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"Mark! Marky, you really do?"

"Sure! Of course, I do!"

She pulled his hand down over her neck and thrust it into the top of her blouse. "Oh, Marky! I just love you! I do, Mark!"

I backed away cautiously, settling myself in another of the chairs and watched. The girl seemed to have no sense of embarrassment or modesty. She forced Mark's hand onto her boob and held it there until he started squeezing and massaging. And while he played with the young, tender boobie, she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off. And she struggled with her bra fastener until she got it loose and could shed the restrictive garment.

Her voice sounded as thick as if she'd been drinking. "Oh, Marky, darling! Lee won't mind, will she?"

After a quick glance at me, Mark shook his head. "She won't mind."

He continued playing with her tit while she fumbled at his clothes with all the directness and un-self-consciousness of her youthful eagerness. When Mark was naked, she held his boyish hard-on in one hand and stood.

"Undress me, Marky; please?"

He grinned and unzipped her skirt. She continued to hold onto his cock while he removed skirt and panties, and her fingers moved gently and possessively, as if she felt confident because of the reasonable size of the young-cylinder.

They stood together, naked and slender and sweetly youthful, their bodies pressed close and their mouths meeting in a tender, happy kiss. But youth and excitement was too strong for tenderness. Their lips became greedy and demanding and their tongues probed and their bodies squirmed against each other. Mark's hands fondled her ass-cheeks and she dug at his back with her nails while their bellies rubbed each other.

Once, Nancy drew her mouth free long enough to ask me to undress, too. "More exciting!" she said breathlessly. "Please, Lee?"

I undressed, miserable because I was going to have to watch without doing anything. But while Mark was feeling her up, after tumbling her onto the lounge, Gunner came to me and whimpered, nudging at my knees with his muzzle. I held them tightly together, roughing his ears and laughing at him, but when he persisted I let him wedge his head between my thighs and sniff at my twitching pussy. He tongued it delicately, dabbing at the wetness that seeped over it, and I scooted down in the chair, sprawling and throwing my knees apart for him. With a blissful expression and a satisfied whine, he started lapping at my slit. His tongue drove between the sticky faces of my pussy-lips and dug at the rim of my quivering cunt-mouth. I moaned softly, my hips jerking and my fingers groping along the arms of the chair.

Nancy squirmed and chortled, her lithe young body alive with the pleasure Mark's busy hands were giving her. But she kept stealing glances at the way Gunner was applying himself to my squirming, opening pussy.

"Lee…?" She spoke softly, as if to avoid disturbing the concentration Gunner was showing.

"Y-y-yes?" It was hard to talk with all the excitement that was coursing through me.

"Would he… would he get on you if you wanted him to?"

"Who, Gunner?"


"I…" I hesitated. I wasn't going to tell either of them he already had. "I should think so. Why?"

"Ooh! That would be fun!"

"Think so?" Mark sounded suddenly eager. "Really think so, Nancy?"

"Oooh, yes!" Then, tentatively, "I bet I could coax him to."

"Aw, bet you couldn't. You're no dog."

"I bet I could!"

"Why don't you try?"

"Okay, smarty! I will!"

I groaned. That damn Mark! She was doing exactly what he wanted her to! He smirked until I thought his grin would split his face.

Nancy rolled off the lounge onto her hands and knees. Her pointed, soft young boobies hung under her and her belly drew up tightly.

"Here, Gunner! Here, sweetie…! Come on, Gunner!"

I pushed Gunner's nose out of my pussy and clamped my knees together. He backed off, quivering and puzzled, then cocked his head at the girl. I could almost see the shrug as he turned away from me and approached her. He poked his nose at her ass and wiggled it as the sweet scent of her childish pussy-juice assailed his nostrils. He trembled with sudden pleasure and drove his muzzle against the tender, soft tissues of her crotch, his whole body shaking with the violence of his wagging tail. His tongue came out and dabbed at her slit.

"Oooh…! Yummy! Look, Mark! He likes me!"

Mark snorted. "Dessert. He's not on you, is he?"

"Yummmm…! Not… yet… but…!" She humped and jerked as the searching tongue probed deeper.

With a jerky whimper, she sank onto her elbows, her ass elevated and her knees apart. She was undulating her hips and her boobies were swinging erratically under her. Gunner's tongue lapped at the quickly separating pussy-lips and down to her clitoris. She jumped violently and rotated her ass, the small of her back dropping and her pussy turning up to Gunner.

"Mmmmm…! Mmm, Gunner! Fuck me, Gunner…! Come on, sweetie…! Get on!"

The entreaty in her voice must have triggered something in the dog. His back arched and his cock began to grow. His rump jerked back and forth as if he were already on her. He pulled back his head and reared, covering her ass and poking at her with the sharp-pointed tip of his cock.

"Give him a hand, Marky," I told him softly. "Open her up for him."

Mark straddled her, facing her ass, and reached around her to spread her pussy-lips with his fingers. The dancing red pecker edged closer to the tight little cunt-mouth and its sharp tip settled into the hole that was hardly more than a dimple.

"Oooh…! Oooh…! I did! I coaxed him on…! Yummmmm!"

Gunner's hips thrust rapidly, pounding his cock into her like a long nail. I got down beside her to watch what I'd felt before. The shiny red probe chattered against her like an air-hammer, each blow sinking it a tiny bit further while her cunt-rim spread and lipped at it.

"Omigod, Lee! Oh, dear! He's getting it in me…! Ahhhhh!"

Gunner's cockhead had barely sunk out of sight in her before the inward progress stopped. His hips continued to pump and his forepaws clamped around her waist and jerked at her, but the penetration had stopped.

"Harder, sweetie!" she whispered. "Oh, please, sweetie! Just a little harder!"

He clutched at her waist and his haunches jabbed fiercely. She gasped and shuddered, her hands balling into fists on the floor, and the quivering, white-streaked cock stabbed deeper and slid swiftly out of sight.

"He did! Oh, God, I'm not a virgin any more!"

The edge of Gunner's cock sheath swelled and stretched and I saw what I'd been waiting for. A broad, thick knot that looked like two big bulges, one on each side of his cock, came into view. It reached Nancy's cunt-mouth and pressed inward, her taut young rim appearing too tight to admit it. But his eager pumping and her equally eager backward thrusts, aided by the powerful sweeping motions of his forepaws, drove the bulky knot into her and left only a last couple of inches of normal-sized hard-on visible.

In an instant, even that vanished, his heavily-bristled sheath butting into the quivering, reddened, gaping pussy-flesh. And Gunner started fucking. I'd been lying on the lounge when he'd mounted me. And I outweighed the child by probably thirty pounds. She was supporting herself on wide-spread knees and her elbows with nothing to keep her from swaying backward and forward. His forepaws encircled her waist and swept her back and forth on his cock in time to the rhythm of his thrusting haunches. She grunted explosively each time her backward progress was met by the forward drive of his belly. Her hair bounced and her tits jumped around on the shiny floor. She pressed her cheek to the linoleum and kept her eyes squinted tightly shut, her lips parted and her nostrils flaring.

"Omigod, Marky! Oh, my! It feels so good!" And then, in triumph, "I did get him to, didn't I?"