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He kept his limp cock in her flooded hole until he saw her glazed eyes flicker and lazily open.

"You O.K.?" he asked in a whisper.

"I'm fine."

Lora smiled at Ben even though her eyes would not completely focus.

"I never had a fuck so good," she whispered. "I loved it."

She squeezed her vaginal muscles weakly around his limp prick.

Her slender arms went up around his shoulders to caress his biceps, back and trickle her fingers through his dark hair.

"Do you know what I really like? I love the feeling of hot cum leaking down my crack. I adore it. Makes me feel really good. I love cum, the hotter the better. Love it…"

She basked in the warmth of his smile.

She found what she had been looking for, a good fuck. Ben really knew what to do with her body and she had a certain fondness for him.

So she had discovered one very important thing about herself. She had to like the person she fucked. Made all the difference in the world.

What was that song she used to like so much? A man without love is but half a man and a woman without love is nothing at all… or something like that.

To Lora, fucking was not love. It was a part of love, but fucking in itself was nothing but an animal act. So she had that fact firmly in mind at the time, because soon that fact would radically change!

Because for one thing, she would sneak to fuck this married man and she was not always going to be in love with him. Not always to carry the delusion she was in love with him. She would eventually sneak to go with him for the sheer fun of fucking!


Patty was either a very sneaky kid or her timing was terrible!

She saw her mother fuck the married neighbor in her own bed!

Goddamn it, her mother fucked everybody!

Her mother fucked young boys and married men and anything that had a cock hung on the front! Her mother was a whore! A slut! A dirty old lady!

Patty was ashamed of her mother!

Patty sat in the living room quietly and confronted her mother and Ben as they came up the hallway right after fucking away the time.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in, dear," Lora said, shocked.

She grabbed the towel from between her legs and pulled it up in front of her in an act of embarrassment.

"I've seen you naked and so has he. So why the big act?" Patty asked.

"Uh, I'll see you around, Lora. You better get things straightened out here at home. I'll get in touch."

Ben jogged out the door to go home next door.

Lora knew she had better set her daughter straight since she did not want the youngster blabbing to Ben's wife about this.

"Want a Coke?" Lora asked.

Patty crossed her slender arms and looked at her mother like a scrutinizing mother would look at her daughter, only the other way around.

"Alright. We'll talk," Lora said.

Lora wrapped the towel around her body and curled up on the end of the couch. She reached to pat her daughter in a loving manner and Patty flinched.

"Please don't touch me," Patty said. "You're dirty."

"That hurt."

"Oh, really? It was supposed to hurt. I didn't know anything could hurt you. You've hurt me plenty of times, too."

"How have I hurt you?" Lora asked of her lovely daughter.

"I've seen you… before," Patty said.

A tear trickled out of her pretty, thickly lashed eye.

"What are you talking about?" Lora asked gently.

"Don't play innocent with me. I know what you are. All my friends know what you are!"

"You're a whore! My mother's a whore who fucks all my friends! That's what I know about you!"

"And now you're busy fucking my friend's married fathers! Is all you know fucking? Are you so damned fuck happy you can't live without messin' around? God, Mother!" Patty screeched hysterically.

Lora leaned back against the couch and sighed. She had wanted to be discreet about her actions but apparently she had not.

"I wish you wouldn't use such language, dear. It isn't suitable for a pretty little girl," was all she could come up with.

"A mother whois a whore isn't suitable for me, either!" Patty screamed.

"You just don't understand…" Lora started.

"Oh, yes, I do! You're HOrny! Dirty! Rotten!"

"Oh, my. Now what. Do you know you're acting worse than a parent? Do you know you're condemning me without even hearing my side of anything? Do you know how I feel? Do you care?"

Lora asked.

Patty sulked with her arms crossed. She would not look her mother in the eyes.

Her young breasts jutted as she heaved in globs of breath while her temper mounted.

"So tell me about being a whore. I guess it's lecture time one more time." Patty was sarcastic.

Lora got up calmly and went to her young daughter and slapped her insulant face… with no warning.

Patty looked up at her mother in absolute shock!

"You hit me!" she said in disbelief.

"Yes and I'll hit you again if you don't shut your mouth. Now you are going to listen to me."

"I'II make this short and sweet and then you can decide what you want to do," Lora said sharply.

"What do you mean?" Patty asked, holding the side of her face that was red finger marks from being hit.

"I mean that if you do not, can not, will not understand me, you may go and live with your father. I will release all custody of you. Now when I'm done, if that is what you want, go to your room and pack. I'm not going to try to cope with an unruly teenagers."

"You will understand or you will get out. You have the choice."

"I'M not going to even listen!I'm leaving! you're a whore and a slut and you can't explain that to me! My Dad will take me away from all this! You can go to Hell and burn!"

"Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anybody about you. I'd be too ashamed!"

Lora watched her young, beautiful daughter stomp to her room and heard noisy bangs as the child packed her clothes. Tears stung Lora's eyes.

Lora heard the phone noise as her daughter dialed her father. She sat numbly listening to the muffled tone of her daughter as she talked to her father over the phone.

It all happened so fast.

The packing.

Her ex-husband driving up to the mobile home.

Luggage and carefully packed trinkets loaded in his car.

Sarcastic words.

"I knew you'd fail! You were no good as a wife and you're no good as a mother!" snapped Lee, her ex-husband.

"Good-bye, Mother. I hope I never see you again!" Patty stormed.

Both of them banged out of the door.

The car started and drove off.

Lora was alone.

Her whole life went up in a poof of smoke. She had nothing.

Lora sat on the couch with the towel tightly across her breasts. She didn't move. She was paralyzed with shock! She could not believe what had just happened!

She didn't know how long she sat there before Betty from next door came over and walked in the front door as usual.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked.

Betty sat on the couch next to Lora and put her hand reassuringly on Lora's knee.

"Patty left with her dad," Lora mumbled, looking vaguely straight ahead.

"What! Why did she do that!" Betty gasped.

Lora shrugged her naked shoulders.

"I don't know. She hates me."

Lora's tone was blank and flat. No expression.

Betty didn't know what to do with her friend. She went to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee and asked questions and ranted and raved about teenagers and how ungrateful they were for all the sacrifices parents made for them… and tried to soothe Lora's state of shock.

Lora could not say a word to her best friend. Or she would lose her, too. It was Betty's husband, Ben whom she had just fucked. It was Betty's son Bob who had laid her out behind the trailer. What could Lora do or say to Betty? And Betty tried to help her.