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My ankles were wet and tom. Sheep bleated. Dagger flipped the turret to get a closer shot of the fire.

What were they burning? They stopped circling and clapped. What was burning? I saw two branches sparkling and one gray label with letters that didn’t mean anything.

Is that all? Claire murmured, staring at her hands.

They stopped circling and began to clap.

We didn’t know about the Hindu group, said Claire.

Who didn’t?

At the office.

You mean you did know other things we filmed?

Dagger I thought had written her a note in April answering the tentative encouargement he said she’d given him.

Dagger didn’t mention Hindu to you, did he?

Māyā’s the giveaway, said Claire. I mean, that’s Hindu. Anyhow I think Dagger wrote me.

I let that pass. I told her that later an American whom Dagger and I know in London hearing me talk about the bonfire got worked up about looping zoom dissolves. He thought Dagger had zoomed in through the ring to the fire; but in May we had no zoom.

What was his name? said Claire.

Cosmo. And he had a friend from Delhi he wanted Dagger to meet who he said lives completely in the present. I said we weren’t interested in technical tricks like looping zoom dissolves but he just kept talking at Dagger saying we ought to make a separate cartridge loop. Dag said he thought you could do that with eight but not sixteen, but Cosmo said when we got to projecting just insert the cartridge wherever we wanted and change the whole scene at will. Like, three, four loops, the audience couldn’t tell if it was a repeat or the people in the ring were just being shot all over again round and round. Dagger said, No, you better check that out, that doesn’t sound right…

Cosmo said to me, What else you got, man?

Once Cosmo got some high-priced audio equipment through Dagger and turned up one midnight waking Dagger and Alba and meaning to tape their entire record collection. Which is not quite the same thing as a friend dropping over in the middle of the afternoon to hunt up a magazine.

Did someone say anything to you? said Claire. Did you get close to the ring?

Here, I said, pulling out of my inside pocket a handful of diary pages.

Look, said Claire, I didn’t shop for lunch, all I’ve got in is granola and Earl Grey tea bags from England. And honey, Greek honey. Like, how long are you in New York? I could return those pages to your friend’s.

I said I didn’t have time. I skipped to a passage way past what I’d read her, put all but ten pages back in my inside pocket and said I was skipping a sentimental part full of technical stuff on loading our zoo-foot magazine when we used it.

She said, Eight doesn’t blow, so it wouldn’t have been any good to us. But that was Alba’s film you said — how many 8 cartridges did you say?

But I began again.

Look, said Claire, but she sank back stiff into the pale cushions.

I said, There’s some here you wouldn’t care about.

We’re well past the hedge, well past a young American Indian’s challenge to us and Dagger’s raucous I’m-from-Pathé-News I’m-looking-for-the-United-States, wait! hold that! out of the pan into the can, I do my best work when the subject stays still, who’s on guitar I got news for him there’s a chord called the subdominant.

And well past the guy who when we approached got off into the dark to a small tall grove of trees; well past the Beaujolais I went back to the car for and we couldn’t get this crowd to touch.

All the way a few minutes later to a tough little apple with hair to her buttocks. Dagger touched her fire-bright face with the back of his hand, he looked twice her size when he bent and gave her a one-arm hug and got shoved. The camera looked heavy then. He said, But it’s you I’ve been looking for ever since I got onto this road. Because you are beautiful.

He raised the camera, the motor hissed, he started to pan, he said, Try to be loving, what do you get.

I said I didn’t understand, why not just shoot some footage — and as for panning, it’s overrated.

The Nagra unit was in the boot; no point intruding it. Too bad because against the snapping of the blaze the damping of the various voices sounded an odd turn of distances.

When Dagger swung to get the grove where the man had gone, he didn’t switch off the motor. So it was an unintentional swishpan and hand-held at that, so you can imagine how it must have wobbled however strong the Dagger arm. The grove was just a shadow in the dark and thus almost as indefinite as the intervening blurs he swished through. Then the round-cheeked woman grabbed the arm supporting the pistol grip and Dagger switched off and listened to her.

She said they were finishing and we had no right to force it by entering their field.

A gaunt fellow said to me, It doesn’t matter, you will come and break bread at the house and we will drink a glass of your wine. I said, Oh you drink.

But the little woman said they’d been combining a Hymn to Night with the little boy’s initiation and she turned and informed me only three of them drank and the group was unusual in not excluding visitors from meals.

On the side of the fire toward the grove three men circled the boy chanting what sounded like Rama Rama. Several of the group were drifting away from the light.

Who’s that in the grove, said Dagger, I think your guru’s taking a breather.

There is no one in the grove, said the little woman, though she need not have answered, and as if continuing an instruction that had not been interrupted she explained that just as the group included different conditions of rebirth, so it included also different styles of practice, Tantric release, ascetic release.

Dagger moved away saying, What I want to know is who went into that there grove.

He was having trouble revolving his turret to find the 50 lens.

I said to the little bright-cheeked woman, Are there Americans here?

She said, Why do you ask? and pointed to the American Indian, who was saying to Dagger, I’ve been here four months, I mean in Britain, and I’m not looking back. I’m from Kansas City originally.

The woman pointed to the small circle chanting Rama and said, Also the boy-his father’s American, his mother’s English, they’re in London.

Dagger was on the far side of the fire. The big woman in the blanket stopped him and embraced him so he had to drop his camera hand. She said, Anyone who enters as you entered is so lost he risks rebirth as a tortoise. She giggled.

The little woman called to Dagger across the fire, But I know you, I know you from London. The big woman said with more laughter, Elspeth knows you. The big woman held Dagger and his camera at arm’s length: As the calf knows the mother, she said, you have not known the relation between your samsara and your karma.

Dagger very friendly said, Out of the karma, and the woman said, Into the camera.

I joined him near the grove. He was shooting. Sure enough I detected ahead a pale motion, though why he had to get (as he said) the complete picture puzzled me.

A skinny man in a hooded jacket stood with his arm around the young initiate: Come with us, brothers, he called, and Dagger called back, Just a minute, and the other fellow said, Throwaway your machine, brother, you are filming as if you were pursuing your enemies.