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"Mmmm!" He squeezed my ass-cheeks and lifted me.

Sliding down on the chair, his ass going out to the front edge of the seat, he got his cock under me. He maneuvered it until his cockhead, pulsing and ready, was touching my steamy slit. And he let go with his hands.

I didn't settle onto his cock… not yet. "Wait, sweetie!" I protested. "Just a minute. Okay?"

"Uh… what for?"

I grinned. "Secret."

He looked disappointed and suspicious, but he grunted assent.

I got my feet on the floor, struggling to keep from impaling myself on his waiting cock, and backed off him. Pushing his knees apart, I knelt between them.

"Hey! Whatchya doin'?"

"Sweetie, a man's got to know he's not just a stick for a woman to screw herself onto!"

"Huh?" He sounded as if he thought I was crazy.

Maybe I was a little. It was something pounded into me while I worked for Mr. Goldstein, and I didn't know if I'd ever lose it. Anyway, I bent close to his peter and caressed it with my fingertips. It seemed a lot smaller than Mark's, but it was nice. The base was just about hidden in the thick, black hair around it, but it stuck up hard and smooth. The hard shield on the back and sides was indented and ridged, as if it were made up of rib-like bands, and the meaty part bulged between the edges of the shell all the way from base to head. There were veins showing faintly blue beneath the shiny, tight skin, and the foreskin looked heavy and wrinkled even with his hard-on.

I nibbled at the underside of the bobbing cock-shaft as if it were an ear of corn, and Will's thighs tensed and started to shake.

"Whew! Oooh, that does feel good!" he exclaimed.

"It's supposed to."

My lipstick was already smeared along the length of the pale dick, and as I lipped his foreskin it coated the soft, fleshy hood heavily. After my experience with Mark, I was cautious when I got ready to strip back Will's foreskin. I needn't have worried. The opening stretched easily and slid back smoothly to expose the purple head of his cock.

He grunted when I pressed close to touch the round knob with my tongue. But when I put my lips to the slit and started to suck, he went wild. The whole game went to pieces!

He grabbed me by the hair and yanked my face away from the tender cockhead. "Shit, that's going to blow me off too fast!" He pulled me up, then swung me to the side so I fell across his thigh. And he got hold of my waist and turned me upside down, my feet waving in the air and my belly against his chest. He got one arm across the small of my back, clamping me against him, then knocked my thighs apart and stuck his face into my pussy. I could hear him sniffing.

"Jesus, Lee! Smell that cunt! Sweeeeet!"

He started licking, scooping up the thickening wetness and biting at my pussy-lips. I locked furiously, enraged at so suddenly turning into a toy for him. But the pleasure of the quick-probing, greedy tongue washed away my anger and reduced me to a squirming, eager frame for my cunt.

"Ahhh…! Unnnhhh!" I got hold of his thighs and worked my mouth close to his cock. "Yunnnhhh!"

The naked cockhead quivered before me. I seized it with one hand and rubbed it while his hips started leaping. Sliding my grip to the shaft, I gulped his cockhead into my mouth and began sucking. Will twisted and bucked, but he wouldn't put me down. Instead, he got my knees under his arms and started licking around my asshole, grunting and wheezing. My ass-cheeks were widely spread by the grotesque angle of my legs, and I could only jerk my hips around while his tongue twirled around the rim of my anus. Excitement fluttered through me. My boobs felt like two bags of hot coals on his belly. I moaned around the meaty, seeping mouthful I sucked on. And suddenly he stabbed the tip of his tongue into my ass, twisting and reaming while I jerked my head up and babbled insanely.

"Yaghhh…! Jesus Christ, Will! Dooon't do that!"

But I wanted him to. I loved the sensation and knew for the first time what I'd made those little boys feel like. He stuck his tongue as far in as it would go while I writhed and tried not to reach my climax. And when he pulled out his tongue, he started poking fingers into me. I gagged at the amazing feeling. His hand twisted continuously while he widened my resisting anus by sticking more fingers into it. There was a steady burning sensation, but the intense excitement that raged through me submerged the minor discomfort and tore at my reluctance.

At last he swung me away and turned me right side up. "Let's fuck, now, Lee! Okay?"

I was past the stage of being the boss. All I wanted was what he was suggesting. "Yes! Yyyesss! Now, Will, NOW!"

He turned me around and backed me over him. He still slouched on the chair, his ass on the very edge and his cock sticking up at me. My pussy, quivering and wet and gulping, was ready to engulf the young, jerking peter. And as he started to pull me down I sighed with anticipation.

But he missed my cunt-mouth. His cockhead lodged in the crack of my ass, bulging and hot against the rim of my asshole.

"Wrong place!" I yelled. "Wait, Will! Wait a… yeeowwwww…! Yeeiiigghhh!"

Brutally, giving me no chance to protest or resist, he clamped his hands on my waist and drove me onto that thick, meaty spike. My anus flamed, the agony filling me like hot air would fill a balloon. I could actually feel the internal pressure swell me to the bursting point as that awful cylinder wedged through the unwilling rim and plunged upward into my guts. My arms and legs thrust themselves straight and my fingers and toes splayed apart. My eyes bulged and my mouth opened to its widest, the cords in my throat leaping taut with an unsounded shriek. I felt myself slide down the length of his cock and slam onto its base, buttocks flattened on the hardness of his thighs and ass cushioned on black pubic hair.

He let go of my waist and grabbed my wrists, jerking my arms behind me and locking them there. His hips jerked fiercely and bounced me up and down his hot, slick shaft. The agony subsided and I began to be conscious of the piston-like strokes of his bulbous cockhead in my belly. He held my arms with one hand and reached around me to grope at my pussy. And without thinking, I guided his fingers by twisting and squirming until they found my clitoris.

"Unh…! Oooeee…! Rub there, Will! Rub my clit!"

"Your what?" He felt of the hard little lump with his fingertips. "What's that?"

"That's my clit! It's like a switch! Rub it!"

He started rubbing, not gently and coaxingly but vigorously.

"Eeee…! Not…so… hard!"

But he wasn't listening. His cock was plunging and bucking in my ass and he ground my clit against the bony structure inside me. My feet flailed and my boobs jumped wildly, the excitement turning me giddy.

"Aaiiighhh…! Oh, shit…! There it goesss!" He groaned deeply and arched himself, his ass high off the chair.

I felt his cock pulsing and the hot cum erupting in my gut. My passion flared and the pleasure bunched, goading me toward a climax. But Will's hand fell away from my clit and he collapsed.

"Sonofabitch, Lee! Ohhh, sonofabitch!"

"I'll sonofabitch you!" I yelled frantically. "Do my clit, damn you! Make me come!"

He laughed, his voice sneering. "Fuck you, lady! Why should I do all the work?" He pushed himself back in the chair, his cock jerking roughly out of my ass, and flung me from him. "Go fuck yourself, you stupid twat!"

I lay where I had fallen, staring up at him incredulously. He'd turned from a willing, half-scared boy into a crude, ugly little rat! He didn't show any sigh of softening; the affection I'd tried to give him hadn't done a thing for him…! Except get him a free fuck in my ass! I thought bitterly.

He didn't even wash himself off. He simply pulled his clothes on and left the sun porch. "Typical establishment, like I was trying to tell you," he remarked as he left. "Set a guy up with sweet talk and give him a fucking!"