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The captive water in the bed picked up the rhythm of Eric's strokes and rocked with increasing violence. I grabbed at Eric and held on, giddy and tingling with desire for him. He pulled me around so I knelt over his hand, and suddenly his blunt, heavy thumb drove upward into my twat. I shuddered and sank onto it, my hands closing on his wrist.

"Turn around, baby," he suggested softly.

I lifted one leg over his arm and turned my back to him. His fingers closed on my mound and one of them found my clitoris, rubbing along its side while my head spun with excitement.

"Honey! Oh, Eric, honey! I love you so!" What the hell? A woman's got to tell her man once in awhile! And maybe it's good insurance to do it whenever he's got his pecker in something else. Especially a cute little ass like Nancy's.

But it didn't look like I had an awful lot to worry about. His cock was sliding back and forth in her, squeaking between those pinched little ass-cheeks, but he was looking at me and his hand was doing marvelous things to that hot, steamy pussy of mine. And Nancy seemed to be totally engrossed in Mark. She was fumbling at him with her hands and covering him with kisses and whispering jerky, sentimental things to him. You'd have thought he had two cocks… that it was he who was fucking her back and front! And she was getting wildly irrational. She was too tightly pressed between the two male bodies to move a whole lot, but she was squirming like mad! And her boobies looked like they were going to get scrubbed right off, the way she was wiping them on Mark's chest!

She was quick on the trigger, as she had been from the beginning. "Mark…! Marky…! Ohhh, Markeeeee…! Shootme full…! Now, now!"

"Unnnhhh!" My brother's eyes were glazed. He acted as if that enormous cock rubbing so close to his was in him instead of Nancy. "Unnnhhhhh…! Yeeeaaahhh…! H-h-here it gooooes…! Ummpphhh!"

"Ee e i i i g g g h h h h h…! Eeeyyaaaggghhhhh!" She stiffened and jerked convulsively, trembling with the intensity of her pleasure.

Eric stopped fucking and jammed his cock as hard as he could against her. The moment she began to lose her rigidity, he let the brutal cylinder slip gently from her ass. She collapsed into Mark's arms and lay in them as if she were only semi-conscious, gasping and panting.

"Oh, Mark, darling!" She sighed. "Sooooo goooood!"

Eric withdrew his hand from my pussy at the very instant I was ready for an orgasm of my own.

"Eric…! Eric, Honey…! That's mean!"

He chuckled gently. "Rather have my thumb than my dick, puss?"

"Oh, honey… you know better!"

"Sure. Hey, want a wild ride?"

"Oooh! Love it!"

"Climb on!"

He rolled onto his back and I mounted him kneeling over that giant tree of his and trapping its nose in the maw of my cunt-mouth. He caught me by the waist and held me, preventing my plunge down the great cock.

"Sure you can trust that brother of yours?" he asked with a grin. "Wouldn't put it past him to climb right on."

"Who cares? Honey, if I'm on your cock, I don't care what else is going on!"

"Yeah? Hey, that's my baby!" He let go of my waist and let me settle onto that spongy, hot-meaty, prodigious cockhead of his. It fascinated me that I could hang up, even for a moment, on anybody's cock. But I did. My cunt-rim stretched and strained and a savage joy coursed over me at the exquisite sensation. But my cunt was too elastic to be denied for long; it opened and gulped and engulfed those broad cock-shoulders and plunged down the bulging shaft while his cockhead bored upward along my passage to the core of my belly.

I sank onto the wiry bristles of his pubic hair and felt their barbs impale the moist, hot, quivering tissues of my inner pussy-lips. His hips rose with a jerk to toss me halfway up his magnificent cock. The fluid friction shook me with the delight it generated. And I dropped on it a second time. But the bed was a hydraulic ram; it absorbed the momentum of his fall when he dropped back. It sloshed outward to the side of the bed and washed back to peak under him and fling him upward under me again. Every blow was more violent and threw me higher, until I caught his wrists and hung on to keep from being thrown off. Wild, savage joy flooded me and I cried out exultantly.

