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– Vasily, look at the sky now.

I turned the head, looked through a window leaf in a dark, covered with nimbus clouds sky and I say:

– Yes, I see: it’s dark and cloudy there.

– But do you know that behind clouds there are stars, don’t you? And in the afternoon behind clouds there is a sun, right?

– Yes, – I agree.

You don’t need to believe it, – he continued, – you don’t guess if there is a sun behind clouds or not, you know that it’s there.

– Yes, – I answer, – that’s all true.

– And so, Vasily, people only believe in me, believe in what I am, and you, Vasily, are talking to me!

Chapter 1. Life before “birth”

I remembered the moment from childhood. Times of stagnant eightieth of last century. How old was I back then? Seven… or eight. I remember, once there was a thunder-storm in the evening, and huge dark clouds hung over houses, crumpled to the earth with a lightning. At first I stood behind a door on a balcony and looked at the darkness frightening by weight, and then I suddenly wanted to open a door and to tell these clouds:

– Wo-o-h, clouds!!! Come on, rattle a thunder stronger! You are so high above me, and so far! I’m not afraid of you!

…And at this moment such deafening thunder was distributed nearby, that having been frightened, I ran out from a balcony, closed a door and felt like… clouds as though… heard me, perhaps? Or it seemed to me? After all such does not happen that the cloud “hears” the person… The thunder-storm already ended, and I still could not calm down in any way. Even to look out in a window it was scary. At last, having grown bolder, I again came to a balcony, squinting from a sunset sunlight and inhaling aroma of freshly squeezed clouds. “No, of course, – I thought, – clouds cannot take offense at me, this is just a coincidence”. But inside I still had accurate feeling that someone invisible pointed a finger me at this moment in a breast, having threatened thus: it is not necessary to joke with such huge force…

In the childhood I loved books. At first to look at them. Big colourful pictures in children’s fairy tales and twisting lines of letters, especially header. Then, when I learned to read, could run long eyes on lines, drawing in the head fantastic pictures.

Once, cleaning the apartment, to me the book lying behind a bed met. It was the big, heavy book – not such as usual books. Even externally the book differed from all that I saw earlier, being allocated with the solid size. “Interesting, what is this book about?”, – I thought, leafing through the page by the page. It appeared that among other information in the book it was written about possibility of transfer of thoughts on distance, how subjects, plants, animals and people allegedly can communicate. Some indistinct explanations contained in the book also: as such maybe what exercises the reader that it turned out needs to do. Of course, I wanted to understand schemes and drawings from the book – how does author do it?

I tried to repeat some experiments from the book, but my experiences did not lead to any visible results. Reading the book further, I especially became interested in one chapter. In it there was a speech about opportunity to communicate with the subconsciousness (the author of the book so claimed) by obtaining information via the tool – a pendulum (the subject suspended on a thread which needs to be held in hand). I read how it is possible to ask a pendulum questions and to receive answers, starting with answers “yes” or “no” on simple questions and finishing with the whole developed offers which can be made on letters. I remember an illustration on which such sequence of letters was represented. The picture reminded the opened fan on which each “stick” the letter was written. The pendulum had to show (deviating), which letter following in the answer. I made such pendulum, was inclined over the book picture, in accuracy as the drawn little man, asked the question … Anything. The pendulum did not deviate anywhere. Again and again I read – as it is necessary to hold a hand how to address to subconsciousness, but… nothing happened…

“Ha-ha-ha, – I laughed about myself, – well of course, it cannot be. The author of the book simply thought up everything, drew attention of readers and earned money on the book”.

In that book I looked several times, re-read pages about a pendulum … What was so pleasant to me? Why couldn’t I come off pictures with the concentrated person? For years later I met also other books where authors described “communication” with subconsciousness through a pendulum. Someone from authors claimed that it is possible to “ agree” with a pendulum, there were explanations that the pendulum is a conductor to “a field of knowledge of Earth”, “light forces”, there were similar descriptions – as it is necessary to start asking questions how to thank for answers and much that else. Looking back, it is possible to telclass="underline" yes, for those times it was unusual, not by rules, perhaps, and it was interesting to reading but as any practical actions it was impossible to me, over time interest in literature in which it was told about pendulums, died away.

The moment from “last” life, working one. Many of us remember work with a grief shade. My reminiscence of that time same, sad: all day long I worked in one of “standard” scientific research institutes, receiving a small salary. Laboratory, around research devices, microscopes, clever people, experts… Day by day. All the same. And though from the point of view of colleagues, the events were interesting, rather everything began to bother me. There was a wish for some creative work, communication with new people, there was a wish to be engaged in that is pleasant to me, but not boring researches, or at least to earn so much, how many would be enough for realization of the interests. Yes, many people want to change the work, but not everyone is ready for real changes. For various reasons. The reasons not to change anything cardinally were and at me.

Such day came – usual day in appearance, – when I, it is possible to tell, “was at the end of the resources of internal boiling”. Whether in this life something is random? This day the unusual person came to our laboratory. I didn’t see how he entered, – he came to our heads, and I sat in the neighboring room and through a wall heard how he carries on conversation. I heard so steady voice, such accurately put speech that didn’t hear earlier anywhere: neither in advertizing on radio, nor on a TV screen. This person, it seemed, knew beforehand about what he will be asked, and his immediate answers “marched”, as soldiers on parade of a victory. I could not keep and glanced in that part of the room where there was a conversation. Appearance of the mysterious person only supported my delight: ideal suit, the cleanest shoes, strict and a little menacing look. I saw before myself fashionable, the “very clean” dressed gentleman of years of fifty. And it in our small town! How?! From where?!

At the end of short conversation with heads this mister summed up the results of a meeting and already went to an exit from institute. I… don’t know, I cannot explain what happened to me, it was like a sweet hypnosis, – it is possible, from outside it looked indecently, I never did it before, but I resolved that I cannot sit in place any more. That I need very to catch up with this stranger and, perhaps, to detain him attention. But how, as well as than his simple employee from laboratory could interest? What will I tell? At the exit, already on steps, I apologized, called to this man, presented myself and expressed the admiration, having told that I liked his giving of and contents of his speech and that if it will have still an opportunity to come on a visit to our management, I have an irresistible desire to learn. He asked: to learn what? I answered: probably, at least to speak like you, if sometime you will need an assistant, I am ready (oh… what a nonsense I was saying, – in parallel I thought), being trained, to help you with affairs.