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The Structure of Rime, 166

Eagleton, Terry, 36, 93

Literary Theory: An Introduction, 36, 93

Edelman, Lee, 191–193

Transmemberment of Song, 192

L’Education Sentimentale (Flaubert), 150

Edward VII, 32

Eichelberger, Ethyl, 1, 17

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 150

Elements (Euclid), 264

Eliot, George, 34, 36, 37, 127, 260

Adam Bede, 260

Eliot, T. S., 15, 32, 72, 76, 82, 166, 168, 174, 189, 191–195, 199, 200, 202, 206, 207–209, 211, 239, 240

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” 193, 206–208

“Tradition and the Individual Talent,” 194

The Waste Land, 72, 82, 166, 174, 193, 201, 206, 208, 228, 230, 239

Ellingham, Lewis, 189

Eluard, Paul, 11

Embedding, The (Watson), 257

“Emblems of Conduct” (Crane), 187, 197n

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 174, 177, 187, 191, 192, 200, 237

Essays, 177

“Plato,” 174, 187

Empire Strikes Back, The (Kershner), 100

Empson, William, 181

Seven Types of Ambiguity, 181

Emsh [Ed Emshwiller], 315

Endymion (Keats), 167

Engels, Friedrich, 52, The Communist Manifesto, 52

“Engines” (Silliman and Armantraut), 170

“Envoi” (Pound), 193

Equinox (Delany), xvi

Essais (Montaigne), xiv, xxxvi

Essays (Bacon), xiv

Essays (Emerson), 177

Euclid, 262

Elements, 264

Eugene Onegin (Pushkin), 164

Evans, Walker, 153

Fakundiny, Lydia, xiii

Faulkner, William, 82

“Fears in Solitude” (Coleridge), 145

Febvre, Lucien, 41

Felman, Shoshana, 254

Female Man, The (Russ), 116

Field of the Other: Alienation, The (Lacan), 105

Fifth Head of Cerberus, The (Wolfe), 258

Fifth Symphony (Beethoven), 21, 46, 50

Finlay, Virgil, 310

Fisher, William Murrell, 163, 175, 176, 178–182, 244, 245

“Fragments of a Broken Lyre,” 176, 244

FitzGerald, Edward, 32

Rubá’iyát of Omar Khayyám, 32

Fitzgerald, Eleanor, 183

Flaubert, Gustave, 22, 37, 79, 150

L’Education Sentimentale, 159

Flemming, Marjorie, 209

Florio, John, 225, 226

Fodor, Jerry, 297

Food of the Gods, The (Wells), 260

“For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen” (Crane), 207, 220, 239

“Force” (Silliman), 170

Form and Value in Modern Poetry (Blackmur), 192

Forman, Richard, 17

Fornés, María Irene, 17

Foster, Hal, xxxii

Foucault, Michel, xviii, 41, 70, 94, 95, 211

Les Mots et les choses, 94

Foundation, ix

“Fragments of a Broken Lyre” (Fisher), 176, 244

Frank, Waldo, 191, 238, 241, 242, 244

Frazer, Sir James, 191

French Revolution, The (Carlyle), 156

Freud, Sigmund, xvii, xxx, 28, 70, 90, 98, 100, 104, 105, 108, 121, 129, 141, 147

Civilization and its Discontents, 98

The Interpretation of Dreams, 70

Friedrich August II, 45, 50, 51

Frobenius, Leo, 15

From Ritual to Romance (Weston), 72

From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 260

Frost, Robert, 82, 208

New Hampshire, 208

“Frost at Midnight” (Coleridge), 145

Frux, Gregory William, 150

Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis, The (Lacan), 103

Fuss, Diana, 131, 132

Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories, 131

Gachet, Dr., 8

Gaiman, Neil, 157

Doll’s House, The, 157

Galaxy, 314, 315

Gallup, Jane, 142

Daughter’s Seduction, The, 142

Gance, Abel, 14

Napoleon, 14

“Garfield” (Silliman), 170

Garland, Judy, 138

Gass, William, 158

Gautier, Judith, 44, 74

Gay, Peter, 147

Geis, Richard E., 257, 298

Gelderholde, Michel, 14

“General Aims and Theories” (Crane), 185, 194

Genêt, Jean, 11, 16

Geritsky, Madame, 317

“Germany and its Princes” (Wagner), 52

Gernsback, Hugo, 288

Geste d’Asdiwal, La (Lévi-Strauss), 277

Giaour, The (Byron), 38

Gide, Andre, 4, 6, 80, 202

The Immoralist, 141, 202

Oedipe, 80

Gilbert, Stewart, 186

Ulysses: A Study, 186

Giles, Paul, 192

Contexts of The Bridge, 192

Ginsberg, Allen, 15, 239

“Howl,” 15, 239

Giotto, 7

Giovanni’s Room (Baldwin), 205

Giraudoux, Jean, 14, 80, 316, 317

The Apollo of Bellac, 317

Tiger at the Gates, 316

Gladiators at Law (Pohl and Kornbluth), 315

Godwin, Tom, 147

“The Cold Equations,” 147

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 38, 39, 75, 188

Golding, William, 148

Lord of the Flies, 148

Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 38, 197

Gordon, Caroline, 190

Gordon, George (Lord Byron), see Byron, Lord, George Gordon

Gordon, Richard, 112

Gordon, Ruth, 158

Götterdämmerung (Wagner), 55, 83, 203, 204

GQ 154

Gray, Andrew, 44, 51

Great God Brown, The (O’Neill), 315

Greenberg, Adolph, 175, 245

Greenberg, Daniel, 175–177, 245

Greenberg, Hannah, 175

Greenberg, Jacob, 175

Greenberg, Morris, 175, 244, 245

Greenberg, Samuel Bernhard, 163, 175–182, 185, 197n, 232, 242, 244, 245

“The Charming Maiden,” 175

“Conduct,” 187

“Life,” 185

“Love,” 185

Poems by Samuel Greenberg, 242

“Serenade in Grey,” 179–181

“Words,” 245

“Greetings from Saxony to the Viennese” (Wagner), 52

Gregor-Dellin, Martin, 48, 63, 66

Griffin, Susan, 115

Grossman, Rachel, 95, 111

Grotowski, Jerzy, 17

Guernica (Picasso), xxviii, 77

Guignard, René, 11

Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich, 216, 217, 241, 242

Gurdjieff’s Teaching (Walker), 242

Gutch, John Matthew, 145

Gutch Memorandum Notebook, The (Coleridge), 144–146

Gutzkow, Karl, 37, 71

H.D., 166, 209

Helen in Egypt, 166

Hacker, Marilyn, 18, 159, 257, 259, 261, 264, 295