My tiny mouth could never get the entire amount in, so I cupped my hand and slid it up and down its length, along with my mouth, to give him the full sensation. I felt his cock quivering and the pulsing indicating he would be cumming himself soon. I plunged my mouth so deep on his cock that the crown went into the back of my throat and I gagged as I tried to swallow and continue giving him the best my inexperienced talents could.
As he brought his hips down and I felt his penis slide away, I knew that though it was difficult and scary to me, I wanted to try that again, so I forced myself to swallow down as his cock came jutting up. Relaxing my throat, I could fell his penis get even harder and it engulfed my entire throat. I swallowed deeply and this allowed me to relax and take more of his cock deeper inside.
Feeling the pulsing of his cock deep inside my mouth, I knew that within just a few seconds I would be rewarded with his entire body responding to my actions. That I was so able to give this much pleasure to someone else was a rush in itself.
With just a few more strokes he began spewing forth his hot white sperm. Deep into my throat it trickled. Swallowing as much as I possible could, I continued to suck every drop.
My own pelvis was thrusting harder as his fingers plunged deep inside me. Just as I tasted his final drop of cum, I erupted in my own right and orgasm again. Laying there, we continued to suckle each other, though both knew we were spent and exhausted.
It seemed as though neither wanted to let go of the pleasure that we had given each other.
Dear Diary,
Here it is the next night, and I can still almost taste his sperm. It was not a dirty and gross experience as I had been falsely led to believe. It is no more unnatural than breathing, but I have to admit it is hard to breath while I was giving him oral pleasure.
I knew it couldn't last forever, as much as I would have liked it to, and we heard talking from over at the clearing where we had left Carla. Throwing on our clothes, we wondered who it might be that she could be talking to. As we came up on the edge of the clearing where Carla had been siting, I noticed her talking to one of the boys that had been skinny dipping earlier.
It was hard for Mike to see his daughter talking to a boy that had been running around naked just a few minutes ago. At least the boy now had a pair of gym shorts on. Mike thought for a minute and whispered to me to be quiet and they moved to the edge of the clearing for a good view, yet so as not to intrude on the young couple. Mike leaned over to me and said, “Don't worry, I have confidence in her. Besides, he might be Mr. Right for her to learn something about life with.”
I dumbly asked, “Why don't you teach her like you're teaching me? ”
He frowned and said, “That's perverted. That's incest. It's not Like what you and I are doing. ”
But I could tell that he had given it some thought. I could tell he Would like to have sex with his own daughter. If Mike were my dad, I'd have sex with him no matter.
Dear Diary,
I want to play a game. I am going to pretend that I can read into Carla's mind. I'm sure that she may not have thought this exactly, but I know I would have, so here goes my version of her thoughts. I think we've shared enough of each others private moments that I can relate to what happened next.
Carla had been laying there and was dreaming of school starting in just a few days. She was sure that this year would be more interesting than the last one. Most of the boys had teased her and never really taken a look at her for the woman that she was becoming. They failed to notice the time that she spent making extra sure that each hair was combed exact. The fact that she now was wearing a training bra. Or even that she no longer wore jeans that often. A nice short dress that might get blown up by a stray wind was the latest style. Her biggest fear was no one would ask her to the school dances.
Carla knew that she might not be the most popular girl in her class. She never sat at her desk and let her legs dangle open so a boy might glimpse her panties, like some of the other classmates she had. She watched them running and playing in Gym class. Their muscular bodies, sweating as they ran up and down the length of the basketball court. If one of the boys fell down, and she was watching closely, their shorts hang loose and she could see the jock strap that tightly imprisoned their penis. Passing the boys shower room, she could hear the taunts and jokes they yelled at each other. Could they be ignoring her because of her inexperienced attitudes?
“At least I have some friends at school,” thought Carla.
Some of them were even boys. This didn't mean those boys that spoke with her were really interested in the way that she felt or thought of her as a girl. They saw her more as a tomboy that was “just one of the guys”. She could never relate to them with some of the new and fresh emotions that she was growing to feel.
Once she had sat next to a boy in study hall and looking over, saw that he had hidden an adult magazine inside of his textbook.
She could see the boy's intense stare at the girl pasted on the centerfold. it was time that she realized that in order for her to fit into this world, she would have to make adjustments and start doing things with more of an adult attitude. Maybe girls could be good little examples in public, but she had to learn how to get them interested in her in private.
Carla had been almost asleep, there in that beautiful clearing in the woods, when she heard the footsteps of someone approaching. She glanced up and saw that it was one of the boys from earlier. He walked over to her and said that his name was Thomas. He was out on a Boyscout outing and they had sneaked off from the rest of the troop to explore for something different that just tying knots. Carla gave him the once over and noticed that though he was now wearing gym shorts, the sun shone directly behind him and she could see almost through them.
His penis now seemed much larger than it had from the distance above the river.
Thomas asked her where she was from and Carla said that she lived in the city about ten miles North of the forest. He then sat besides her and noticed that her one tennis shoe was off.
She explained to him how she had twisted her ankle. It had been a silly accident and for him to ignore it.
The sympathy that he felt toward her and her pain made him want to help her in any way possible. He asked her if he might massage the ankle to increase the circulation in it. With a reply that his actions would be most grateful, he moved to her feet and sat indian style. Placing her foot across his legs, it dangled quite closely to the slight bulge in his gym shorts.
He began kneading her muscles in the calf of her leg and rubbing it back and forth, the pain soon forgotten in the sensual care that he took in his massage.
Dear Diary,
I am reading what I have just written. I highly suspect that Carla will not be a wallflower or tomboy acting fool when she starts school this year!
A fly had been swarming around and chose this time to alight on Carla's face, and she swatted at it. This caused her body to move downward. If this was her intent, she never let on, yet now the bottom of her foot now was just touching his crotch.
As he continued to massage her ankle, she could feel his back and forth action caused her foot to rub up and down against his penis.
His methodical repetition caused her to relax and devote her attention on the thought that although it was her foot, she was actually touching a boys privates. It caused her to think back to the many times that she had explored herself in the darkness of the night and imagined what a boys penis might feel like.
She could feel the bottom of her feet touch the penis inside his shorts and its beat with the pumping of his heart at the touch of her. Carla definitely wanted more. Her main concern was that her father might be coming back up the trail at any moment and catch her being with a boy, let alone the hope that this would be more than a simple conversation. Carla then told Thomas that she thought she might be able to walk on it a little. He helped her rise and she exaggerated the fact that her foot was still sore and leaned on him for support.