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He went back around me and started grubbing his fist in my gaping, soaking-wet pussy-lips, his knuckles grinding into the pulpy, swollen flesh and digging at the rubbery, gulping rim of my cunt-mouth. My hips jerked in spite of me, bouncing my raw, burning ass and bumping my belly against the table.

He got hold of my clit and twisted it one way, then the other. I practically floated right off the table! And all of a sudden something started working in my throat again.

"Unnnhhh…! Eeeee!"

He doubled his fist and ground it up and down the floor of my gaping, inflamed slit.

"Eeeee… eeyaaghhh!"

"Hey, Lee! By God, you do make noises! Good for you!"

I felt nothing more for a moment, and then the broad, rounded, hot dome of his cockhead was poking against my cunt-mouth. It pushed inward, slipping against the wet, hungry edges of the ring and filling me with ecstasy.

"Ooooooh, yeesss…! Aaahhhhh…"

"Like that! Like that? Tell me!"

"Ooooh, yes…! I like that!"

"So what do you want me to do? Tell me!"

"Unnhhh… Stick it in, Duane! Stick it all the way in!"

"Naw, that isn't the way to say it. Come on!"

"Stick it in! Ram me with it! Duane, fuck me!"

"Aha! That's more like it. Do what?"

"Fuck me, Duane! Goddamn it, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"

"Once more, cunt-mouth!"

"Fuck me, fuck meeeeeeee!"

He plunged his cock into me. No, he didn't plunge it into me, he blasted it into me as if he'd hit the back of it with a sledge hammer. The head was an enormous, blunt-nosed artillery shell and the shaft was a huge, hard, rigid cylinder behind it, and the gun had just fired and the whole thing exploded right into my cunt-mouth! His cockhead surged up the core of my belly, scattering organs and stretching walls. The shaft sawed across the rim of my cunt-mouth, heating it with the speed of its entry. And the base of his cock was a great, broad-faced hammerhead smashing the pulp of my pussy-lips.

"E e e y i i i y i i i y i i i…! Hard-hard-harrrd!"

Pump, pump, pump…! Bang-bang-bang! Every blow made my head jump as if it were on the end of a whip. My shoulders bulged with the strain and I felt the tendons on the inner sides of my thighs standing out like taut guitar strings. My cunt gummed the surging cock and my belly churned and seethed around the plunging piston that was his cockhead.

He grabbed my ass again and jammed my belly down fiercely against the table, holding my twat perfectly still. There was no give at all, now, as he blasted into me. The whole table shuddered with every crash of his groin on my pussy. He battered me until I knew I was going to be black and blue. And without warning, he jerked that beautiful, hot, bulging cock out of me.

"Jesus Christ!" I shrieked at him. "Put it in! Fuckme, you sonofabitch! Fuck meeeeee!"

His cock had to be covered with all my cunt-juice. The layers were hanging from it in streamers! And he shoved that cruel, lemon-sized cockhead board against my bunghole.

"Noooooo…! Jeee-zuz, nooooooo…! Not… that… Duane…!"

I trembled all over; I'd had it up the ass the day before! And Will's dong was like somebody's little finger compared with the fully-developed, iron-stiff, club-headed pecker Duane was going to ram up me!

"puleeease…! Ohhh,for the love of Jesus, Duaaane…! Puleeease dooon't!"

He pushed my buttocks apart until I thought I could hear my ass tearing in two. And he pushed his cock. Oh, Christ, how he pushed on that cock! My sphincter stretched and thinned and burned like wildfire! There was a "POP" I swear I heard! And that hideous fist of spongy meat was inside my ass! His shaft was right behind it, shoving with all the force of his straining hips. His cockhead reamed my gut, straightening the twisted intestine as it plunged up into me. I felt so full I gagged; I thought maybe some of the displaced organs were going to squirt out my mouth!

And he sawed back and forth, his shaft rubbing in and out through that taut, sticky ring that had been a nice, tight asshole. Too much had happened to me on that table for the pain to stay with me very long. My sex-crazed body humped and flailed in its bonds and my belly pounded the hard surface beneath it. My thighs battered at the hanging leaf and my head came up.

"Eeeyaaaggghhhhhh…! Nnnyyaaaiiighhh…! Eeeee!"

"Unnhhh!" He was making noises, too! It must be pinching hell out of that dick! "Unnhhh…! Mmmmmmm!"

Everything that had happened to me in his apartment boiled up in me at once. My excitement shook me like a giant fist and a horrible knot of pleasure hardened in my belly. I stiffened, thrusting outward at my bonds and screaming senselessly. The knot burst and convulsive spasms racked me. My asshole clamped viciously on the plunging cock and Duane's fingertips bit into my ass-cheeks.

"Bloody horseshit!" He yelled. "You're going to cut the Goddamn thing off…! Wwwaagghhhhh…! Unnnhhhhh…! Unnnhhhhh!"

He'd hit his orgasm, too! I felt his cum boiling into me and pooling in my gut – a great, buried lake of liquid fire! I kicked at the knots that held me and twisted from side to side while my pleasure tore at my tendons and crushed my muscles. My throat ached from my moans.

At last I began to quiet. And the terrible, gigantic shaft that seemed to split my ass began to shrink. I fell limply against the table, drained of feeling or emotion. Whatever he meant to do now would be nothing compared to what he'd already done to me. I'd never be the same Lee Schlangen again; I hated him so fiercely I practically loved him. Maybe he'd been right. Maybe I would beg him to fuck me!

He dragged his wilted cock out of me and left me alone while he went somewhere to wash. When he came back, he didn't say anything right away, just began to untie me. And when I was standing weakly before him, clinging to the table for support, he stared at me. His eyes were dull and his mouth was sort of loose.

"Well… You got any of that Goddamn sass left in you, Lee?" he asked.

"Fuck you!" I whispered hoarsely. "Fuck you, Duane Fowler!"

He made half a grin. "You already did."

"And stick your lousy job up your ass! I don't want any part of it."

His voice was absolutely dead. "Take the day off. You'll feel more like working tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's my day off, prick!"

"Oh, yeah. Well, take today off, too."

And he picked up my clothes and handed them to me.


He hardly looked at me while I was getting dressed. I might as well have been a punching bag. The sonofabitch. That's the trouble with most men; the only thing a woman's any good for is punching their dick into. When they've got their load off, they couldn't care less!

I got out of there as fast as I could. My bra wasn't any good without the shoulder straps, and I carried it in my hand. There wasn't anybody in the hall and I just went down it to my apartment. I was inside but hadn't quite got the door shut when I heard that whiny, super-perfect voice of Nancy's. I stopped to listen.

"… Right in his apartment! Alone!"

I poked my head out to see who she was talking to. The hallway was still empty, but I realized Eric's door was open and her voice was coming from there.

Eric's voice cut in, icy and calm. "You there?" he asked.

"I just told you she was in there alone with him!"

"Then get lost. I won't listen to back fence gossip."

There was a sort of pause. When Nancy spoke again, she sounded reluctant.

"Well… well, I…" And then her words tumbled over each other. "I did see them! There's a sort of angle where the porch roof…"

"You spied on Duane."

"Welllll… Eric, it was awful! She let him tie her out on the table! And she did terrible things! She was like a wild woman! She even…"