Language of Psychoanalysis, The (Laplanche and Pontalis), 108
“Last Days of Hart Crane, The” (Baird), 243
Laube, Heinrich, 45, 72
Lauretis, Teresa de, 130
Laws of Form, The (Spencer-Brown), xxxix, 322
Lauriers sont coupés, Les (Desjardin), 71
Lautréamont, Comte de, 15
Lawrence, D. H., 32, 73, 147, 259
Collected Poems, 259
The Trespasser [The Saga of Siegmund], 73
Lawrence, T. E., 165
Le Guin, Ursula K., xv, xix
Le Roy, Ladurie, Emmanuel, 41
Leach, Edmund, 280
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 219
Lee, Spike, 154
Legends of the Wagner Dramas, The (Weston), 72
Léger, Fernand, 4
Leiber, Fritz, 166
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 272
Lenya, Lotte, 14
Leonardo da Vinci, 217
Mona Lisa, 21
Leopardi, 233, 237
“Letter to a Critic” (Delany), 257
Letters from Rodez (Artaud), 3
Levi, Hermann, 69–71
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 277–280, 321
La Geste d’ Asdiwal, 277
Levine, Philip, 159, 261
Lewis, Thomas S. W., 243
“Lewti” (Coleridge), 145
Liebestod (Wagner), 21
“Life” (Greenberg), 185
Light, James, 243
Liliom (Lang), 14
Lipinski, Joseph, 50
Liszt, Franz, 39, 48
Lit (Silliman), 170
Literary Theory: An Introduction (Eagleton), 36, 93
Little Magazine, The, 257
Liveright, Horace, 241
Loeb, Pierre, 7
Lohengrin (Wagner), 21, 45, 56, 59, 61, 73
London, Jack, 315
“The Shadow and the Flash,” 316
“South of the Slot,” 316
“To Build a Fire,” 316
Lord of the Flies (Golding), 14
Lorde, Audre, xvi, 115
Louis Philippe, 50
“Love” (Coleridge), 145
“Love” (Greenberg), 185
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The” (Eliot), 193, 206–208
Loveman, Samuel, xxxiii, 183, 187, 205, 209–215, 239, 243
Lowell, Amy, 209, 210
A Critical Fable, 209
John Keats, 209
What’s O’Clock, 209
Lowes, John Livingston, 144–146, 209, 209
“Chaos,” 145
The Road to Xanadu, 144
Lowry, Malcolm, 189
Lucas, George, 38, 101, 102
The Empire Strikes Back, 100
Star Wars trilogy, 101
Lucy Church Amiably (Stein), 166
Ludlum, Charles, 17
Ludwig II, 44, 50, 54, 65, 73, 74, 78
Lugosi, Bela, 314
Lüttichau, Baron August von, 65
Lyrical Ballads (Coleridge), 145
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth), 180
Macauley, Robin, 36
Mackerjee, Mrs., 321
MacKinnon, Catherine, 92, 93, 95, 109
Mad Man, The (Delany), xvi
Magee, Bryan, 66
Mahabharata, The (Valmikki), 316
Making of Americans, The (Stein), 166
Malina, Judith, 17
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 278
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 192, 193, 200
“Man in Polyester Suit” (Mapple-thorpe), 153, 154
Man Who Died Twice, The (Robinson), 209
“Man Who Sold the Moon, The” (Heinlein), 310
Mandelstram, Osip, xxxii, 149
“Mango Tree, The” (Crane), 223
Manifest (Silliman), 170
“Manifesto for Cyborgs” (Haraway), 87, 89–102, 108–118
Mann, Thomas, 139, 202
Tod im Vennidig, 202
Manonni, Oscar, 147
Manzoni, Alessandro, 37
Mapplethorpe, Robert, xviii, 153–155
The Black Book, 153, 154
“Man in Polyester Suit,” 153, 154
Marlowe, Christopher, 196, 217
Martin, Robert, 140, 221
Marx, Karl, xxiii, 52, 64, 80, 95
The Communist Manifesto, 52
Master of Ballantrae, The (Stevenson), 13
Matisse, Henri, 7
Maximus Poems (Olson), 166, 167
McCabe, Ed, 18
McCaffrey, Anne, 87, 88, 96, 103, 115
The Ship Who Sang, 87, 103, 115
Mclntyre, Vonda, 116, 258, 298
The Cage, 258
Superluminal, 116
McKuen, Rod, 33
McLuhan, Marshall, 114
McManis, Jack, and Harold Holden, 180, 181, 185, 242
Medea (Seneca), 189
Mein Leben (Wagner), 43–45, 47–54, 60, 64, 67
Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Die (Wagner), 18
Melville, Herman, 139, 140, 185, 186, 191, 205
Moby-Dick, 186
Mendelson, Edward, 240
Mendelssohn, Felix, 50, 67
A-minor Symphony, 50
Mercer, Kobena, 153, 155
Meredith, George, 33, 127
Merwin, W. S., 41
Messenhauer [revolutionary], 56
Metropolis (Lang), 102
Metternich, Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von, 51
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 67
Meynell, Alice, 33
Michaux, Henri, 15
Mill, John Stuart, 36, 41
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 195, 208, 209
The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems, 208
The King’s Henchman, 209
Mille, Agnes de, 197n
Appalachian Spring, 197n
Miller, Henry, 15
Miller, Olive Burpré, 306
Milton, John, 167
Misérables, Les (Hugo), 43
Mitchell, Margaret, 38
Gone with the Wind, 38, 197
Mnemosne, 189
Moby-Dick (Melville), 186
Modigliani, Amadeo, 7
Molière, Jean Baptiste, 75
Molnar, Ferenk, 14
Mona Lisa (Da Vinci), 21
“Monologue” (Novalis), 229
Montaigne, Michel de, xiii, xiv, xvii, xxxv — xxxviii, 225, 226
“An Apology for Raymond Sebond,” xxxvi
Essais, xiv, xxxv
“Of the Cannibals,” 225
Moorcock, Michael, 147, 256, 257
Moore, Marianne, 149
More Than Human (Sturgeon), 321
Morgan, Robert, 261
“Morning” (Blake), 218
Morrison, Jim, 198n
“Riders of the Storm,” 198n
Motion of Light in Water, The (Delany), xv, xxvi, xxxi, 129
Mots et les choses, Les (Foucault), 9
Mouches, Les [The Flies] (Sartre), 80, 317
Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), 317
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 75
Muir, Pat, 293
Munson, Gorham, 183, 217, 241, 244
Murray, A. T., 164, 165
Musil, Robert, 140, 205
Young Törless, 141, 205