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“The party’s in the lobby.” She put on her best hostess, I’m-a-bimbo-ignore-me smiles.

“Enjoy your stay.”

He nodded and walked away, but she could hear him muttering to himself. “If all the staff looks like that I’m going to have to come here more often.”

She kept the fake smile plastered to her lips until he was out of sight. “Jerk.”


Belle shivered. Rick was here, and he sounded pissed. “Eep.” And she took off running, heading straight for the shifter party knowing he wouldn’t be far behind.

Rick shook his head, bemused. Where the hell did she think she was going? He could catch her in two shakes of that lame-ass tail she’d strapped to her ass. Although watching that tail swish above said ass was giving him some ideas for later. He grinned.

Punishing her for the outfit she’d left him might turn out to be a lot more fun than he’d anticipated.

Rick followed the sweet sway of her body into the shifters’-only party and grimaced. All talking stopped as soon as he entered the room.

“Nice outfit, Lowell!”

Rick flipped of the Coyote Alpha. What the hell had made him invite the guy in the first place?

A little brown and red wolf tail flashed off to his left. Belle. He grinned and sauntered towards his errant mate, ignoring the snickers that followed him. Belle did more to turn this Pack on its ear than any Luna they’d ever had.

“Dude.” Dave, his Beta, stopped in front of him. His wizard’s robes were tight across his chest. Next to Rick, Dave was probably the biggest guy in the Pack. He looked both horrified and amused as he eyed Rick’s costume. “Did you lose a bet?”

Rick’s eyes narrowed.

“Seriously. Did she promise you the world’s greatest BJ? That’s it, isn’t it?”

Rick put his hands on his hips and tried to stare his Beta down.

“Cock your hip just a little bit and you’ll look like you’re batting for my team.”

That was it. He had no problems with Dave’s sexual orientation. Hell, he’d beaten up a few people over it over the years, but enough was enough. Rick swung and hit Dave upside the head with his basket.


Rick ignored him. Something inside the basket had rattled. He frowned and pulled open the lid of the basket, wondering what Belle had packed in there. He felt his eyes go wide at the assortment of jars, cans, and sex toys jumbled inside.

“What’s in there, anyway? That shit hurt.”

Dave tried to sneak a peek and nearly got his nose chopped off when Rick slammed the lid shut again. “Nothing you need to worry about.” Rick looked around and spotted Belle. She smiled at him, that come-hither look that had his cock rock hard within seconds. He grinned. “Excuse me. I have a basket of goodies to deliver to grandma.”


Rick ignored the other man and made his way to his Luna. He had a good idea what he was going to do to her with some of those “goodies” she’d packed for them.

Suddenly his outfit didn’t bother him nearly as much as it had earlier.

“Oh damn.” Belle swallowed hard at the sight of her mate making his determined way towards her. He wasn’t supposed to open the basket until after the party, but apparently he hadn’t gotten that mental memo.

He stopped less than an inch from her. “Hello, Ms. Wolf.”

Her breath stuttered. God, she loved it when he went all Alpha on her. Not that she would let him know that, of course. “Hello, Little Red.” She leaned in and walked her painted claws down his chest towards the cock she knew was straining towards her. He was practical y tenting the bright red pants. He must have liked what he’d seen in the basket. “Do you have some goodies for me?” She looked up at him through her lashes and licked her lips. He didn’t need to know how hard her heart was pounding at the thought of what she wanted tonight.

One big arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his body. His hand settled at the base of her tail, stroking her provocatively. “I don’t know. I’m supposed to deliver these to grandma.” His hand slipped down and cupped one ass cheek through the thin spandex of her outfit. She wondered if he could tell she wasn’t wearing any panties. “I’d need a real y good reason not to give them to her, you know.”

She grinned. She knew then if he’d been mad over the outfits he no longer was.

He was going along with the game she wanted to play. She walked her claws back up his body, ignoring the way he groaned. “Oh, grandma. We wouldn’t want you to disappoint grandma.” She chucked his chin. “So I suppose you’l be visiting her after the party?”

His icy blue eyes stared down the v-neck of the spandex cat suit. It was a deep v, reaching almost to her belly button. Thank God for double-sided tape or I’d have flashed more than one person tonight. “I don’t know. How long do you think she’s been waiting for my goodies?”

She nearly laughed, but held it back. She loved it when he decided to play with her. “I think she’s been waiting all day.”

“Mm. Al day?” He arched his hips, brushing his erection against her.

“Uh-huh.” She took a step back, surprised when he let her go. “So, when are you taking your basket to grandma?”

He grinned down at her, the expression feral and full of heat. “I thought I might make her wait a while. It wouldn’t do to deliver them too soon.”

Damn. She was so wet she was afraid she was staining her Lycra. “I wouldn’t make her wait too long.” She smiled up at him with her best airhead look, gratified when he started looking worried. “You wouldn’t want her to get all impatient or anything.



She heard the warning in his voice. She just chose to ignore it. She stroked his arm. “Have fun at the party Little Red.” She blinked up at him, knowing he could see the mischief on her face. “I know I wil .”

She swished her fake tail and sauntered towards the bar, prepared for a long night of waiting.

“I know I wil .”

Evil little cat.

If she swished that tail at the Coyote Alpha one more time Rick was going to paddle it.

He blinked and snuck a peek inside the basket again. He closed the lid and nodded.

Yup. Paddle it.

“Here.” He turned to find Dave holding out a drink. He took it and took a swig of the sour drink with a grimace. “If you don’t calm down you’re going to start a riot.”

He took another sip of the mojito Dave had handed him. “I’m thinking we could use a nice Coyote rug out front.”

Dave snickered. “Yeah, but you really want the guests complaining about the fleas?”

They exchanged a glance and started laughing. Things were less strained between the New York Coyotes and the Poconos Wolves, but some things never changed.

“Go get your mate and enjoy whatever’s in that basket.” Rick rolled his eyes at Dave’s evil grin. “Something tells me you’re in for an interesting night.”

“Every night is interesting with my Luna.” And Rick wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Must be nice.” Dave’s grin changed, turning sour. Rick knew how much his Beta was hurting. Until either Ben or Dave brought the issue up with him or their problems began to affect the Pack there was nothing he felt he could say or do to make things right for them.

Stil , it couldn’t hurt to let Dave know he was there for him. He put his hand on his Beta’s shoulder, hoping Dave would understand.

The other man grimaced. “Ignore me. Go get your mate before she starts a war.”

Rick grinned. “We’d totally kick their asses.”

Dave just shook his head. “They’re Coyotes. Of course we’d kick their asses.”