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‘Maybe you should have told me that before I ordered,’ I said.

The look on his face changed. The hatred with which restaurant personnel talk about us behind the swinging doors. Sometimes spitting on the plates.

‘It says so on the door,’ he said curtly.

Still lightheaded from the flight, I slipped into that buzz of estrangement that the world sometimes produces. I left the restaurant before finishing my meal. Out on the sidewalk I saw sheets of thin, parchment-like paper, torn from a book. I picked up some sheets that were still glued together. Someone had ripped a Bible to pieces. The pages rustled between my fingers. The final pages of Genesis, a large chunk of Exodus — the portent was not lost on me.

My mother was in bed when I came in, she looked at me over the top of her reading glasses. I suggested asking for extra sheets and blankets and sliding the two halves of the bed away from each other.

‘I don’t want you to do that,’ she said determinedly, ‘that would clutter the place up right away. The bed is big enough as it is.’

I was too tired to enter into another conflict, to work up the energy needed to get my own way. She went back to her book about force fields and how a secret world government had covered up the discovery of an internal combustion engine that ran on water. Esoteric literature was all she read anymore. I took my toothbrush and pajamas out of the suitcase. A fast shower to rinse off the trip, my gums bled when I brushed them. I tried not to think about the future, about a life full of temporary addresses.

Sleep was long in coming. On the other side of the bed there was someone else’s body. It breathed, it made a choking noise and then, two hours after the light went out, it began to snore. Sucking in air with a rattle, letting it escape again with a soft burble. Disquieting intimacy.

‘You’re snoring,’ I said in the dark.

A little later, again, louder this time.

‘Hey, you’re snoring!’

She awoke with a start.

‘Oh, sorry,’ she murmured. ‘I’ll roll over.’

She fell back asleep, became body once more. The body that would again play a role in people’s fantasies. Men’s. Millions of men. It would be lusted after, it would summon up burning desires — her likeness would be reproduced countless times, she would be a star again, for that is what a star is, the result of uncontrolled, eruptive proliferation, a metastasis. But now, because it was a comeback and she was much older than back then, there would be the nudge-wink of camp, of bad taste taken ironically, perhaps she would become the patroness of homos, who had more or less invented camp. But how ironic could it be, I wondered, commercialized sex: you could fuck in front of the camera in a derby or a Minnie Mouse mask, but it remained pornography: the portrayal of penetration, intended to stimulate masturbation. The way it had appeared to me in Lilith. That body beside me. That had already caused me so much painful confusion, and that was now snoring. The thought: what if I raped her? Then it would all be over and done with, then the sin would be manifest and my life would have purpose, it could consist of penance. I would long for what didn’t exist: forgiveness. I can’t turn my thoughts to anything else, it’s all equally filthy. And she sleeps on, like a baby. A very noisy baby. In her dreams there are no demons. I am standing guard. This is how our lives will be, I suddenly see it all clearly: she will give herself away, and I will save her. With me she will re-find herself and remember who she was. The life of a porn star is her point of departure, I will be her return. All night long, that is the only clear moment, the moment when I realize what our life will look like. I will stay with her, wherever she goes to do whatever she does, I will be there with all the inert patience of a confession box. I also know that she will push me away, that she will say I should lead my own life and that I don’t have to be her keeper; words I will tolerate purely and passively, with the smile of one who knows better.

Halfway through the night, I’d had enough.

‘Why did you turn the light on?’ she moaned.

‘You’re snoring, goddamn it.’

I climbed out of bed and began pulling away the sheet on my side. I pushed the beds apart.

‘I have earplugs in the bathroom,’ she said, ‘in my sponge bag.’

‘Forget the earplugs.’

Now I had a single bed, but not enough sheets and blankets. In trousers and a T-shirt I went out into the hall, took the lift down and asked at the desk for extra sheets and a duvet.

‘Which room number, sir?’

‘I’ll take it up myself.’

‘We’ll have it brought to you, sir, that’s no problem. What is your room number?’

A little later a knock at the door, a black boy with sleepy eyes behind a pile of linen. My mother had turned onto her side, a sleep mask from the plane over her eyes. She had fallen asleep again.

The next morning she had gone out, without leaving a note. A big breakfast, the fruit aglow with freshness. I could get used to this life. Dozens of snowy white gym shoes wandered back and forth through the dining room, a procession in all directions. Outside the windows an oceanic heaven full of immaculate light. To be honest, I didn’t quite know what to do. The day spread out before me without direction. I tried to summon up the feeling of a traveler who, after journeying on foot for two years, finally arrives in California.

‘California, here I come,’ I said to myself quietly a few times, but couldn’t hold on to the feeling for long.

At a little breakfast place on Ocean Avenue I pulled a copy of LA Weekly from the pile. After taking a walk, on a bench outside an alternative coffeehouse I sat down and read the cover story. The article was in two parts, an overview of her career and the account of a press conference. My eyes skimmed back and forth over the lines, Mister Rollo Liban, Miss LeSage’s agent. . major deal. . Watchtower Productions. . high-class porn. . return of porn-chic. . Autumn would see the release of her first film in twenty-four years. Yes, she was older, she must be close to fifty now, the journalist wrote, but she was still absolutely dazzling. If she had been preserved so wonderfully without the benefit of plastic surgery, he noted, then it was nothing less than a miracle, comparable to the wondrous conservation of the remains of the nineteenth-century saint Catherina Labouré in Paris.

‘Do you think your body can still stand up to it, to all that tumult?’ was one of the questions asked during the press conference.

She had smiled and said ‘This body is the tumult, Mr. Journalist.’

Concerning what she’d done between then and now, where she had been, she spoke only in guarded terms — Europe, a family, life on the sidelines. And why had she chosen to make a comeback now? Three reasons, she’d said: for the money, for the money and for the money. And the fourth reason: for the light. The light was her metaphor for attention, the fame she had left behind for a man. That explained the text on the cover: EVE LESAGE BACK IN THE LIMELIGHT.

It amazed me to see the matter-of-fact tone in which they spoke of a comeback in the world of porn: no sniggering, no moralizing. Perhaps it didn’t matter what you were famous for, perhaps politics, entertainment, criminality and pornography all enjoyed the same status here.

A contract had been signed with Watchtower Productions for three major productions: First Lilith, The Second Coming, then Josephine Mutzenbacher’s 1000-and-1 Night, and finally Testament, a delirious, pornographic reconstruction of three sexually laden stories from the Old Testament: the tale of Tamar, Onan and Judah, the story of David and Bathsheba and that of King Ahasveros and Esther.