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Rick snorted and stepped past his best friend. It was time to claim his mate.

There was only one problem with that. Where the hell was she? The little brunette hanging all over the Coyote Alpha definitely wasn’t Rick’s female.

He opened up his senses, knowing instinctively that she wouldn’t have left the building. She hadn’t mastered the silent communication between a Wolf Alpha and his Pack, but he could read her whenever, wherever he wanted to. Unfortunately, she was still deaf to the Pack.

A song began to drift through his mind.

“Who’s that walking in these woods? Why it’s Little Red Riding Hood!”

No matter how hard he tried to shake it off, it just wouldn’t stop.

“Hey there Little Red Riding Hood.”

Then he realized what was going on.

“You sure are looking good.”

She’d played this trick on him once before. He let loose a laugh as the strains of Sam the Sham’s “Little Red Riding Hood” drifted through his senses.

“You’re everything that a big bad wolf could want. Arrrrooooooo!”

It was time to deliver his goodies. Making his excuses, he left the party and hoped like hell Ms. Wolf was waiting in his bed.

Belle rearranged herself on the pillows and waited, the earpieces of her iPod tucked out of sight. She knew Rick was on his way up from the laughter booming through her mind, so she knew she wouldn’t need it any longer.

It still amazed her, the connection they had, the love and laughter that sang through their bond. She knew only Wolves had this sort of close connection with their mates, and it thrilled her that, Puma though she was, she could still share this with Rick.

The door slammed open and Rick stalked through the door, the basket handle clenched in one big hand. His eyes darkened to brown when he saw her curled up on the bed. “Hello, Grandma.”

Belle took her tail and ran the end of it through her fingertips, the fake fur sliding through her claws. She knew what he saw. She’d stripped off the wolf’s costume but left on the belt with the tail and the ears in her blonde hair, leaving herself bare to his gaze.

The only thing she’d added was a lace collar with a little cameo pin at her throat, her nod to the wolf’s grandma costume. “Hello, Little Red. Is that basket for me?” She let her eyes bleed to gold, smiling over the rumble in her lover’s chest that threatened to turn into a growl.

“Who else would I share my goodies with?”

“Damn straight,” she muttered.

He grinned and shook off the cape. “My, Grandma, what big… eyes you have.”

She bit her lip to keep from laughing. His gaze wasn’t on her eyes, that was for sure. “The better to watch the floor show with.”

He snorted and unbuttoned the flannel shirt. He stripped it off and dropped it on top of the cloak. “And what long legs you have.” His eyes drifted over the scar on her hip down her long legs. She knew Rick viewed the scar as a badge of honor. The sight never failed to make him even hotter.

She shifted her legs slightly. “The better to hug you with.”

His smile turned possessive. “Oh good. I like hugs.” He took the band out of his braid and shook all that glorious red hair around his shoulders and back. The tips of it just brushed the top of his ass. She shivered, knowing that soon it would be draped around her.

His hands stroked the erection at the front of his pants. “What big teeth you have.”

“The better to bite you with if you don’t hurry up.” She snarled up at him, baring her fangs. She’d been waiting all fucking day for this.

He threw his head back and laughed. “And what a big mouth you have.”

That was it. She was done. She crawled to the side of the bed and undid his pants, pulling his cock into her hands. “The better to eat you up with.” And she did just that.

“Oh fuck.” Rick sank his hands into her hair. He loved the feel of her mouth on him. It was pure wet heaven. His hips began to move, knowing just how much she could take before she would choke. He wasn’t going to hurt his little kitty any more than she wanted to be. “That’s it, sweetheart. Fuck, that’s so good.”

She moaned, the vibration shooting right down his length. It wasn’t easy making a mating between a Wolf and a Puma work, but damn if they weren’t having a good time trying.

He thrust into her mouth a few more times before reluctantly pulling away. Too much more of that and he’d be coming before he was ready. “Enough.”

She licked her lips and pouted up at him. “I wasn’t done eating yet.”

He pulled her up by her hair and took her mouth, toeing off his shoes while he did. He wanted to be skin to skin, not skin to gigolo pants.

Her hands brushed the pants down his ass just before a sharp pain had him rearing back. “Claws!”

She sat back down, that false innocence back on her face. “Who’s supposed to be eating who here?”

He growled. “You clawed my ass.

She shrugged and licked some of his blood off the tip of her claw. “Move faster.”

Rick’s hands went to the sides of the pants. His arms flexed. The pants shredded under the force of his grip. “Happy?”

“Not yet.” She crooked her finger at him. “C’mere, Little Red.”

He took a step forward, the remains of the pants drifting to the floor. He pushed her gently down on the bed. He leaned down on both arms, keeping one eye on those roving hands of hers. “What did I tell you about clawing my ass?”

“It wasn’t deliberate!” She blinked up at him, her lip quivering. “I was… kneading.”

His lips twitched. “Kneading.”

She nodded, but she looked about two seconds from bursting into laughter. “Uh-


He snorted and flipped her over onto her stomach, ignoring her squeal of surprise. He took one of her wrists in each of his hands, holding her splayed out. The fake fur of her tail tickled his erection. “Let’s see if we can give you something else to do with those little claws of yours, Ms. Wolf.”

“Curses.” She wriggled her ass against him and sighed dramatical y. “Foiled again.”

He lowered his head to the side of her neck, his shoulders shaking. He’d never laughed so much in his life before Belle. “You’re going to drive me insane. You know that, right?”

She eyed him through the fall of her hair. “You’re a dog. You chase your tail and lick your bal s. I hate to tell you this, but you’re already insane.”

“I do not lick my bal s.” Not where anyone could see him, anyway.

She gave him one of those superior cat looks. “I should warn you I’m not above blackmail.”

He frowned.

“Digital camera. G-mail. Do the math.”

“Belle!” He could feel his cheeks flaming. She wouldn’t. Would she?

“Hah! You do lick your balls! I knew it.” She smiled smugly and wiggled again.

He knew of only one thing that could wipe that smile off her face. He bared his fangs and bit her, once again marking her as his.

Belle shrieked, the surprise orgasm rushing through her, blinding her to everything but the feel of the hard cock nudging her opening. He slipped inside her as the last ripples died out, his tongue lapping the wounds on her neck.

“You were saying?”

“Huh?” Saying? Speech? He wanted to talk now?

He chuckled, the sound smug and oh so male. She glared up at him and tightened muscles of her pussy, wringing a gasp from him. Thank you Dr. Kegel. “Well?”

“You’re right. Speech is overrated.” He began to pound into her, the wet slap of their flesh loud and erotic. “So tight, baby.”