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A Only use deal with about serious subjects or problems.


^ look here for...

about a person or subject

not exact

^ if you mean 'be about to', go to the essential grammar section 5

" about a person or subject

about p'baut/ [preposition] concerned with a particular subject or person: She talks about him all the time. I I'm reading a story about some children who get lost on a mountain. I I'ue been thinking about what you said, and I've decided that you're right. I Does anyone have any questions about tonight's homework? be about "It's a really good film." "What's it about?" "It's about some students in New York."

ori /dn||a:n, эгл/ [preposition] about a particular subject: a book on 18th century European literature I Professor Dodd is gioing a lecture on medieval history. opinio as/ideas/views on a survey of young people's opinions on marriage + how/why/what etc We would like to hear your views on how services could be improved.

Don't use on to talk about books, films etc that tell stories. Use it about more

serious subjects or opinions.

concerning/regarding /ksns^nir],

n'ga:rdii)/ [preposition] formal about - use this to talk about information, ideas, questions, or discussions, not to talk about books, films, or stories: The police have new information concerning the identity of the murder victim. I Thank you for your letter regarding my student loan.

deal with StK /dill wid (sth)/ Iphrasa/

verb T] if a book, film, play etc deals with a subject, it is about that subject: The story deals with the problems of poverty and unemployment. I The earliest films made in India deait with religious subjects.

dealing - dealt - have dealt

И not an exact number or amount

about (also around especially american) /э'baot, 3'raond/ [adu\ a little more or a little less than a number, amount, distance, or time: The church is about a mile away. I It's about 2 years since I last saw him. I "What time would you like me to come?" "Oh. about 9 o'clock." I The murder was committed at around noon on Friday. I It cost around $1500.

approximately pproks^tlils'praik-/

[acfu] a little more or a little less than a number, amount, distance, or time: Each disk can store approximately 144 pages of text. I Approximately 30% of the community is Polish.

A Approximately js more formal than about or around and is mostly used in writinq.

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roughly /'rAfli/ [adu] a little more or a little less than a number - use this when you are making a guess which you know is not at all exact: A new computer like this one would cost roughly $2000. I There were roughly 50 people there.

or SO яэо/ use this after a number or

I i

amount to show that it may be a little more or a little less: "How many people are coming?" "Oh, about a dozen or so."I A month or so later, they heard that Blake was dead.

Qgive or take /gIV э:г teik/ give or take a few days/miles/dollars etc espe cially spoken use this after a number, to show that it is not exact but it is nearly correct: She's been working there for two years, give or take a few weeks.


look here for...

accept an offer or gift

accept an idea or suggestion

accept a situation that you cannot


11 to accept an offer,

invitation, or request

^ opposite refuse

^ see also a? saying yes, и invitations,


accept /sk'sept/1 {v T] to say yes to an offer, an invitation, or a chance to do something: / decided to accept the job. I The President has accepted an invitation to visit Beijing. I If they offered you a place

on the course, would you accept it?

——■ — — - — —— ^

/К Don't say 'I accepted to do it'. Say 1 agreed to do it.

take /teik/ (u T] if you take an opportunity or a job that someone offers you, you accept it: He says hell take the job if the money's right. I This is a ivonderful opportunity - / think you should take it.

taking - took - have taken

A Take is more informal than accept,

Qsay yes /,sei 'jes/ especially spoken to say you will do what someone has invited you to do or asked you to do; We'd hue you to come with us to France this summer. Please say yes! I He doesn't usually lend his CDs, so I was surprised when he soid yes.

agree /a'grii/ [и I] to say you will do what someone has asked you to do, especially something that may be difficult, inconvenient etc: They've asked me to attend

the conference, and I've agreed, agree to do sth I wish I had never agreed to teach him to drive.

agreeing - agreed - have agreed

take sb up on sth/take up sb's

ojffer /,teik (sb) лр Dn (sth), ,teik лр (sb's) 'Df3r||-'Dif-/ to accept someone's offer to do something for you, especially when you accept the offer some time after it was made: "// you need a babysitter, give me a call." "Thanks -I may take you up on that some timef" I In the end he took up his parents' offer of a loan.

В to take money or a gift that someone offers you

opposite REFUSE

take /teikI [u TJ to take something that

someone offers you: He gave us a lot of

helpful advice, but refused to take any payment for it.

take sth from sb My mother always

warned us never to take candy from strangers.

Qtake it or leave it spoken (used to tell someone that you will not change your offer) I'm offering you $100 - take it or leave it,

taking - took - have taken

accept /эк sept/ [v T] to take money or a gift from someone: We hope you'll accept this small gift. I The hotel accepts all major credit cards. accept sth from sb The Director was accused of accepting bribes from oil companies.

A Accept is more formal than take.

В to agree that a suggestion or idea is right


see also is saying yes, is agreeing,

is suggestions

accept /эк sept/ [и T] to agree that a suggestion or idea is right, especially when you did not previously think so: People are beginning to accept the idea that higher taxes may be necessary. + that The judge accepted that Carter had not intended to harm anyone.

agree fa'grii/ [и I] to accept that a plan or suggestion is good, especially when you have the power to decide whether it will be allowed to happen: I spoke to my boss yesterday about postponing the meeting, and she agreed.