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Holding his cock and guiding it toward the center of the crevice, Roger stepped forward and pushed hard. He didn't expect his cock to slide home so easily, but the magic cream must have been doing its thing because Tina's cunt reacted like a vacuum cleaner, sucking it right in and gripping it hard.

Roger reached down to Tina's shoulders and brought her up to a standing position.

"Thanks," she breathed. "My back was beginning to feel it."

Roger made no response. His cock was still in her and now he pressed his lips against hers and pried her mouth open with his tongue and plunged it deep into her throat. Tina responded by sucking his tongue into her and chewing on it. She wrapped her arms around him and hoisted herself onto his body, wrapping her legs around his torso. His pole felt good inside her and she wiggled up and down as shivers of pleasure raced through her body.

Tina's weight caused Roger to stumble and waver, but he tensed his muscles and staggered to the bed where he fell down on top of her, plunging his pole even deeper into her. Tina let out a sharp gasp as she felt his cock drill deep into her. It was more than she had bargained for, but she was glad to have it so deep in her.

The two rolled back and forth on the bed, over and around, play-wrestling. Tina struggled atop Roger and tried to pin him. Roger allowed himself to be pinned only because he liked to have a bitch like Tina riding him, slamming her body against his, her tits bouncing madly against his chest and her cunt scraping the skin off his long, erect cock.

When Roger tired of this, he rolled over on top of Tina and started giving her the riding of her life up and down, up and down, slapping his chest against hers as hard as he could, knocking the wind from her lungs.

"Come on, baby, come on," Roger cried as he felt his cock begin to pulsate in her tight cunt.

Tina let her body swing free, heir cunt pulsating with his cock, her pussy juice sloshing around inside the passionate walls her crevice. At last she let loose and allow herself to come seeing stars and feeling the electricity shoot through her body. Roger laughed as he felt her body go stiff and then launched his own wad deep into her. This set Tina off again and even Roger's body pinning Tina's to the bed failed to hold her down, as she bucked and twisted, tossing him off her and onto the bed next to her.

"They didn't tell me the half about you," Roger said, grinning at Tina and fondling her tits as she came down off her high.

"You better believe it," she said, bounding up and taking his hand and dragging him toward the hallway.

"Let's get into a scene with someone else," Tina said. "I gotta have more."

"If the little lady wants more, she's gonna get more," Roger said, laughing and following Tina. He was thoroughly satisfied by their superwoman, but if she wanted more, he was going to join her.

Tina didn't know how Roger would react to her little scheme, but she dragged him along anyway.

Fuck it! Tina thought, I gotta have Elsie and if he doesn't like it, he can fuck himself. Tina had been aching for Elsie all afternoon and events had conspired to keep them apart. Roger and Tina wandered down the hall. They caught a glimpse of Marshall slipping it to Donna, whose body was painted with bright orange and purple paints. The two were so involved with each other that they didn't notice Tina and Roger heading down the hallway.

Tina led Roger to the kitchen where Elsie was bent over her work. Tina left Roger at the door and tiptoed into the kitchen. She gently approached Elsie from the rear and carefully placed her hands on Elsie's hips and squeezed gently.

Elsie turned around with a start.

"Oh, it's you, Miss Tina. Hello."

"Come join us on the beach."

"Oh, no, Miss Tina. Master need me here."

"I need you on the beach," Tina said, lifting Elsie's frock and massaging the valley between her immense buttocks. "Come with us."

"Oh, no, Miss Tina, oh, no," Elsie repeated, but this time less certainly as she started to feel the effects of Tina's hands kneading the flesh behind her twat.

Roger watched from the doorway and he, too, grew fascinated by the strange black woman to whom Tina was ministering. She seemed to be all things, fat and solid, yet strangely sexy and alluring all at the same time. From behind, Roger could see the edges of her tits quiver as Tina pressed her body against the big woman's back all the time continuing her massage and still whispering in her ear.

"Come on, Elsie, come on."

"No, I mustn't."

"Yes, damnit, Elsie, yes."

"No, please, no."

"Yes, Elsie, yes."

Tina's voice grew more and more insistent and her hand motions stronger and faster. Elsie's voice grew weaker and weaker as she leaned against Tina and fell under the spell of her massage.

Suddenly, Elsie's body shook violently, almost pushing Tina's body away. Elsie gripped the edge of the table and held tight as she came shuddering and twitching. She turned around showing her front. There was a big round wet spot at her crotch from the pussy juice that poured out of her hole. The wet spot on the dress clung against her twat highlighting her kinky cunt hair that pressed out through the flimsy cotton.

"Oh, now you ruin Elsie's dress," she complained smiling. "I must go change now so Master won't see me like this."

"I'll buy you a dozen like them," Roger said, stepping out from the doorway and smiling at the big woman, "if you'll join us on the beach."

Elsie stared at him, tall and white, standing before her with his full erection. She looked at Tina who smiled and nodded. Now Tina knew that she had indeed met Mr. Right – that she and Roger would be happy together for a long time.

"Okay," Elsie said meekly, breaking into a huge grin.

Tina took her by one hand and Roger by the other and they led her out the kitchen door and down to the beach behind one of the many dunes that dotted it. Tina stopped Elsie and stepped in front of her and sank to her knees. Elsie knew what was expected of her, and was even looking forward to it. She spread her legs, causing her frock to rise up her hips. Tina pushed her head under the frock and started licking Elsie's patch clean. There were little droplets of come speckled through her hair and Tina was rubbing her chin and running her tongue through the black forest.

Roger unbuttoned Elsie's frock and pulled it over her head setting her tits free. The sight of those tits jiggling so sensuously drove Roger wild. He stepped behind the big black woman and anchored himself to those tits with his hands, pushing them from side to side and puffing them every which way. They were putty in his hands and the sensation drove him wild. His cock was aching and now he pressed it against her ass, feeling the not of muscles pressing back. He leaned harder as he felt Elsie pressing against him. She wanted his cock up her ass and he was going to shove it in. Tina was slurping and gobbling and Elsie started to pant under her assault.

"Push, Mr. Roger, push," Elsie panted.

Roger applied himself once more, gripping her tits and sharply bringing his hips forward, hammering his prick into her. Elsie let out a long, low moan as she felt the cock slide into her. She wasn't sure whether she was moaning because of Tina's attack or Roger's cock. Tina let up for a moment and Elsie started failing forward on all fours, landing on her hands and knees. Tina squirmed under her, and Roger continued his assault, slapping his hips against the ample, well-padded buttocks.

Elsie lay down atop Tina and Roger continued cornholing Elsie. Tina felt almost squashed under the two bodies but Elsie's body was so warm and all-encompassing that she hardly minded the weight.

Roger started to feel himself come and Elsie knew that any moment now her ass would be filled with his reservoir of come. She straightened up knocking Roger flat on his back. His cock waved wildly in the air back and forth, but Elsie squirmed around, forgetting Tina, and grabbed it in her fist and started bringing him off.