"Aaaiiiggghhhhhh…! Wonnnderfuuulllll!"

My boobies danced furiously. They pounded me and ached from the flogging. My head bounced and I gritted my teeth to keep from biting my tongue. But, God, how the sensations along the inner surfaces of my thighs and in the heart of my pussy overwhelmed every other! And what a thrill it was to feel that hard muscular warmth under me and ride it with tight-clamped thighs and be so gloriously, vibrantly aware of the way it all came to a focus in one magnificent, ridged, bulging pillar that struck upward through the soft, wet, clinging, puffy flesh of my pussy and the thick, gulping, greedy rim of my cunt-mouth into the core of my belly. What a marvelous sensation to feel that bulbous, great cockhead churning my guts in its pistoning, ever-jerking movement!

Overcome by the intensity of my devotion to the great figure under me, I let myself drop forward on him. I kicked my feet back along his legs and hugged his huge, bulging thighs with my knees while my belly quivered against the silken hair on his and my boobies flattened their sweat-moistened fullness on the rippling muscles of his chest. I clung to him and felt his powerful, thick arms close around me to cuddle me and squeeze me. And his hips continued to leap, driving his buried cock back and forth in the clutching passage of my vagina.

"Honey…! Oh, honey, I love you!"

"I'm damn glad, puss. Damn glad!"

"Oh, fuck, sweetie! Hard!"

"Unh…! Clamp tight!"

"Yes! Yes! Oooh, Eric!"

"Tight! Tight!"

"Ummmmm…! Mmmmmm…! Eeeee, honey!"


"Hard, Honey…! Drive it hard…! Fuck-fuck-fuck!!!"

"Here it… Christ, here it comes, puss!"

"Oh, blast me with it! I'm…eee,I'm cumming…! Errric, I'm… cummmiiinnnnggggg…! Oooooh, oooooh… aaahhhhh!"

"Aaghhh…! Hey! Your cunt's milking hell out of me…! Unnnhhhhh…! Aaarrgghhhhh!"

Everything was wet. He was covered with sweat and so was I, and sweat gathered in pooled layers between our clinging bodies. There was hot, steamy wetness where his luscious cock penetrated the bubbly, sucking lips of my cunt, and where his huge arms gripped me their wetness made them slip on my sweaty flesh. It seemed a world of fluid and I wondered wildly, happily, if the bed had ruptured to let us float in our own sea. But the sweet smells of cock-in-pussy and mingling man-sweat and woman-sweat made it plain it was wetness generated by our own furious fucking.

I rubbed my cheek on his shoulder and crooned. "Ohhh, honnney! Oh, that was so awful goooood!"

"Good, baby! God, how good!" He brushed the top of my head with his chin. "If we do everything else together as good as we fuck, it's going to be a good life."

"It'll be good!" I whispered. "Nothing could be bad as long as I've got you, Eric!" He chuckled and squeezed. "Saw the house I think we're going to want. Over on Elm. Just today."

"Oh, Eric! Eric, what's it like?"

"Picket fence. Yard full of trees. House sort of nestled down among them. Apartment over the garage… thought Mark might like that better than one of the bedrooms in the house, but that's up to him."

"Oh, honey! Honey! Somebody'll get it before we do!"

"No. I made a deposit – and an offer. Well look at it tomorrow. See if you like it the way I think you will."

"Oh, Eric! Honey, honey…! Eee,honey, honnney…! Hold me…! Hoollld meeeee…!I'm cummmiiinnnggg…! I'm cumming ag-g-gain! Ummmmmhhh…! Nnnnnggggggg!"

When I collapsed on him again, panting and shaking, he laughed gently.

"Looks like things are going to be even better than I figured!" He caressed me tenderly. "Get a broad who cums over a house she hasn't even seen yet, that's a real prize!"