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Op. cit. is the abbreviation of the Latin words opere citato, which mean 'in the work that I have quoted'.

ibid. adverb used in formal writing when you are referring to the same book, article etc as the one that you have just mentioned:

Half of these countries have incomes between $1,000 and $3,000 ( ibid: p63). STUDY NOTE: Grammar

Ibid. comes from the Latin word ibidem, which means 'in the same place'.

loc. cit. used in formal writing when you are referring to the same page in a book, article etc as the one that you have just mentioned:

According to Dionysius (loc. cit.) the statue had disappeared, and was supposed to have been burned.


loc. cit. is an abbreviation of the Latin words loco citato, which mean 'in the same place I have quoted'.

pp. the written abbreviation of pages, used when you are referring to several pages in another writer's book, article etc:

• See also Wadsworth 1978, pp. 54-55

Related / Unrelated

Ways of saying that two things are related

Related to what is being discussed

Not related

Not related to what you are discussing

1. Ways of saying that two things are related

related / connected adjective if two things are related or connected, there is some kind of connection between them:

These two problems are closely related to each other.

Some people think that the stones are connected in some way with religious ceremonies.


You can use related before a noun, for example: The report deals with homelessness and other related issues. But you do not normally use connected before a noun in this way.

You can also say that two things are not unrelated (=they are related), for example: Much of modern philosophy is not unrelated to the ideas of the ancient Greeks.

linked adjective if two things are linked, there is a direct connection between them, and often one of them is the cause of the other:

High levels of cholesterol are linked with an increased risk of heart disease.

Individual performance is linked to the amount of effort that you put in.

Two closely linked factors produced this result.

Our minds and our bodies are inextricably linked. (=they are so closely linked that they cannot be considered separately)

(there is a) connection / link if there is a connection or link between two things, they are dircetly connected, and often one of them is the cause of the other:

All the data we have suggests that there is a direct connection between the use of fossil fuels and the rise in global temperatures.

Studies in the 1960s showed that there was a link between smoking and lung cancer.

(there is a) correlation if there is a correlation between two things, they are connected and one may cause the other:

Karimov claims to have discovered a direct correlation between nuclear tests in the area and earthquakes throughout the former Soviet Union.

It is is well known that there is a strong correlation between obesity and some forms of cancer.

Numerous studies have shown a consistent negative correlation between age and participation in sporting activities. (=older people are less likely to do sport) | There is a significant positive correlation between alcohol consumption and the incidence of the disease. (=people who drink a lot of alcohol are more likely to get the disease)


Correlation is used especially in statements that are based on scientific studies and statistics

Interrelated / interconnected adjective if things are interrelated or

interconnected, they are connected with each other and affect each other in a complicated series of ways:

Darwin said that all life on earth is interrelated.

The book consists of a series of interconnected essays.

interdependent adjective if two things are interdependent, each of them depends on the other, and they cannot exist or continue independently:

The parts of any living organism are interdependent.

The economies of town and countryside were closely interdependent.

associated adjective if something is associated with another thing, it is thought to have a connection with it:

Researchers discovered a gene associated with some forms of skin cancer.

Salaries and associated costs have risen significantly over the past year.

be bound up with if two things are bound up with each other, they are very closely connected and need to be considered together:

Your sense of yourself as a person is closely bound up with what happens in your early childhood.

The mill's history is inextricably bound up with that of the Wilkins family (=they are so closely linked that they cannot be considered separately)

go together phrasal verb if two things go together, you usually find one with the other:

Ignorance and distrust go together.

Inflation and high unemployment usually go together.

Related to what is being discussed

relevant adjective related to what is being discussed or to a particular area of activity:

His work is particularly relevant to this discussion.

The tribunal will look at all the relevant facts before making up its mind.

Applicants should be educated to PhD level, and have several years' relevant experience.

pertinent adjective a formal word. If something is pertinent to what is being discussed, it is directly concerned with it and it is important to consider it:

The report was first published in the late 1980s, but its findings are still pertinent to today's situation.

This raises a pertinent question. Why should we give politicians all this power?

germane adjective a formal word. Something that is germane is directly concerned with what is being discussed:

The chapters which are germane to to the topic are chapters 11 and 12.

These questions are especially germane in nuclear physics, where researchers are constantly looking for better methods of analysis.

have a bearing on if something has a bearing on a situation, it is likely to have a big effect on it and it is important to consider it:

At first it was difficult to see how this discovery had any bearing on the problem.

Advances in genetics are likely to have a huge bearing on discussions about individual freedom.