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First: Yes, I do have four eyes. The placement is not the same as the symbology would indicate, but they allow for greater acuity and frequency range. Obviously that means that I am indeed an alien. I am not allowed to leave my observation post for the four year duration of my sentence so you need not worry. As I stated before, I am only here as an observer.

As for your statements about planetary relocation, I will admit that such is impractical, and limited to smaller worlds without life-forms. But occasionally it has been useful if the body is rich in radioactive materials. Such, as you know, cannot be synthesized. The other fictional elements you refer to are also not unheard of. With the exception of cyberpunk. I have to admit I fail to fully understand the definition of the term I have found.

As for my actual occupation and purpose for being here, I prefer not to go into any details about this. I am already violating guidelines simply by revealing myself. Please understand that I merely wish to have someone to communicate with. Tell me about your work, and yourself. All my data on your species is based on what I have learned in school, and is incomplete and fragmentary. I would love to learn about you first-hand.

Seeker ::=E)


Dear Seeker:

I almost didn’t answer, but you really seem to want to talk. I’m just puzzled by your constant efforts to make me believe you’re an alien. As “incomplete and fragmentary” as your knowledge of us supposedly is, you seem to be awfully good in English, so why not just fess up and tell me what kind of work you do. No more of this alien stuff, please.


seeker02Bi@survey.com/ 060799;0825

Dear Sabrina:

I can understand that it is difficult for you to believe that I am actually an alien, and it would probably be better if I devised a story of a terrestrial occupation, but other than some general details, I do not have sufficient knowledge of such to continue a subterfuge of that sort. My ability to converse in your language is purely a function of my servo-system, and does not reflect my own expertise.

But, as you are obviously an intelligent individual who has compatible interests, I will try to explain what it is I do. This is a sensitive area, and the reason for the concern I mentioned earlier. However, as I have already violated my prime rule by responding to your note—I cannot be held responsible for the message that my servo-system dispatched—I may as well be honest and respond. But please, keep this matter fully confidential.

I have enclosed a full-figured graphics file in the same format as the one you sent to me so that you know what I look like. I am a member of one of the three space-faring species in this section of this Galaxy. We are looking forward to your species being a fourth, once you settle your internal conflicts and develop interstellar travel capability. I am here as part of a monitoring net to protect this system from outside influences so that you will develop on your own.

There is an electronic shield in place around your system that screens out any of our communications signals so that your SETI projects do not intercept them. It is not foolproof, but at least it scrambles our own signals so they are not readily detectable. Unfortunately, it has also caused a few minor errors to creep into some of your radio-astronomical observations, but the shield has been continuously improved to minimize such problems.

This shield is the first level of isolation. The second level is a ring of observer stations such as mine, in place to keep any overly curious tourists from visiting your world. There has also been a problem in the past of assorted students making illegal visits and contacts, leading to concern among certain segments of your society, and we are here to prevent this from happening again.

If you recall, I had mentioned serving a “sentence” here. What that means is that my duties here are my punishment for having been one of those students making illegal visits. Now I guard against others doing the same, and for every one I report, I receive a reduction in my sentence. Except I cannot report anyone due to hardware problems. I have to wait for my parole officer to contact me.

But this is a lonely posting! There have not been any violators for over a local year.

Please do not stop communicating with me…

Seeker ::= E)



Your sentence has been doubled.

There is a third level of protection in place, and periodically we test the first two levels for a potential for violations. There was no servo-system malfunction, merely a service check of your performance—and as you failed, my sentence has just been reduced by one year, local time. Thank you!! Sabrina :-D