting sparks of delight through me at the same time. He went right along one lip, cleaning the surfaces, and then started on the other. And my hips started undulating and my boobs surged and I panted.

The floor of my slit was like a U-shaped valley with me split so far apart, and it was swimming with juice! He scooped at that until I was sure he was scraping skin off! But the sensations were out of this world! I throbbed! My whole body was on fire! My cunt-mouth stretched open and pulsed and my belly twisted and writhed. All I could do was get my hands hooked around my thighs and pull, fighting to keep from interfering with what he was doing.

Oh, Christ, yes! I told myself. Hell, yes, he's going to make you cum!

He gobbled up just about every drop of wetness on me. Even licked around my asshole until it felt raw! And he discovered there was some left on my clitoris. Jesus, I thought I was going right through the ceiling! He knew what he was doing; he worked the hood back and polished its inner surfaces while the hard, reddened little shaft quivered and the conical little head swelled and jerked. And when I thought I'd taken all I could stand, he decided to scour the tender little cock, itself.

"Omigod!" I cried out in absolute, panicky ecstasy. "Omigod, Gunner! No, no! I can't stand that!"

He didn't pay any attention. He went right ahead and stripped off all the flavor. And my hips flogged wildly, my legs tightening to lift me into the air. I let go of my thighs and jammed my hands between the cushion and the side rails of the lounge, shoving until they were firmly wedged in. And my whole body leaped with the excruciating intensity of my pleasure.

I was lucky. A clit just isn't big enough to collect much pussy-juice and he stopped pretty soon. I didn't know I was lucky. I was ready for my orgasm – I could feel the first deep buzzing in my belly that comes when a climax starts – and I begged him to keep at it just a little longer. But he'd got what he was after and was looking for more. And when he found it I realized how lucky I was! I was so hot I was oozing again, and some of the fluid had gotten out to the rim of my cunt-mouth.

He found that. Oh, Jesus, did he find it! He lapped it up and stuck his tongue into the opening for more. And when he discovered it was there – and fresh and plentiful – he drove his tongue right on into my cunt, twisting and curling it and probing into all the inner folds until it felt like some kind of fancy fuck I'd never even dreamed of! It was like a whole new kind of pleasure had exploded inside me! When he was licking my clit, the little organ was so sensitive it almost hurt, but the probing and exploring inside my cunt didn't have any shortcoming. It simply felt fabulous! I twisted and jerked and moaned. My arms were jammed tighter than I'd thought and I couldn't even budge them, but it didn't matter. That just gave me more leverage and saved me from falling off the lounge.

I came. Omigod, how I came! My ass lashed up and down and my feet kicked and my belly churned… and then my orgasm hit me and I went totally rigid! I think my cunt practically pinched Gunner's tongue off, it contracted so hard. I could feel the spasms in my belly, one contraction following another up the length of my vagina like the cars of a train going through a crossing. I started to shake and couldn't stop. And my voice did a funny thing, sort of rolling out whether I was gasping in or wheezing out. And I kept on coming something awful!

At last he dragged his tongue out of me and stopped pushing his muzzle against my pussy and the spasms got weaker and quit. I sagged, my muscles relaxed and warmth seeped through me. It didn't matter if my legs were still spread and hanging over the backs of the chairs like something hung on a clothesline – or that my arms were wedged down on either side of the lounge cushion so I couldn't move. When my strength came back, I'd be able to figure out what to do about that.

And in the meantime, Gunner acted like he wanted to know what all the groaning had been about. He reared up and put his forepaws on my belly and studied my face. And I grinned at him weakly and made a kissing motion with my lips. Maybe my belly isn't steady enough, I thought when he stepped off it with one paw at either side of my waist. I don't blame him a bit. Besides, he's heavy. He hunched his shoulders and lowered his head and touched my mouth with his tongue. I laughed and jerked my face to one side. I mean, who wants a dog licking her on the mouth?