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"You sure you want to? You're, not afraid of somebody coming by?"

"I'm not scared! Oh, please, Eric?"

"Okay! Jesus, yes! Go ahead!"

So I scrambled up and tore off my blouse and wiggled out of my bra and let my skirt slither down over my legs. And I kicked off my shoes and socks and stood on the balls of my feet and stretched, my arms way up over my head. And Eric grunted suddenly as if somebody had knocked the wind out of him.

"Oof…! Oh, Jesus, what a body!"

I sensed he hadn't expected the figure I had. With a skip, I whirled away from him to the very edge of the water and posed again. He whistled real softly and jerked off his clothes.

"Damn, baby! You're just gorgeous!"

I was having trouble making my throat behave. I kept gulping and working my mouth, but I couldn't have said anything if my life had depended on it. All I could do was stare at that magnificent, enormous, bulky pecker that jutted so awesomely in front of his belly and the ponderous balls that swung below it.

Finally I got my voice working again. "Omigod, honey! Let's fuck quick before I lose my nerve!"

I ran back to him and let him grab me in his arms and swing me off my feet. And I let him lay me on the grass and pulled my knees up and spread them as wide as I could. I knew what was happening to my pussy. The lips were swollen; the outer, hairy slopes were folded toward my thighs, round-curved and dark and soft. The inner faces were gleaming pinkly, coated with the thickening wetness of my desire and their color darkened by the rush of hot blood. Between them the broad trough of my slit glistened and pulsed and the thick-rimmed mouth of my cunt gaped open for his cock, ringing the blackness of the cavity he was going to fill. My boobies were still mounded, their pale, veined, translucent flesh quivering and their hard, darkened, puckered nipples thrusting defiantly upward, anticipating the weight of his broad, golden-haired chest.

His eyes were shining and the tip of his tongue was wetting his lips as he dropped to his knees between mine. He ran his hands tenderly over the inner, taut surfaces of my thighs and touched the puffy flesh at the edge of my clitoris with one fingertip, then slowly passed his hands upward along my body to grasp my boobs in his palms.

"Holy Christ!" he exclaimed in a whisper. "What a body!"

And he lowered himself into the embrace of my thighs, the thick foreskin halfway withdrawn off the dark bulge of his cockhead before the frightening knob vanished from my view and settled into the fiery heat of my pussy. I felt the hard bulb nudge my cunt-rim and let my hips surge, thrusting my cunt hard against the rigid cock just as his hips snapped forward to drive the brutal head through my stretching opening.

"Ahhhh…! Oooh, honnney…!"

The great, blunt cockhead drove to the core of my belly. A delicious, quivering, warm sense of pressure built among my organs, pleasure rippling through me in gentle, sweet waves. I cried with happiness, clinging to his great, muscular shoulders and clamping my thighs on the bristling bulges of his.

His cock-shaft pistoned in and out of the slippery, tight-clutching rim of my cunt-mouth, plunging inward with a giddy rush until the broad, hard structure at its base crashed against my pussy, then dragging back, its ribbed column slipping outward and pulling the bulging cockhead with it until the flared shoulders of the head jerked at the greedy cunt-mouth. The muscles of my inner thighs rolled under his plunges and my belly writhed from the inner flood of pleasure.

"Unnnggg…! Harrrrderrr…! Deeeeeperrrrr…! Oooh, Honnneeey!"

"Hang on, baby…! Hang on…! Oooh!" His whisper was harsh andurgent.

My hips leaped under him, driving my pussy up and onto his stroking shaft with each of his lunges. And my ass flattened the grass and pounded it into the damp, spongy earth while my heels dug in frantically.

"Honey… Honey…fuck…! Fuck hard!"

"Grab me, baby! Grab me with your legs!"

I wrapped them around those thrusting hips, my heels drumming on his ass.

"Uuunnnnnnn…! Nowww…! Now, Honey!"

"Okay…! Mmmmm!"

"Eeeeeyyiii…! Ooooohhh…!"

"Aarghhh! Ummmph!"

"NnnNnnNnnnn… aaahhhhh…" My belly wrenched in spasms and my thighs held him in their vise-like grip.

He strained against me, boring my ass into the soft earth as he shot me full of his cum. The heat filled me and I seethed with delirious happiness. We shook in the grip of violent tremors and then sagged, overcome by the wild savagery of our mating.

"Oh, honey!" I whispered. "Honey, I do love you so!"

"Yeah," he muttered. "Yeah, I love you, too, puss."


We didn't make any formal announcement. We didn't have to, I suppose; the news must have radiated from my face. And where I'd gaze at Eric with a sort of dumb adoration before while he'd treated me with cool indifference, there was a warm closeness between us now. I'd look up from my plate and see he was watching me, and a quick spark of affection and understanding would pass between us.

Everyone noticed. Mark talked to me about it in our apartment that first night. He was a little awed, because we'd both come to look on Eric as belonging to a world apart from ours. He was typically brotherly, too, though. He had to be satisfied Eric was going to treat me right.

"When's he going to marry you?" he asked bluntly. "Where you gonna live?"

I didn't know the answer to either question. We'd put off setting a date. Somehow it had seemed too big a step; we'd needed a little time for our new closeness to soak in. And we hadn't talked about where – just about a little white clapboard with a picket fence and a brick walk.

But that wasn't really what Mark was thinking about. He was wondering where he'd be. He was wondering what place there would be for a fifteen-year-old kid brother when his sister was a new bride.

"Mark, sweetie…" I grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "Marky, I don't know. But Eric understands about us. Wherever we live, you're going to be there. And it's going to be a lot better than this!"

Duane Fowler didn't say anything about the new state of affairs at all. He stopped bugging me, though. I became as safe at work as if I'd been in church; it got almost boring. And all of a sudden the cash register and books seemed to be okay, so I didn't have to stay night after night trying to find the source of errors I hadn't been able to see in the first place. At Ma's, he was formal and proper. Honest, it was enough to make a body sick!

Will was his usual snotty self, but he let me to hell alone! I mean he didn't get one bit nicer, but he made it real clear he knew I was out of bounds for him. And he looked so subdued when Eric was anywhere around that first few days I knew Eric had put the fear of the devil in him!

Ma was interested, of course. She could see how close we'd gotten. And she came to me privately for particulars. She didn't let on she was being nosy… not the kind of nosiness that wants to know the date and the church and the color of the bridal dress and all that. She let on it was strictly businesslike. I mean, after all, she ran a respectable rooming and boarding house and had to have a license and all that meant the authorities wanted assurance there wasn't any hanky-panky going on. The thing with Eric looked on the up and up, she let me know, but it was so sudden. So she was assuming it was the kind of romance that was going to wind up with wedding bands and a ceremony and not one of those backstairs things that got landladies in trouble.

So I reassured her, although I pretended I wasn't about to give away little secrets about what day everything was going to come about.

And Nancy noticed. God, yes, she noticed! She acted offended, first off. You'd have thought Eric was her private claim. And she did everything she could to get his interest. She wore her things as daringly as she could, always risking Ma's hard stare and caustic order to go make herself decent. And she managed always to be bumping into him in out-of-the-way corners. More than once, she managed to get into the downstairs hall in her underwear just as he went through on his way upstairs or outside.