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gets run over, a car or other vehicle hits them, and they get hurt or killed: Our last cat got run over by a car outside our house. I Don't run out into the road - you'll get run over.



\ /





cd apologizing

accidentally/by accident

dent(i< bai 'aeks^ctant [aduj if you do something accidentally or by accident, you

do it even though you did not intend to: / accidentally burnt a hole in her sofa with my cigarette. I Doctors discovered the new drug quite by accident, while

they were researching something else.

Д Word order: accidentally can come



between the subject and the verb (I accidentally broke it), but ЬУ accident usually comes at the end of a sentence or clause (I broke it by accident).

unintentionally /глшПеп/*пэН/ \odv]

especially written if you do something unintentionally, especially something bad, you do it even though you did not intend to: Some male science teachers unintentionally discourage the girls in

their classes.

by mistake /Ьш mi'steik/ [adv] if you do

something by mistake, you intend to do one thing but you make a mistake and do something else instead: Gary wandered into the wrong hotel room by mistake. I Police believe Burton may have shot the woman by mistake.

Qdldn't mean to /didnt 'mim tu:/ especially spoken if you didn't mean to do something bad or wrong, you did not intend to do it

didn't mean to do sth Sorry, / didn't mean to upset you. I I'm sure Rachel didn't mean to leave the door unlocked.

A You often say I didn't mean to when you are saying sorry to someone: I m sorry I shouted at you. I didn't mean to.

accidental /.aeksj'dentty Ml use this

about bad or dangerous things that happen, which no one intended to happen: Gina took an accidental overdose of painkillers. I 70% of accidental deaths are alcohol related.

unintentional /.Anm'tenJ^naU/ [adj]

especially written said or done accidental^ especially when you were trying to say or do something completely different: Any offence these remarks might have caused was wholly unintentional.

Qit was an accident /it wdz эп

'«ksicbnt/ spoken say this to tell someone that you did not intend to do something, for example when you have broken something or made a mistake, and someone is angry with you: It was an accident - the handle just came off when I picked it up.

When you see HH, go to the


see also films/movies, theatre,

television and radio

D someone who performs

in plays or films

actor /'aekt3r/ [n C] someone whose job is to perform in plays or films: Keanu Reeves is my favourite actor. I The actor who played Macbeth was really good.

actress /'aektr^s/ [n C] a woman whose job

is to perform in plays or films: I've always wan fed to be an actress. I actress and singer, Cher

Д You can use actor about a man or a woman. Some women prefer to be called actors and do not like the word actress.

star /stair/ [n С) a very famous actor, especially in films: Hundreds of fans gathered to watch the stars arriving at the Oscar ceremony.

filmjmovie star Movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger has said he would like to enter politics.

El to be in a play or film

act /aekt/ [и I] to be an actor in plays or films, especially as a job: I decided I wanted to act when I was twelve years old. I She always enjoyed acting.

acting /'aektig/ (n U] the job or skill of being an actor: Before he became famous, James Dean studied acting in New York. I a career in acting

play /plei/ [и T] to act as a particular character in a play or film play Hamlet/Cleopatra/James Bond etc

Timothy Dalton tuas the fourth actor to play James Bond. I Mother Courage was played by Diana Rigg. play a part We still need someone to play the part of the messenger.

be in sth /biz in (sth)/ \phrasal verb T) especially spoken to act in a particular play or film: You remember Larry Hagman - he used to be in 'Dallas'.

perform /pa'fbt'm/ [v T] if a group of actors performs a play, they act in it for people to watch: The children perform a

Christmas pantomime every year I The group will be performing 'Cats' in the Open Air Theatre.

performance /рэгТэ:гтэП5/ [n q the way

someone acts in a play or film - use this to talk about how good or bad someone's

acting is: Sean Penn's finest performance was in 'Dead Man Walking'.

give a good/bad etc performance Meryl

Streep, playing the murdered baby's mother, gives a marvellous performance.

® to be the most important actor in a play or film

/sta3r| [и 1/T] if ari actor stars in a film or a play, he or she is one of the most important actors in it; if a film or play stars an actor, he or she plays one of the most important characters in it + in Can you name the actress who starred in 'Gone with the Wind'? + as Bob Hoskins stars as a private detective. I 'Heat' is a police drama starring Robert de Niro and Al Pacino.

starring - starred - have starred

leading role/starring role гэо1

stcrnr] 'гэо1/ [л С) the job of acting as the most important character in a film: Judy Garland became famous after her starring role in 'The Wizard of Oz. play the leading/starring role (=act as the most important character) Michael Keaton played the leading role in the

first two 'Batman' movies. i л

leaa g mos^ important actor

or character in a play or film play the lead (=be the main actor) She was given the chance to play the lead when Pamela Anderson became ill. lead part/role/actor etc Kevin Costner has been given the lead role in a $50m movie about life after a nuclear war.


M the person that an actor pretends to be in a play or film

character /teriktor/ [n q one oi the

people in the story of a play or film: Demi Moore's character is a woman who has