Return to Nevérÿon [series] (Delany), xvi, xvii, xix, xxiv — xxvi
Flight from Nevérÿon, xxvi, xxx, xxxi
Neveryóna, xxviii
Return to Nevérÿon, xxvi
“The Tale of Plagues and Carnivals,” xxvi, xxx
“The Tale of Rumor and Desire,” xxvi
Revue Wagnerienne, La, 71
“Revolution” (Wagner), 53, 63
Rexroth, Kenneth, 259
Das Rheingold (Wagner), 69, 83
“Rhetoric of Sex, the Discourse of Desire, The” (Delany), xxxi
Rich, Adrienne, xvi, 89, 115
Rickett, Dennis, 149, 157
“Ride of the Valkyries, The” (Wagner), 21
“Riders of the Storm” (Morrison), 198n
Ridge, Lola, 198
Riefenstahl, Leni, 14
Rienzi (Wagner), 16, 45
Riffaterre, Michael, 180
The Semiotics of Poetry, 180
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 149
Rimbaud, Arthur, 182, 191
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” [“The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in Seven Parts”] (Coleridge), 145
Ring and the Book, The (Browning), 168
Ring des Nibelungen, Der (Wagner), 21, 22, 40, 42, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 63, 66, 68–70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 83, 203
“River, The,” (Crane), 223
Riviére, Jacques, 1, 23–31, 78, 83, 172
Road to Xanadu, The (Lowes), 144, 209
Roads Must Roll, The (Heinlein), 257
Roan Stallion, Tamar, and Other Poems (Jeffers), 208
Robert Browning, The Poems (Browning), 167
Robinson, Bill, 265
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 208, 209
Collected Poems, 208
The Man Who Died Twice, 209
Tristam, 209
Rōckel, August, 46, 49, 51–54, 58, 62, 65
Rocketship Galileo (Heinlein), 312, 320
Rogers and Hammerstein, 14
Carousel, 14
Rollins, Hyder Edward, 242
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 139
Rope (Hitchcock), 202
Rossini, Gioacchino, 21, 65
William Tell overture, 21
“Royal Palm” (Crane), 240
Rozzen, Paul, 147
Rubá’iyát of Omar Khayyám (FitzGerald), 32
Rubyfruit Jungle (Brown), 141
Rudolph, Archduke, 73
Russ, Joanna, xxxii, 90, 116, 130, 147–149, 158, 298
The Adventures of Alyx, 116
The Female Man, 116
“Toward an Aesthetic of Science Fiction,” 253
We Who Are About To…, xxxii, 91, 147–149
Russell, Bertrand, 265, 266, 274n, 297
Principia Mathematica, 266
“Ruth” (Wordsworth), 145
Ryle, Gilbert, 254, 262, 263
The Concept of Mind, 254
S/Z (Barthes), xxii
Saillet, Maurice, 6
Saint Joan (Shaw), 80
Salt, Henry S., 189, 232
Sand, George, 32, 33, 35, 37–39, 41, 65–74
Sandoval, Chela, 92
Sappho, 184, 205
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 4, 80, 317
Les Mouches [The Flies], 80, 317
Schaefer, William David, 232
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 61
“Ode to Joy,” 61
Schlegel, Friedrich, 230
Schoenberg, Arnold, 17, 80
Scholes, Robert, 80
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 188
Schorske, Carl, 41
Schroder-Devrient, Wilhelmine, 1, 59
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 101
Scott, Sir Walter, 39, 165
Sea and the Mirror, The (Auden), 83
“Sea Surface Full of Clouds” (Stevens), 209
Seasons, The (Thomson [B.V.]), 196, 228
Sebond, Raymond, xxxv
Natural Theology, xxxv
Semiotics of Poetry, The (Riffaterre), 180
Semmig, on Wagner’s “flaming talk,” 47
Semper, Gottfried, 58
Seneca, 189
Medea, 189
“Sensucht nach dem Tode” [“Yearning for Death”] (Novalis), 230
“Serenade in Grey” (Greenberg), 179–181
Seven Types of Ambiguity (Empson), 181
“Seventh Street” (Toomer), 216
Sexual Visions (Jordanova), 139
“Shadow and the Flash, The” (London), 316
“Shadows” (Delany), 160
Shakespeare, William, 35, 75, 139, 144, 150, 184, 205, 224, 226
Hamlet, 150, 151
The Tempest, 224
“Shakespeare in the Bush” (Bohannan), 150
Shattuck, Roger, 37
The Banquet Years, 37
Shaw, George Bernard, 43, 54, 103, 203, 204
The Perfect Wagnerite, 43, 54, 68, 203
Saint Joan, 80
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 13, 228, 237
Sherwin, Judith Johnson, 261
Ship Who Sang, The (McCaffrey), 87, 103, 115
Siebers, Tobin, xxxi
Heterotopia, xxxi
Siegfried (Wagner), 69
Siegfrieds Tod (Wagner), 56, 57
“Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane…, The” (Winters), 192, 199
Silliman, Ron, xxxv, 146, 157, 159, 163, 169–172, 210
ABC, 146, 169, 172
“Albany,” 146, 169, 170, 172
The Alphabet series, 146, 157, 163, 169, 171, 172
“Blue,” 146, 169, 170, 172
“Canons and Institutions: New Hope for the Disappeared,” 171
“Carbon,” 163, 169, 170, 172
“Demo,” 170
Demo to Ink, 170, 172
“Engines,” 170
“Force,” 170
“Garfield,” 170
“Hidden,” 170
“Ink,” 170
Ketjak, 170, 171
Lit, 170
Manifest, 170
The New Sentence, 171
Paradise, 170
Tjanting, 170
What, 170
Simon, John Oliver, 261n
Simon, Marc, 238, 240, 243, 244
Sims, John, 256
Smith, Jeff, 103
Socialist Review, The, 89, 91
Society of the Spectacle, The (Debord), 229
Sociology of the Poem, The (Raban), 261
Sofoulis, Zoë, 95
Soloman, Carl, 15
Sontag, Susan, xxxvi, xxxvii, 16
Sordello (Browning), 167, 168
“South of the Slot” (London), 316
“Southern Cross” (Crane), 224
Specimen Days (Whitman), 220
Spencer-Brown, G., xxxixn, 265, 273, 322
The Laws of Form, xxxixn, 322
Spengler, Oswald, 95, 97, 110
Spenser, Edmund, 167
Sperling, Vikki, 263
Spicer, Jack, 27, 189, 321
“Language,” 321
Spielberg, Steven, 38, 154
The Color Purple, 154
Splendid Failure (Brunner), 191