Marckus snorted, biting his tongue.
Crawford shrugged. “We offered battle here, and they declined. Captain Reynaud has scouted the nearby hills and assures me there is no danger from that direction. What more proof of our supremacy do you need? Now, I will thank you to obey your lord in this matter. Perhaps there is some area of training or discipline requiring your attention? Captain Reynaud is busy inspecting the catapults. Maybe you can see the horses are fed.”
“Aye, Lord,” Marckus agreed. “I am sure they are hungry.”
The bored sentry climbed toward his lonely perch on top of the rocky ridge, one of the lowest and westernmost of Garnet’s foothills. He didn’t like being stationed so far from his fellows-and their cookfires-but his captain had posted him on this ridge in the unlikely event that the enemy tried to make a flanking maneuver through the rough terrain.
Not that any army could move very fast or easily down there, he thought, looking at the tangle of rock and scrub pine in the narrow, carved valleys below, a maze of cliffs and deadfalls. Anyone could see how unlikely it was that an army would take this path.
But he was used to obeying bad orders. He settled on a sun-warmed rock, noting that it was slightly after noonday, and took out the small flask he carried in his belt pouch. There was one advantage to being out here by himself, he acknowledged. No pesky sergeants or officers were around to see him drink his fill!
He didn’t hear the slightest rustle, much less the goblin that had climbed the cliff below him, quietly pulling a razor-sharp knife from a leather scabbard. By the time the lone sentry had opened his mouth to shout an alarm, the blade was slicing through his throat.
The only sound that emerged was a dying gurgle.
The worg riders came down from the mountains in the middle of the afternoon, sweeping like a summer squall, black as oily smoke, piercing the army of Caergoth. They emerged from a series of valleys that were behind the long ditch, the prepared entrenchments, the carefully measured fields of fire for the catapults. The wolves roared in unison as they charged, with thousands of lupine paws pounding the ground simultaneously, and growls and snarls erupting from fanged, drooling jaws.
They struck the army in its exposed flank, which was anchored on the foothills of the Garnet Mountains. A secure area; a direction from which no army could attack-Captain Reynaud had assured the duke-after his horse had been unable to make headway into the hills.
Ankhar’s army had threaded through those hills, and all the more impressive, it had done it silently over only a few hours’ time The goblins and their sleek, powerful wolves bypassed the limited roads and trails that restricted the movement of knights and horses. Ankhar’s army had no wagons, no war machines, no baggage except that carried by each barbaric warrior in his small kit. With that startling tactic, they negated every advantage of Caergoth’s meticulous deployment, his steadfast preparation, and the expectations of his veteran officers and boldest captains.
The wolf-riders were only the first wave of the attack, but they came so suddenly and fiercely that they had spread through half the ranks before the other half even knew they were under attack. Canine jaws tore the throats of men who were looking up from their afternoon chores. Horses were bitten and hamstrung in their corrals, and the great supply wagons of the baggage train were quickly put to the torch, burned by mounted goblins who didn’t even slow down to admire their destructive handiwork.
Here and there a company of humans stood armed and ready, and these men formed squares of resistance, weapons and shields turned outward, valiantly defending their ground. The lupine cavalry simply gave them wide berth, leaving them for the second wave. Most of Caergoth’s cavalry had been posted on his left, near the open plain. Now these knights rode toward the sound of the fighting, great waves of charging horsemen-and in the process wreaking even worse chaos through the ranks of infantry who were desperately trying to form up along the whole of the reeling front.
In the wake of the worg riders came the draconians. The reptilian warriors, more than two thousand of them who had joined at the bidding of Cornellus, appeared along the high crests of the foothills. They howled and barked, making a ghastly song of death-then they launched their assault. Though most are incapable of true flight, all draconians can glide, and they used this ability to great advantage. Spreading leathery wings, they embarked from the high ramparts, descending from the heights with terrifying speed. Even in the air they maintained formation, so that they landed in groups of one hundred or more, spreading out through the increasingly confused ranks of Caergoth’s army.
They shredded the formations of pike and sword. Even in death they wrought havoc: a kapak glided down to perish on upraised spears and, dying, became a shower of acid spilling across a dozen men, blinding, choking, causing unspeakable pain. When a baaz perished it became a statue, and as it fell the killing weapon was frozen into its petrified flesh, torn from the human’s hands to leave the wielder unarmed in the face of the next brutal assailant.
Goblins and hobgoblins, the great mass of Ankhar’s army, came as the third wave. They poured out of the mountains in seeming infinite numbers. Their archers halted at the periphery, showering the vast camp with deadly missiles. Droves of arrows filled the sky, spilling downward over great swaths of land. In many places the brave squares of defenders, those who had seized weapon and shield and stood back to back with comrades, holding ground, were slaughtered by this deadly shower. If a few arrows went astray, wounded or killed some goblins, that was no matter-Ankhar’s army had many goblins and a limitless supply of arrows.
The Thorn Knights assembled and rode forward to aid the onslaught. Sir Hoarst and his two comrades delivered a crushing meteor swarm into the midst of Caergoth’s camp, barely missing the duke and his entourage. They sent hailstorms sweeping across the lines, ignited supplies with blazing fireballs, and sent powerful gusts of wind racing, which kicked up clouds of dust that blinded the defenders and further confused the situation.
Deep into their charge, the leading goblin regiments converged on the great war machines of Caergoth’s army. Brave artillerists were struggling to bring these big weapons into play, pulling up the stakes that had anchored them facing to the north, wheeling the cumbersome devices around so they could face an enemy that was converging from behind. As often as not, by the time these weapons were oriented toward the east a hundred goblins had overrun the crew, butchering those men who tried to stand by their machines, setting fire to the great structures of timber and steel. One did manage to lob a few big rocks against the enemy, only to be shattered by a well-aimed lightning bolt from Sir Hoarst.
Much of the right wing of the Caergoth army was annihilated, destroyed before the men could even react to the sudden disaster. A few knights and footmen survived by fleeing south, and they never turned back. The pockets of resistance became fewer and fewer. Those groups too small to be efficiently targeted by archery were overrun by the countless goblins who hurled themselves in a rapturous frenzy at the humans.
Farther from the foothills, the ranks had had more time-the warning of one or two minutes was enough to save a hundred lives-and here whole companies of armored knights deployed quickly under the commands of their veteran captains and sergeants-major. The duke himself fell back to safety, escorted by Captain Marckus and a small detachment of the Ducal Guard.
Two score knights rode down a regiment of goblins, leaving hundreds of the attackers dead and dying in their bloody wake. These riders pulled back, and more knights joined the first brave but now depleted unit, their horses surging around the blocks of human infantry, the footmen standing in lines and unbreakable squares while more and more horsemen collected. Gradually the rush of Ankhar’s attack slowed, ebbed, and ground to a halt.